Now listen here, you are not going to appreciate what is going to happen to you tomorrow, but… it is all designed with love in mind. Ish. Cruel to be kind and all that. As Coach Glassman said… “I wish the road to elite fitness was riding my bicycle and drinking beer… but it’s not!"

You really will love it! Once it’s over…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Part A:
For time:
Run 1 mile
100 Calorie assault bike
Run 800m
50 Calorie assault bike
Run 400m
25 Calorie assault bike
Run 200m

Part B: Immediately following part A: 8 minutes to establish a 3 rep max back squat

For 5 rounds, every 2 minutes
3 Negative handstand push ups (deficit if possible)

3 Sets
8 Box pike push ups
15 Seated dumbbell strict press

3 Sets
15 Tricep extension
10 Push-ups