Viewing entries tagged
Heavy Day

WoD - Wednesday 11th September, 2024

WoD - Wednesday 11th September, 2024

Guess what’s back… in a slightly different format.

Now then, yes it is going to destroy your peachy little butt cheeks and yes, consistency of strength work is really effective.
Give a dog a bit of cheese each time it bites the neighbour and soon enough it will bite the poor bastard for cheese. Lung a lot and your ass WILL give people whiplash when you walk past them on the street.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Back rack walking lunge
12 - 10 - 8 - 10 - 12

Aim to start at your heaviest set from the week before. Increase load as reps decrease, then maintain or increase load as reps increase.

WoD - Wednesday 7th August, 2024

WoD - Wednesday 7th August, 2024

Rest in the hang, on the shoulders or overhead, but NOT on the floor. Go heavy and go hard, do everything you can to lift the most amount of load and actually achieve the set reps.


CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For max load:
6 - 6 - 4 - 4 - 2 - 2
Clean & Jerk

WoD - Wednesday 20th March, 2024

WoD - Wednesday 20th March, 2024

Mid-week and following a complete thrashing, let’s be honest. Potentially anyway.

Luckily tomorrow you will all be dry at least, battered legs again but they need to be strong so we’re all good. Summer’s coming after all, and this time it really is!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For straight sets:
5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5
Back squats

WoD - Tuesday 5th March, 2024

WoD - Tuesday 5th March, 2024

Last week we steered clear of a heavy load due a little bit to being governed by programmed around 24.1 and hoping that we don’t ruin folk with crippling DOMs in the build up.
This week we have manned up and forgotten all that rubbish! 😉…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: Within 10 minutes, establish a 1 RM snatch

Rest 5 minutes

B: For time:
Run 800m
3 Snatch
Run 600m
2 Snatch
Run 400m
1 Snatch

Snatch load is 90% of part A

For 8 rounds, every 1 minutes
Kipping/butterfly pull ups

3 Sets
3 Pull up negatives (5 seconds)
10 Ring rows

3 Sets
5 Bat wings + 5s negative
12 Strict banded pull ups (unbroken)

WoD - Friday 19th January, 2024

WoD - Friday 19th January, 2024

Friday is here… finally! The weekend is upon us and I hope you are excited to have a seriously good one! Chilling, fitnessing, drinking, coffeeing, eating, anything elseing!

Have a blast, but before you do…lift HEAVY

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Overhead walking lunges
10 - 10 - 10 - 10 - 10
Heavy & straight sets

WoD - Friday 8th December, 2023

WoD - Friday 8th December, 2023

Shit the bed it’s really here. I mean it is very early this year I suppose. The good news is that you will have a long time to build the capability to drink whiskey again on Xmas day. And if your name is Micheal Bartlett that will be vital!

Consider your life’s choices tomorrow, but not too much!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Establish a max weight for the complex at each rep scheme:
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 of:
1 Power clean
1 Hang squat clean

One attempt at each rep range.
Rest as needed between the descending reps.

WoD - Thursday 18th May, 2023

WoD - Thursday 18th May, 2023

Let’s hope those legs have some strength left in them. They are going to need it for some heavy arsed lifting!

No angry cats please!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
Build load as reps decrease

Jump warm up
15 minutes to build to a heavy complex of:
1 Power clean, 1 hang power clean, 1 front squat, 1 shoulder to overhead

Strict press
5 - 3 - 1

WoD - Thursday 21st April 2022

WoD - Thursday 21st April 2022

Spending the evening with 4 german shorthaired pointers must be the fastest way to be driven to alcohol that I have ever encountered, even faster than a mid lockdown Boris Johnson announcement.
The process is accelerated by attempting to get them all to pose for a picture…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Overhead squat
3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3

Bar muscle up
A: Bar muscle up drills

B: 3 Sets
20s Hanging strict hollow
40s Superman hold
5 Strict weighted pull-ups

WoD - Wednesday 13th April, 2022

WoD - Wednesday 13th April, 2022

HUMP DAY and not even really as Friday is bank holiday! We are actually way over the hump and on the way down!!

Tomorrow’s workout is a staple heavy day of Mikey B’s, he has a vendetta out against your little legs, and god bless him for it!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Sets for max weight:
6 Front squat
12 Front rack walking lunge
6 Front squat


WoD - Wednesday, 16th February, 2022

WoD - Wednesday, 16th February, 2022

The summer months are coming, just remember that, the very reason why we are doing this to you all. I’m only thinking of your peachy butts in those speedos!

Getting cracking with a cheeky hump day beasting…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For max load:
5 Sets of:
5 Front rack walking lunge
5 Front squat
5 Front rack walking lunge

You will not be able to breath at the end of this, and nor should you be. Scores up please legends…

WoD - Wednesday 2nd February, 2022

WoD - Wednesday 2nd February, 2022

Winter is drawing it’s sorry arse to a close and the summer is officially coming!

I mean if you think about it, we are now in February, potentially the worst month of the winter but… it’s SHORT and that is it! You can’r count March as the winter, we will be basking in our pants in no time!

