WoD - Tuesday 26th September, 2023

WoD - Tuesday 26th September, 2023

Tomorrow’s workout is a hero with a big ask. It is brutal and done so for very good reason! Give it your best effort but with care please, just heed my advice… ensure you do everything to not hold your breath.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
SO1 Joshua Thomas Harris, 36, drowned during combat operations, August 30th 2008 in Afghanistan. He is survived by his parents Dr. Sam and Evelyn Harris, his brother Ranchor and twin sister Kiki.

“Mr Joshua”
5 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
30 GHD Sit ups
15 Deadlifts (115/80kg)

Spend 15:00 practicing pull overs

3 Sets
5 - 10 Strict toe to bar
5 Seated Z press + 15s pause overhead after 5th rep
20 Sollow rocks
Max headstand/handstand hold

WoD - Monday 25th September, 2023

WoD - Monday 25th September, 2023

Welcome to a new week, I hope you all had a blast and are excited to get destroyed at the hand of the main man himself… Mikey B.

Good luck! 😳

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
50ft Overhead walking lunge (50/35lbs)*
10 Chest to bar pull ups
10 Burpees
*Alternate hands as required

WoD - Friday 22nd September, 2023

WoD - Friday 22nd September, 2023

Welcome to the end of the week. FRIIIIIIDAY feeling! And to top off this week of kickings we will have a cheek pop at a games workout. I play on a benchmark. Or in other words, lots on fun…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds for time of:
Run 400m
12 Bar muscle ups
21 Dumbbell snatch (50/35lbs)

WoD - Thursday 21st September, 2023

WoD - Thursday 21st September, 2023

Now then I am being pretty nasty to you and I am sorry but, I am so interested to see how this is going to feel that I don’t really care. 😂
What I would advise is that you do not plan on having to use your legs until sometime next week…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
10 - 10 - 10 - 10
Back rack walking lunges
30 - 30 - 30 - 30
Wall balls (20/14)
These are supersets. Build load with each set of lunges.

15 minutes to establish a heavy snatch + hang snatch
5 Sets
10 Overhead walking lunges
Build each set

WoD - Wednesday 20th September, 2023

WoD - Wednesday 20th September, 2023

I am almost sorry for this, almost! Kind of, sort of, ism honour of Adrian Bozman’s 40th birthday this past weekend… a cheeky nod to him for making me sprint 30 calories twice on the assault bike but really more because I just love to watch people suffer…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For total time:
30/25 Calorie assault bike
Rest 5 minutes
30 Clean and jerks (60/40kg)
Rest 5 mins
30/25 Calorie assault bike

Be prepared to become comfortable with being uncomfortable.

WoD - Tuesday 19th September, 2023

WoD - Tuesday 19th September, 2023

I talked to some of you about how brutal tomorrow’s workout is. Get off that rower and out running at pace as fast as you can.

Sgt Major Jerry Dwayne Patton, 40, died on 15 October 2008 during High Altitude High Opening (HAHO) training while assigned to Army USSOCOM preparing for deployment to Afghanistan. Jerry is survived by his wife Molly and his sons Chad, Cody, Chase and Connor.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Run 1 mile
Row 2000m
Run 1 mile

Spend 15:00 practicing pull overs
3 sets
5 - 10 L-sit pull ups
5 Strict toes to bar
10 Dumbbell Z press

WoD - Monday 18th September, 2023

WoD - Monday 18th September, 2023

Happy Monday you lovely lot! I hope you have all had banging weekends! Fitness and fun filled, but ready to hit the ground running with let’s be honest, a pretty brutal workout. You are going to love it…
Back with one hell of a bang!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
25 Toes to bar
5 Overhead squat (80/60kg)
50 Double unders


WoD - Friday 15th September, 2023

WoD - Friday 15th September, 2023

Okay, now they are really hungry!

Have an awesome weekend… this is likely going to hurt way more than yesterday. Just a different kind of hurt!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
12 - 9 - 6 - 3
Wall walks
30 - 30 - 30 - 30
Alternating dumbbell snatch (50/35lb)
15 - 15 - 15 - 15
Toes to bar

WoD - Thursday 14th September, 2023

WoD - Thursday 14th September, 2023

I have two very tired, VERY hungry doggo’s to feed and let sleep. And so I will be short…

this is going to hurt your legs! 😁

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2
Back squats

10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2
Touch and go clean and jerks
Rest 2 minutes

Split stance strict press
5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5

WoD - Wednesday 13th September, 2023

WoD - Wednesday 13th September, 2023

A mid-week, high level thrashing coming your way. Now then, I know the loading is programmed to be heavy, but it should also not take you all day. Scale if needed to be able to keep the barbell moving at a decent pace...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
In teams of 3:
Triple heavy Isabelle
For time:
90 Snatches (80/60kg)
Perform these as you go, I go reps

WoD - Tuesday 12th September, 2023

WoD - Tuesday 12th September, 2023

So then, who got new and CRAZY fast Fran PBs?? And, if you didn’t do NOT stress, you don’t PB everything every day.
I am writing this prior but will be very surprised if I PB considering the pain I am currently feeling in my quads as a result of Friday’s thrusters. When it actually hurts to sit down and do nothing you know you’re in trouble!

