Viewing entries tagged
The Open

WoD - Monday 18th March, 2024

WoD - Monday 18th March, 2024

Well that’s it, the open is over for another year and guess what… a bunch of you got new chest to bar pull ups, new muscle ups and pushed yourselves to loads and pain caves that maybe you didn’t think possible and in the process… had a lot of fun… The whole point!

A special mention needs to go to the savage that is Enrique. Despite suffering a stroke in September, he absolutely crushed the open! FUCKING pleasure to watch, and what a massive bad ass he is!


Anyway, Joe programmed next week while on a stag do in Manchester, so GOOD LUCK!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 20 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
20/18 Calorie assault bike
20 Toes toes bar
5 Squat snatch (60/40 Kg)

WoD - Friday 15th March, 2024

WoD - Friday 15th March, 2024

I have no idea what the open is going to be this week (ish), I mean a can guess but it might well be the same exact workout again and so no one knows.
Therefore, I will be programming this Friday’s workout once I have the knowledge of what it is.

As a result…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

WoD - Monday 11th March, 2024

WoD - Monday 11th March, 2024

Hell of a job from you all throughout Friday and 24.2. We saw all fast paced amazing scores, unbelievable resolve and a shit ton of community spirit. It’s what the open is all about.
Love it!

With only one week left… we’re bound to get thrusters and pull ups. So why not practice one of them…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For max weight:
3 - 3 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1

WoD - Monday 4th March, 2024

WoD - Monday 4th March, 2024

Predictably, 24.1 hurt and hurt a lot! Weird right!

I know you all watched the announcement and thought that it would be fun as a result (😬😳😁😉), seeing these unbelievable savages perform the workout in a time much faster than yours/mine and look like it did nothing! Taylor Self… 5:40!! WTF!

We are a third of the way through. Get your guesses in for next week and remember, it will be taking place on Friday!

Now then, to the week! If I have programmed 24.2 on Thursday I’m sorry!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 15 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
15 Calorie echo bike
15 Toes to bar
15 Double dumbbell push press (50/35lbs)

This was a fun workout, I did it on an L1 a week ago alongside a wheel chair athlete who, crushed the living hell out of it! What a privilege it was to train with that man!

WoD - Monday 26th February, 2024

WoD - Monday 26th February, 2024

Welcome to a new week, which will be the first week of the open! The first stage of the CrossFit competitive season, something that will be bringing everyone in the gym together with 3 fun challenging workouts, programmed by CrossFit HQ.
Take a look at this…

At CrossFit Cardiff, we will be doing the workouts as the workout of the day on the following dates:
Saturday 2nd March: 09:30 class
Friday 8th March: Every class
Saturday 16th March: 09:30


AND… to see the CrossFit Cardiff custom leaderboard, click HERE

Lace your RADs, Nike’s, Nano’s or tesco’s pumps up and get stuck in! Pray that Bozman is kind to us all!

Until then, you can practice with the first ever…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Open Workout 11.1
Within 10min complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
30 Double unders
15 Snatch  (35/25kg)

Rest 1 minute
Bonus part B, not part of the original 11.1…
5 Minutes to build to a heavy hang snatch

WoD - Wednesday 7th February, 2024

WoD - Wednesday 7th February, 2024

The open is coming, let’s get in the spirit (as we typically do this time of year) by revisiting all the absolutely vile past open workouts. You are NOT going to appreciate it…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 20 minutes of:
5 Power cleans (65/45kg)
10 Toes to bar
15 Wall balls (20/14lbs)

WoD - Tuesday 14th February, 2023

WoD - Tuesday 14th February, 2023

There is still time folk, you can register for the 2023 CrossFit Games Open, with teams to be picked later and the first workout being this coming Saturday, the time is now… DOOOOOOO IT!
You will be missing out on a shit ton of fun if not!

Seeing as it’s the very meaningful, not complete bullshit, Valentine’s Day… how better to show someone you love them by signing them up to the Open! THEY CAN’T NOT LOVE IT!!!

Click HERE to sign up and get ready for three awesome weekends!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For max load:
3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
Back Squat

20 minutes of ring muscle up practice

3 Sets of:
6 False grip pull ups
6 Ring dips

WoD - Monday 6th February, 2023

WoD - Monday 6th February, 2023

Maaaaaan, 12 YEARS of this awesome community! And, another example of just how cool you lot are!

