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WoD - Monday 22nd February, 2021

WoD - Monday 22nd February, 2021

Happy Monday! Welcome to another week and the last of the month. Meaning that the week after will be March and in March the clocks go forwards! And that definitely means good things are coming!

And, Rona’s first birthday is not one of them!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 rounds of within 2 mins:
Max alternating devil press
Rest 2 mins

Dumbbell: 50/35lbs
Kettlebell: 24/16kg

Get the first day of the week’s workout in and post to SM…

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WoD - Thursday 11th of February, 2021

WoD - Thursday 11th of February, 2021

Sometimes people come into your life a little unexpectedly, when you least think, dig their claws in and do not let go! Lucky her name is Cath Knapton, we all love her and today is her birthday!

From a member to a members member, to a sister to most of us, not many folk I know would at the drop of a hat bring you: Penylan Pantry veg boxes; double cream; lend you her car or drive you to Swansea to get yours and swap a works shift to dog sit your utter nightmare of a cocaine snorting, possessed animal!

The fact that she is such a close friend is one of the many reasons why i am grateful for having CrossFit Cardiff, despite spelling her name with a K for at least 6 months!
But hey, maybe if I hadn’t have done that, things would be different!

Happy Birthday you legend, we all love ya!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 reps of:
Strict handstand push ups
Press ups
Dumbbell row*

*perform on both arms before moving on

F**k your workout videos…tag the shit out of Cath for her big day!

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WoD - Wednesday 3rd February, 2021

WoD - Wednesday 3rd February, 2021

Check him out…”Hollywood” hitting the big time. I reckon he’s got a little foundation on there, maybe some lippy and definitely a filter!

It showcases one hell of a story, told in such an inspiring way, truly communicating the message that CrossFit is nothing to be afraid of, but to get stuck into. Aided by such an amazing bunch of people among the community.

You’re all legends. If you haven’t seen it, watch it. Reach out and tell the big timer what you think!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Rounds, each for time of:
Run 200m
20 Devils press (50/35lbs)

Rest 4mins between rounds

Share and post times please…


WoD - Monday 1st February, 2021

WoD - Monday 1st February, 2021

Pinch, punch, first of the month. January flew by??? Not really, it seemed to drag. I don’t know. But what I do know is that we are one month closer to the summer!!

Happy Monday team, get stuck into some decent training this week, smash yourselves until your eye balls bleed…do it!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds as possible in 9 minutes of:
3 Power cleans
6 Front squats
9 Push press
12 Sit ups

Barbell: 50/35kg
Dumbbell or dumbbell(s): 50/35lbs
Rucksack: 20/15kg


WoD - Wednesday 27th January, 2021

WoD - Wednesday 27th January, 2021

Another hump day bites the dust! Not that I am wishing my days away or anything but…both the summer months and some hopeful normality would be seriously cool hey!

I have talked to a few folk, members and non members, all of whom are struggling with something. Focus your efforts on those close to you, the inner circle and sometimes those outside of it. Continue to reach out to make sure that we are getting any issues nipped in the bud immediately. Some people have been utterly un-affected by lockdown and C-19, others have lost a lot.
Reach out to them. Keep the ball rolling, we will be looking back on all this soon enough. For sure!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes:
Run 400m
20 Burpees
20 Kettlebell Swings

Kettlebell: 24/16kg
Dumbbell: 50/35lbs
Rucksack: 20kg


WoD - Friday 22nd January, 2021

WoD - Friday 22nd January, 2021

Told you Friday comes fast hey! Hopefully we’ve seen the arse end of Christoph so that we no longer need to worry about being damp and we can get stuck right into an enjoyable weekend!
Roll on beer Friday!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
At Home Andi
For time:
100 Dumbbell hang power snatches (50/35lbs)*
100 Dumbbell push presses (50/35lbs)*
100 Dumbbell sumo deadlift high pulls (50/35lbs)
100 Dumbbell front squats (50/35lbs)

*These dumbbell movements are single arm and alternating each 10 reps


WoD - Thursday 21st January, 2021

WoD - Thursday 21st January, 2021

I know I took the piss out of the rain yesterday, but I do wish it would f**k right off! Soggy doggo walking loses it’s novelty faster than a lockdown zoom class! ;-)

Still, it will be the summer again soon and we will be allowed out and about. Time absolutely missiles by, I mean the Trump administration is leaving office after 4 years, where the hell did that go?
Rona is coming close to her 1st birthday and only one or two muppets still have their Christmas decs up.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
25 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 5
Double unders
Sit ups
Handstand push ups

Basically Annie on heat! Go fast and unbroken on those sit ups and get those times up please…

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WoD - Tuesday 19th January, 2021

WoD - Tuesday 19th January, 2021

I hope your legs and lungs have recovered in time for another top level thrashing?! This time with the use of one dumbbell only, an upper body beasting with some peach sculpting thrown in for good measure.

