Well well, I am sure you will all agree… Eva is a total bitch!
I love the story of the names. They aren’t all girlfriends but the thought process was that if a workout can leave you flat on your back, wondering what the hell has just happened to you, it deserved a females name! 😉
Like hurricanes and storms that destroy everything in their paths, a workout can do just that to us.
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For 5 rounds, every 3 minutes:
15/12 Calorie assault bike
10 Hang power cleans (60/40kg)
For 8 rounds, every 1:30
2 Squat snatch, 2 second pause at the knee
For 5 rounds, every 1:30
1 hang Squat snatch
3 sets
6 push press
6 wide grip strict pull-ups