Viewing entries tagged
Assault bike

WoD - Monday 16th September, 2024

WoD - Monday 16th September, 2024

I hope you were all found laughing in the face of Friday the 13th, just as we all were laughing in the face of Mikey B when he was attempting to destroy us with pressing movements yesterday…

FUCK YOU Mikey B!!! 😁

Speaking of workouts causing utter destruction… you’re not going to like this very much!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For 6 rounds, within 1:30:
18/15 Calorie assault bike
Max rep thrusters (50/35kg)
*3min rest between rounds

WoD - Wednesday 17th July, 2024

WoD - Wednesday 17th July, 2024

Remember what I said yesterday about time flying due to all the fun… 😬

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Assault bike calories
Wall balls (20/14lb)

WoD - Monday 13th May, 2024

WoD - Monday 13th May, 2024

Well that was a belter of a weekend. Sunkissed and very relaxing. Weekends off are for the win!

What’s not for the win is the vile workout that you guys have in store for tomorrow, a repeat and one which caused a fair amount of discomfort. It definitely does not feel like a relaxing dog walk, followed by a cocktail in a wood burning hot tub!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
4 Rounds each for time of:
30/25 Calorie assault bike*
10 Burpee box jump over (24/20”)
Rest 5 minutes between rounds
*Bike calories reduce by 5 each round


WoD - Wednesday 13th March, 2024

WoD - Wednesday 13th March, 2024

Mid-week and almost ready for another thrashing at the hands of CrossFit HQ and the 2024 open. Luckily though, it is the last one that they shall administer!

Although, when faced with the decision of doing an open workout vs one programmed at the hands of Mikey B, I think I know what I would choose…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For Time:
21 - 15 - 9
42 - 30 - 18
Calorie assault bike
Wall balls (20/14lbs)

SEE! 😬😳

WoD - Thursday 22nd February, 2024

WoD - Thursday 22nd February, 2024

March is coming, mental! The Daf’s are out and spring is upon us… how fricking cool! Saying that, what’s the bet that we get minus temperatures and snow in March?!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 1min complete:
12/10 Assault bike calories
Max rep shoulder to overhead (80/60kg)
Rest 1 minute.

Continue until 50 reps are completed

3 x 3 Seated box jumps

15 minutes to work up to a heavy:
Clean + hang clean

3 x 10 Clean grip, hook grip deadlifts

WoD - Friday 26th January, 2024

WoD - Friday 26th January, 2024

Here we go, the weekend! Let’s hope that Mikey has calmed the F down after last Saturday and is not intending to smash us all into the ground with god awful workouts!
We love it really Mikey! ISH!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: For 15:00:
Practice handstand walking

B: For 3 rounds:
Within 2 minutes:
20/17 Calorie assault bike
Max burpee box jump overs (24/20”)
Rest 2 minutes between rounds

WoD - Thursday 23rd November, 2023

WoD - Thursday 23rd November, 2023

Well well, I am sure you will all agree… Eva is a total bitch!

I love the story of the names. They aren’t all girlfriends but the thought process was that if a workout can leave you flat on your back, wondering what the hell has just happened to you, it deserved a females name! 😉
Like hurricanes and storms that destroy everything in their paths, a workout can do just that to us.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For 5 rounds, every 3 minutes:
15/12 Calorie assault bike
10 Hang power cleans (60/40kg)

For 8 rounds, every 1:30
2 Squat snatch, 2 second pause at the knee

For 5 rounds, every 1:30
1 hang Squat snatch

3 sets
6  push press
6 wide grip strict pull-ups

WoD - Thursday 2nd November, 2023

WoD - Thursday 2nd November, 2023

No banter sorry, just the obvious…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Rounds, each for time:
Within 2 minutes
7 Burpee box jump overs
14/12 Calorie assault bike
Rest 4 minutes between rounds

Every 2:30 for 5 rounds:
2 Squat snatch, 2 second pause at the knee

Every minute for 3 rounds”
1 Squat snatch

3 Sets
6  Push press
6 Wide grip strict pull - ups

WoD - Tuesday 17th October, 2023

WoD - Tuesday 17th October, 2023

Now listen here, you are not going to appreciate what is going to happen to you tomorrow, but… it is all designed with love in mind. Ish. Cruel to be kind and all that. As Coach Glassman said… “I wish the road to elite fitness was riding my bicycle and drinking beer… but it’s not!"

You really will love it! Once it’s over…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Part A:
For time:
Run 1 mile
100 Calorie assault bike
Run 800m
50 Calorie assault bike
Run 400m
25 Calorie assault bike
Run 200m

Part B: Immediately following part A: 8 minutes to establish a 3 rep max back squat

For 5 rounds, every 2 minutes
3 Negative handstand push ups (deficit if possible)

3 Sets
8 Box pike push ups
15 Seated dumbbell strict press

3 Sets
15 Tricep extension
10 Push-ups

WoD - Wednesday 20th September, 2023

WoD - Wednesday 20th September, 2023

I am almost sorry for this, almost! Kind of, sort of, ism honour of Adrian Bozman’s 40th birthday this past weekend… a cheeky nod to him for making me sprint 30 calories twice on the assault bike but really more because I just love to watch people suffer…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For total time:
30/25 Calorie assault bike
Rest 5 minutes
30 Clean and jerks (60/40kg)
Rest 5 mins
30/25 Calorie assault bike

Be prepared to become comfortable with being uncomfortable.