Can anyone do this without the dumbbell touching the floor from start to finish?!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time
30 Dumbbell Overhead walking lunge (50/35lbs - Left arm)
20 Alternating Dumbbell snatch (50/35lbs)
20 Dumbbell bent over row (50/35lbs - Right arm)
30 Dumbbell Overhead walking lunge (50/35lbs - mixed)
20 Dumbbell bent over row (50/35lbs - Left arm)
20 Alternating Dumbbell snatch (50/35lbs)
30 Dumbbell Overhead walking lunge (50/35lbs - Right arm)

Get those videos of your suffering faces up on IG pretty please, we wanna see…

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WoD - Monday 18th January, 2021

WoD - Monday 18th January, 2021

Happy Monday team, the countdown to the weekend has already started, here’s how it goes…

You can’t count Monday, its already here and has begun, therefore the day is done. Tuesday is real, but it has a T in it the same as Thursday and seeing as Wednesday is a half day due to a sports afternoon it maty as well be Friday. Week over!

Therefore enjoy your weekend!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds for time of:
7 Clean and jerk
21 Air squats
49 Double unders

Barbell: 60/40kg
Dumbbell: 50/35lbs
Kettlebell: 24/16kg

Strength sessions

We are following on from last week with the same foundation for each session.

Session One
Session 1:

1. Back squat OR goblet squat - 3 x 10 w/5s negative (This is a 5 second count on the decent)
2. Bent over row - 3 x 10 w/5s negative

Session Two
1. Romanian deadlift (RDL) - 3x10 w/5s negative (This is a 5 second count on the lowering)
2. Strict press - 3 x 10 w/5s negative (This is a 5 second count on the lowering)

Should you have the ability to increase the load, do so by adding 5kg for lower body movements and 2.5kg for upper body. TECHNIQUE CANNOT change however (5 seconds is still 5 seconds).
If you can’t add load then you have two options. Increase either the duration of the negative to maybe 7 seconds, or increase the total reps to 12s while maintaining the tempo.

Keep it up you legends, get your teeth sunk into some good training and fight off those cobwebs. Hold yourselves accountable through tagging and sharing…

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WoD - Friday 15th January, 2021

WoD - Friday 15th January, 2021

Happy HAPPY Beerday, I mean Friday team!

Anther week of lockdown done, meaning another one closer to the end and more freedom with open gyms and other peoples faces! How can anyone not shout a big F**K yeah to that!?

Polish off your week of training with a nasty little single modality. Can anyone go unbroken on Double double Grace?

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
60 Clean & jerks*

*If using a DB or KB, perform 60 continuous reps on each arm before swapping

Barbell: 60/40kg
Dumbbell: 50/35lbs
Rucksack: Heavy

Get those final times up to your socials, you lockdown influencers…


WoD - Thursday 14th January, 2021

WoD - Thursday 14th January, 2021

It’s good for you this rain. It’s good for the soul. Heading out into the dark, wet, Welsh winter night is all character building stuff, you just have to keep telling yourself that without it, the warm embrace of your sofa would never feel as good!
And if you believe any of that you are a complete muppet! ;-)

Don’t forget the two strength sessions posted on Monday of this week. Get after them.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 15mins of:
10 Press up + row*
20 V-ups
10 Tuck jumps

*One press up, from the top of the rep, pull a dumbbell or kettlebell to the shoulder with one arm, and repeat with the other.

Get those rounds, reps and vids up. Even if it’s raining!

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WoD - Wednesday 13th January, 2021

WoD - Wednesday 13th January, 2021


The best way to get over it, why not smash yourself in the face with a cheeky arsed workout and then, chill the hell out with some awesome yoga. All of which you are able to do in the comfort of your own home!

