Last week we steered clear of a heavy load due a little bit to being governed by programmed around 24.1 and hoping that we don’t ruin folk with crippling DOMs in the build up.
This week we have manned up and forgotten all that rubbish! 😉…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: Within 10 minutes, establish a 1 RM snatch

Rest 5 minutes

B: For time:
Run 800m
3 Snatch
Run 600m
2 Snatch
Run 400m
1 Snatch

Snatch load is 90% of part A

For 8 rounds, every 1 minutes
Kipping/butterfly pull ups

3 Sets
3 Pull up negatives (5 seconds)
10 Ring rows

3 Sets
5 Bat wings + 5s negative
12 Strict banded pull ups (unbroken)