WoD - Wednesday 23rd August, 2023

WoD - Wednesday 23rd August, 2023

Now if yesterday wasn’t bad enough I have something to tell you. We have a surprise and it’s hidden in the style of fitness.
Not as nasty as usual, where you get absolutely no warning. Today I am giving you warning. No, not because I have gone soft, but not one of you would believe that I am actually going to make you do just a 5 min bike test.
Now then, if any of you saw the state of my last Wednesday evening, you will not be looking forward to your surprise. Remember, the benefits are delayed.

You will be just fine, once you are fine again…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many reps as possible within 5 minutes of:
Assault bike calories
Rest 5mins
B: Surprise!

WoD - Wednesday 21st June, 2023

WoD - Wednesday 21st June, 2023

This is it dude, Janet buddy, hump day! You know, the one in the middle, over the “hump”, you know… the hill! Meaning that it is downhill from here! Presumably to the weekend where you all get these mystical beasts termed days off.
Now the only caveat to that is that if, like you… you don’t really work all of the days of the week! 😉

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 rounds of
Within 3 minutes complete 20/15 calorie assault bike
Max rounds of “Cindy”
Rest 2 minutes in between rounds

“1 Round of Cindy”
5 Pull ups
10 Press ups
15 Air Squats

WoD - Wednesday 17th May, 2023

WoD - Wednesday 17th May, 2023

And when this workout comes out, classes are rammed… weird!

Hell of a job on yesterdays 5k! The only thing I am disappointed at is that Nicole did not follow everyone around while pedalling her bike and shouting on the mega phone!

Next time.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 20 minutes of
40 Air squats
20 GHD sit ups
10 Bar muscle ups

WoD - Wednesday 18th January, 2023

WoD - Wednesday 18th January, 2023

We have one serious mid week thrashing for you. What will make the run hard: your lungs or legs?

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For 5 rounds, within 5 minutes:
20/18 Calorie assault bike
200m Run

WoD - Monday 9th January, 2022

WoD - Monday 9th January, 2022

DO NOT forget that there is a nutritional chat at 7pm this coming Wednesday, replacing the regular class. It will genuinely be like rocket fuel to your training.

Also prepare yourselves for a low level of banter this week, sorry.

But you can occupy yourselves with a load of best wishes delivered to Ryan for his birthday today (the guy is seriously kicking the arse out of it mind so don’t go too silly)… get him back on that assault bike! He will try to tell you that he has already done them, on Saturday, don’t believe him… he just wanted to do an additional set. Weird.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 rounds:
1. 20/18 Calorie row
2. 20/18 Calorie assault bike
3. Rest 1 minute


WoD - Monday 19th December, 2022

WoD - Monday 19th December, 2022

Don’t Sunday’s and Sunday evenings feel so much better when you don’t have raging hang overs?! I’m guessing Monday mornings are going to too! Almost looking forward to it.

Now unfortunately for you guys, I promise my eyebrows on there being no fitness surprises this week. Rubbish news I know!
We are going to kind the week off with something pretty nasty though!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Rounds for time:
21/18 Assault bike calories
15 Overhead squat (40/30kg)
9 Burpee over the bar

GOOD LUCK and Happy Monday!

WoD - Tuesday 29th November, 2022

WoD - Tuesday 29th November, 2022

Happy Tuesday, meaning that we are one whole day closer to you lot needing to PAY FOR THE XMAS PARTY (cash only at the gym please) than we were yesterday!
DO IT!!!

Big love and have a bit of this…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
12 - 12 - 12 - 12
Front rack walking lunges
After each set:
12/10 Calorie assault bike

Accumulate 20 Bar muscle ups

2 Sets
10 Elevated ring rows
8 Ring dips

3 Sets
30s Ring support hold
20s Bottom ring dip hold
12 V-ups

WoD - Wednesday 9th November, 2022

WoD - Wednesday 9th November, 2022

Tomorrow is going to be cheeky, let’s just say that. You will have fun, I’m sure, just not in the hour that you attend CrossFit Cardiff. 😂😂

Still, everything else you do on your Wednesday will be easy in comparison.


CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Every 8 minutes for 32 minutes:
400m Run
30/25 Calorie row
30/25 Calorie assault bike

WoD - Thursday 15th September, 2022

WoD - Thursday 15th September, 2022

Cutback stash is still on sale. Until you lot buy me out of stock I will be programming absolutely vile assault bike workouts that make you vomit… that is not a threat!

Get your hands in your pockets and look cool as a result!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For 4 Rounds and within 3mins:
20/15 calorie Assault Bike
30 Wall balls (20/14lbs)
Max rep burpees
Rest 6 minutes between rounds.

Just a taste!

3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
Split jerk
3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
Strict press
Increasing weight for all sets

WoD - Monday 5th September, 2022

WoD - Monday 5th September, 2022

Luckily for me, I worked on Saturday and Sunday, meaning that I am already over my post time off break “blues!” Other’s in my circle aren’t as lucky! HAHA!

Welcome to a new week, get ready for a decent level thrashing from the ledge herself…Hannah L!


CrossFit Cardiff WoD
4 Rounds, each for time:
15/12 Calorie assault bike
10 Burpees over bar
5 Thrusters (60/40kg)

When it starts like that, you know it’s going to be “fun!”