However you are not going to appreciate one of those sections, and its not going to be hard to figure out which…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 rounds for maximum reps, within 2:30:
Run 400m
Squat clean thrusters (40/30kg)*
Rest 2:30 between rounds

*alternate if using 1 DB/KB

Barbell: 40/30kg
Dumbbell: 50/35lbs
Kettlebell: 24/16kg

Good luck, and the same as yesterday, if it’s not on instagram and tagged…did it really happen?

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WoD - Tuesday 12th January, 2021

WoD - Tuesday 12th January, 2021

Hello hello, I hope you found that seriously useful KB flow useful! Great for warm ups and cool downs, more movement is best. Less movement, well…sucks!

I have another very cool announcement for you all, please keep your eyes peeled on the gym social media accounts as well as the what’s ap group. A little add on to your membership and a thank you for the continued support.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 rounds for time:
30 Sit ups
30 Jumping lunges

Who can do each set of jumping lunges unbroken? The legs will be burning like cray cray! Times and than up to the platforms please legends…


Monday - 11th January 2021

Monday - 11th January 2021

Happy Monday campers, welcome to another week of Iso. I hope you all had epic weekends, hopefully without raising your blood alcohol levels too highly!

Today we have a couple of pieces along with the daily workout for you guys to get your teeth stuck into.

First of all, a dumbbell/kettlebell flow. Look out for a video demo, posted on social media later tonight but the goal is simple…

I am old, it is cold. I want to warm up well for workouts, practice positions and have a goal. So, I picked up a 16kg kettlebell and set a timer for 10mins. The rules were, try not to stop moving, try not to put the thing down. Since (literally 3 days ago) it had evolved and I thought I would offer it to you.

Kettlebell/Dumbbell Flow

  • 10 minutes is the target time. Rest as you want, the goal for the end of lockdown is that you are able to complete the full 10 minutes

  • If you have differing loads then start with the light and switch as you develop. For example move for 9mins with a 12kg kettlebell and then for 1min with a 16. If you have only one, then approach like an interval. 2mins on 1 off. Do that for a week and then increase the work time.

  • During the 10 minutes, anything goes. Swings, cleans, presses, jerks, lunges, Turkish get ups, sit up get ups, front, back and overhead squats, thrusters and snatches. Just keep moving and get creative.

  • Stay slow and smooth but try not to stop moving.

Strength focus
I will be putting out a bi-weekly strength focus each Monday. Two session which can be done at any point throughout the week, considering equipment restrictions.
The focus will be time under tension with lower loading. There is no need to put as much weight as possible on and just get through it quickly. Hold yourselves accountable to the length of time stated per movement so that you are able to develop intrinsic strength and stress the muscle for longer.
The focal point is technique with load.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

10 rounds for time:
10 Burpees
30 Double unders*

*star jumps

Strength Program

Session 1:
1. Back squat OR goblet squat - 3x10 w/ 5s negative 
2. Bent over row - 3x10 w/ 5s negative

Session 2:
1. Romanian deadlift (RDL) - 3x10 w/ 5s negative
2. Strict press - 3x10 w/ 5s negative

Get times, videos and whatever elses up to the socials please…


WoD - Thursday 7th January, 2021

WoD - Thursday 7th January, 2021

Some very cool things have come from this (last) years challenges, one of which you have to be a little bit wary of…splinter fitness groups for example.
Among you legends, small groups have arisen virtually via the means of what’s app and zoom, which are hell bent on helping those in need of improved fitness and therefore health. They are of course, varying degrees of the same measurement.
And I absolutely f**king love to hear about it! Hence why, if you know anyone who would benefit from a cheeky zoom class (with no requirement to even turn their videos on), then please get in touch. We would be more than happy to welcome them in.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
10 rounds for time:
Run 100m*
1 Wall walk
Run 100m
10 Press ups
Rest 30 seconds between rounds

*(or 10s out/10s back)

Get those times up to socials please team…


WoD - Wednesday 6th January, 2021

WoD - Wednesday 6th January, 2021

Hump day and one hell of a ass and ab burner for ya. Get on a zoom call and thrash yourself with your internet buddies!