And… your quads are getting zero rest bite here! Sorry not sorry! Anyway, here’s a picture of Watson smiling to cheer you up!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
3 Rounds for time:
30 Calorie row
30 Box jumps*
30 GHD sit ups

*Round 1 box height: 30”
Round 2 box height: 24”
Round 3 box height: 20”

15 - 12 - 9
Strict handstand press ups
Strict pull ups

3 Sets
8 Dumbbell bench press
15 Banded tricep extensions
5 - 10 Headstand tucks

WoD - Monday 11th September, 2023

WoD - Monday 11th September, 2023

22 years ago an act which took no time at all, changed the lives of thousands. Since that day our countries military have been fighting, not necessarily for something that they believe in but because that’s their job.
The understanding was that an act of terror, killing thousands had been brought into the western world, an ally and therefore we would support.
Unfortunately and as a direct result, many more lives were lost, some friends.
We will never forget and take a minute of reflection to those who are on this day, in harms way. May they always return home to their families safely.

Moving on, it’s time!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
21 - 15 - 9
Thrusters (95/65lb)
Pull ups

WoD - Friday 8th September, 2023

WoD - Friday 8th September, 2023

Welcome to the weekend and more than likely some form of complete and utter thrashing by the hand of Mikey B and an assault bike! Good luck!

Before you do that though, this might just pinch a little bit… just a little.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
10 rounds for maximum reps of:
30s Burpees
30s Rest
30s Dumbbell thrusters (2 x 50/35kg)
30s Rest

WoD - Thursday 7th September, 2023

WoD - Thursday 7th September, 2023

Just the workout, nothing special! The weekend is fast approaching and you can’t really polish a turd!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Rounds for time of:
10 Overhead squats (60/40kg)
15 Pull ups
20 GHD sit ups

1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1
Clean and Jerk

2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2
Zombie squats

WoD - Wednesday 6th September, 2023

WoD - Wednesday 6th September, 2023

A cheeky little mid-week blast where the weather is absolutely mental! At least it is where I am! Let’s hope Cardiff is basking too!

I wish your posterior chain all the luck in the world!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 20 minutes, complete:
21 - 15 - 9
Calorie row
Deadlift (160/105kg)
In the remaining time, set a 3 rep max deadlift

WoD - Tuesday 5th September, 2023

WoD - Tuesday 5th September, 2023

What a week, I told you we’d have an Indian summer! It’s what I have been holding out for, love it! ]

Now then, pay close attention for the aggro Irish assassin when she tells you to please be so kind and come down the rope now, please!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
90 Double unders
60 Air squats
3 Rope climbs

50 Handstand push ups
Each time you break complete 1 minute C2 bike

3 Sets
8 Dumbbell bench press
15 Banded tricep extensions
5 - 10 Headstand tucks

WoD - Monday 4th September, 2023

WoD - Monday 4th September, 2023

4 minutes and 37 seconds, with a change of an ASSAULT BIKE half way through a round AND breaking a set of 9 thrusters up into two sets!

I do fucking love you Tom, I really do but… what the hell were you doing?

Anyway, back to the obvious…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
15 - 12 - 9
Clean and jerks

These are touch and go reps, for maximum load (same load to be used throughout)
No re-grip, no pause, no dumping (expect for the last rep).
Rest as needed between sets.

WoD - Friday 1st September, 2023

WoD - Friday 1st September, 2023

I know this is said every year, and at almost every part of the year but… FML it’s SEPTEMBER. We are officially in the ‘embers!’

However, I am backing on a long, warm and fulfilling Indian summer! We can only but dream!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For 5 rounds, each for time, starting every 5 minutes:
21 GHD sit ups
15/12 Assault bike
9 Thrusters (40/30kg)

WoD - Thursday 31st August, 2023

WoD - Thursday 31st August, 2023

Come on in and get your snatch on, because before you know it, it will be so cold it will take you 45 minutes to warm your joints up enough to come anywhere near the lift and it’ll be time to go home!

Who doesn’t love the worlds coolest lift!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For max load:
3 - 3 - 3
2 - 2 - 2
1 - 1 - 1
If possible, add load each set.

3 - 3 - 3 - 3
Snatch balance

Every 2 minutes for 16 minutes:
3 Snatch

WoD - Wednesday 30th August, 2023

WoD - Wednesday 30th August, 2023

Well here we go, assault bike pay back time! It is your very favourite coaches special day!

Penblwydd Hapus Nicolę, you Irish potato cake loving legend! Everyone thinks you are an absolute gem, myself included! Proven by the sheer amount of abuse I give you (I am getting better) on a daily basis, you love it really and much more than the alternative.

Have an epic day buddy, go and do something really cool, paid for by someone else!

Love ya.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
60 Double unders
30 Toes to bar
15/12 Calorie row