And, in aid of such… get those glutes up to scratch!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 - 5 - 5 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 1
Touch and go, little contact to the floor!
Increase load every set 

Get those massive loads up to the whiteboard…

WoD - Thursday 18th November, 2021

WoD - Thursday 18th November, 2021

Who says we shouldn’t superset heavy AF back rack walking lunges and assault bike sprints?? That would be stupid and not provide us the opportunity to get some seriously funny instagram content.

I mean it’s absolutely a no brainer!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Back rack walking lunges
8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8
Heavy and straight sets
16/12 - 16/12 - 16/12 - 16/12* 
Calorie assault bike

Athletes should rest for 2 mins following each set and complete the assault bike calories. Rest a further 3 mins prior to the next set of lunges. There are 5 sets of lunges and 4 sets of calories, you will be glad to know.

Toes to bar

1a: Kipping drills
1b: Every minute for 5 minutes, on the minute:
20s Max toes to bar 

3 sets
2a: Max L-sit
2b: Max ring push ups
2c: 3 Pull-up negatives 

3 sets
3a: Max ring rows
3b: 14 Single leg V ups
3c: Max chin over bar hold supine

WoD - Friday 20th August, 2021

WoD - Friday 20th August, 2021

Man we are close to them ‘embers!! Proper bonkers how quickly this year has gone! Still, the good news is that the Xmas party will be here before you know it and I will hopefully still be hung over from my wedding!

GOOD TIMES are afoot.

Apart from tomorrow where you are likely going to want to have a little cry…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Find the maximum load possible for 15 touch and go reps of:
Clean and Jerk*

*the weight cannot be rested on the ground but can on the hang, front rack or in the overhead position. Reps must be touch and go.*

WoD - Thursday 15th July, 2021

WoD - Thursday 15th July, 2021

Well I had originally programmed that to be 4 rounds, how glad am I that I had second thoughts, my quads still hurt hours afterwards!

Anyway, now those puppies are mullered, you should only be able to use your hammies and glutes for tomorrow’s workout…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Back rack walking lunges

8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8

These are heavy but straight, the aim would be 90% of whatever you lifted for the heaviest set of 12 two weeks ago. GOOD LUCK butt cheeks!

Clean Complex
Clean grip deadlift - Hang clean - Clean

Back extensions
10 - 10 - 10 - 10


WoD - Tuesday 22nd June, 2021

WoD - Tuesday 22nd June, 2021

Well following that bang and actually starting the week running, we will slow the pace down and bump the weight RIGHT up for a cheeky heavy day!
Remember your numbers and record your loads. If you know them pre-lockdown then get any PBs written up to the whiteboard in red please.

Lift some heavy tin, drink protein shakes and slap each other on the arse…it’s a heavy day!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 30 minutes:
Build to a 4RM front squat

3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3

10 - 10 - 10
Hip extensions

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WoD - Tuesday 11th May, 2021

WoD - Tuesday 11th May, 2021

This shall be known as minimal Tuesday…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5

These sets are to be straight, same load throughout.

High hang snatch
3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3

10 - 10 - 10
Hip extensions


WoD - Tuesday 4th May, 2020

WoD - Tuesday 4th May, 2020

Well it turns out that having folk come into the gym to do classes is waaaaay more fun than zoom coaching! Weird that hey!

What an awesome way to get back involved. So cool to see so many of you back together and having such “fun”, actually working out.
Lockdown has been hard, a hell of a challenge. But I’m convinced it will have made us all stronger.

I can’t thank you all enough for the support that you have given me over the last 12 months. It has truly humbled me; not the first time CrossFit has done that. The very reason why I continue.

Back to the grind…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: Back squats
5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5

These sets are to be performed as straight sets. Go heavy (relative to lockdown), and stay heavy!

B: 2 sets:
30s hollow hold
30s side plank
30s superman hold

Get those loads lifted up to the whiteboard please team…

3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3*
High hang squat snatch

*same weight across

3 x 10 reps:
GHD hip extension


WoD - Wednesday 14th October, 2020

No assault bike yet, however, never ever let your guard down. You have no clue when it’s coming. Sooner than you think more likely.

Blistering times for today’s little lung burner, with no reason to stop, you lot were flying high in the sky. Where, lactic acid is as plentiful as exercise induced asthma!

Onto some strength…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Hang power clean
2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2
The goal is to build to 80% of your 1RM power clean and increase each set. Basically start really fricking heavy, and finish heavier. Push yourself to fail.

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WoD - Wednesday 26th August, 2020

WoD - Wednesday 26th August, 2020

A hero workout to kick off the week blows the cobwebs out…nothing quite like it! You are very welcome. Followed by a pretty vile and uber fast AMRAP, needing a little break…unlucky, it’s never going to happen!

However, tomorrow we are intentionally slowing the pace down and increasing the load. A heavy pulling day. Far fewers reps, much heavier weight. Get that pyramid loading on.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3*

*These are in a pyramid style. The goal is NOT to set a new 3RM, but to lift heavily across all sets. Begin at 80% of your 1RM and lift as follows…80/85/90/85/80%.

Loads up on the whiteboard please team…

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