It’s only what these call of duty spotters have been doing for years! ;-)

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time, the following reps of:
20 - 20 - 20 - 20 - 20
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Dumbbell snatch
Sit up

Dumbbell (50/35lbs)
Kettlebell (24/16kg)
Rucksack (whatever you can get in there)

Get those videos/timings up to social media, tag the living crap out of us!


WoD - Boxing Day Bank Holiday

WoD - Boxing Day Bank Holiday

Evening all! Here’s to hoping that you guys are all at least not drunk, but possibly hung over. And if you are still drunk and not yet hung over…that it is kind to you when it arrives.

Please, please, please, could I make one more request for you all to bring down your used and messed up trainers. I know that you all have spanking new nanos and metcons, and maybe even no bulls or inov8s…soon to be dazzling your neighbouring CrossFitter with their shininess. You don’t need the others, but we need to protest the hell out of these latest restrictions by using them.

I will be at the gym if any of you are able to drop them off, on New Years Eve at 09:30. And, at other times prior to that TBC.

Please help.

Anyway, this little number should blow any cobwebs away!

Class time
Zoom: 10:00am

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
4 Rounds, each for time:
12 Front squats
6 “Bar” facing burpees
12 Push press
6 “Bar” over burpees
12 Thrusters
6 Burpees
Rest 4 minutes between rounds

1 Barbell 50/35kg
2 Dumbbells 50/35lbs
1 Rucksack 20/15kg

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WoD - Wednesday 23rd December, 2020

WoD - Wednesday 23rd December, 2020

We did today’s workout in Lockdown 1.0, on the 2nd of June. I think that was the last time I did a workout that was shorter than 15mins! Man the assault bike is going to hurt so badly!

U.S. Army Specialist Donald L. Nichols, 21, of Shell Rock, Iowa, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 133rd Infantry Regiment, Iowa Army National Guard, based in Waterloo, Iowa, died April 13, 2011, in Laghman province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when insurgents attacked his unit using an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his mother and stepfather, Roger and Becky Poock; his father and stepmother, Jeff and Jeanie Nichols; and his brothers, Nick and Joe.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
21 - 15 - 9 - 9 - 15 - 21 reps for time of:
Deadlift (100/70kg)*

Whatever load you have, pick it up and get cracking. This workout can be done with literally any weight or object. You are restricted by your imagination and mojo only. Just do it, you will feel waaaaay better for it.

Get those videos tagged and posted to SM…


WoD - Tuesday 22nd December, 2020

WoD - Tuesday 22nd December, 2020

Could someone with a little more education than me please explain why the toys, wellington boots, towels and t-shirts in sainsbury's will give you C-19 but the Dairy milk, biscuits, chips, fake meat and really fake meat won’t?! I really, really want to know.

Thank you in advance!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
7 Rounds for time:
11 Back squats
10 Push jerks
Loading (whatever you have)

Please get some video evidence of your isolated suffering up on social media!


WoD - Wednesday 15th July, 2020

WoD - Wednesday 15th July, 2020

Saturday is fast approaching and with the class filling up, be sure to book if you don’t want to miss out!

Click on the word class, the next time it comes up within this sentence and you can get your place reserved. The CLASS will begin at 10:30 sharp, do not be late! Entering the gym itself will not be permitted, and so please do not plan on using changing rooms etc.

Workout details will be announced on Friday so that you will know just what items of equipment to bring. Remember, the gym is empty as it has all been dished out to you guys and so if you decide not to bring it, then the workout will be mile run repeats! 😳😉

Looking forward to seeing you all team. I reckon it might be a tad emotional!

HUMP day! And what a stinker of a workout we have for you! You’d better hope that lockdown finishes soon, as this WoD gave me lots of ideas!

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

A: Within 8 minutes:
Weighted 800 Run (20/10kg rucksack
Max burpees
B: Within 6 minutes:
Weighted 600 Run (20/10kg rucksack)
Max burpee over rucksack
C: Within 4 minutes:
Weighted 400 Run (20/10kg rucksack)
Max burpee box jumps (24/20”)
Rest 4 minutes between rounds

1 Rucksack (20/15kg)
Or anything that you sucks to carry

Warm up
Run 800m
15 Walk outs with 1 press up
Run 600m
15 Burpees
Run 200m (weighted)
15 Box jumps (20”)

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here