It was a perfect day (forgetting the rugby that is) in preparation for the amazing show that is bound to be seen throughout the CrossFit Games Open. See below…

Here it is team, the brief for the Open, I’m almost certain there will be typo’s so chill out! No need for “grammar for 7 year olds” as a gift thanks…

We will be splitting the gym’s open registrants into teams, with one team captain and one associated charity. The goal is to, raise as much money as humanly possible for said charities inside of the 3 weeks of the open.
Each week will have a theme, with teams being allocated points for best turn outs, dedication to each week’s theme and obviously, the workout score.
Extra curricular activity, in any form, is actively encouraged so long as it is designed to bolster your teams donations total.

You can register for the open here…and with the first workout being released on Thursday the 16th, we will be picking teams on Sunday the 12th. Giving you plenty of time to sort out your whats app groups, charities and themes.

Saturday mornings will be dedicated to getting through the workouts, where there is hopefully less stress on you guys to get in and out, as well as affording the coaches plenty of time to prep; using the worlds allocation of masking tape for HSPU markings.

Now then, I know Tia is pregnant meaning that the top spot on the games podium is available but… watching you do fight gone bad yesterday led me to believe that we all might need another year of training. 😉
All said with peace, love and humility of course.

Therefore, try not to stress about it too much, and definitely do not let it ruin your training. They are just workouts, three of them. Hit them as hard as you possibly can, be proud of yourself and move on.

Alright alright, get ready for a bit of a thrashing!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
7 Rounds of:
7 Snatch (40/30kg)
7 Burpees
7 Chest to bar pull ups

WoD - Tuesday 24th January, 2023

WoD - Tuesday 24th January, 2023

Well then, now none of you can walk or stand up straight, you are ready for what you will likely be feeling like for each week of the open.

Info about said body crushing event will be coming out soon. As well as my massively enjoyable process of getting the gym registered as competing affiliate (the sarcasm is real but only because it is potentially more complicated than buying a house) and completing the 2023 judges course! Happy days!

The open is always a shit ton of fun though… it really is!

Anyway, back to the week!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
200m run
20 Shoulder to overhead (40/30kg)
400m run
15 Shoulder to overhead (50/35kg)
800m run
10 Shoulder to overhead (60/40kg)

A: Ring muscle up progressions

B: 3 Sets of:
15 Support ring swings
15 Bottom support ring swings
5 - 10 Kipping ring dips
5 - 10 Strict ring pull ups

WoD - Monday 7th March, 2022

WoD - Monday 7th March, 2022

So the weatherman/woman was being a prick… taunting us with the belief that there will be sunny days for the first four days of the week, not cool people!

Anyway, we don’t need it where we are headed anyway - we have plenty of barbells and GHDs and weights to lift, not a problem.
They can scare us all they like with plummeting temperatures, we will just do more thrusters to fight back…

Get those 22.2 scores in please legends! You all crushed it by the sounds. One more week to go and don’t you worry, I am programming and so you won’t have to do a different version of it on Friday… he says with zero confidence.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
50 - 40 - 30
25 - 20 - 15
GHD sit ups
Thrusters (40/30kg)

Who can do the thrusters unbroken?

WoD - Friday 4th March, 2022

WoD - Friday 4th March, 2022

Happy weekend legends. You know what you have to do, go hard at this one tomorrow…

As a caveat, I am writing this on Monday morning, with a belter of a headache, “Messed up Monday” (if you know, you know- it’s a 5 coffee day), and am therefore talking utter shite! I have no idea what we are expected to do on Saturday, I am guessing though that it is going to hurt!
You’ll all crush it however!


CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes:
2 Rope climbs

B: 3 rounds for time of:
500m row
20 Burpees

Fast and vile! Get it done!

WoD - Thursday 3rd March, 2022

WoD - Thursday 3rd March, 2022

We are here, well nearly. Week 2 of the CrossFit games open is upon us and off the back of a very successful week one, I know you all will be uber excited!

Watch the announcement to see how the utter savages do it. It’s genuinely bonkers!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 - 5 - 3 - 3 - 1
Strict handstand push ups
10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2

*Reset the barbell on the floor each rep to focus on the initial pull. Controlling the negative all the way to the floor. Fun basically!

Bar muscle up
A:Every 30s for 4 minutes:
Jump to hollow

B: Every minute on the minute for 8 minutes:
3 Bar Muscle-Up

3 Sets
12 V-ups
10 Russian dips
8 Strict chest to bar

WoD - Friday 25th February, 2022

WoD - Friday 25th February, 2022

It’s only F’ing March next week and THE OPEN has begun! Let’s hope that the workout does not involve any of the below. Get your well needed sleep and rest, do NOT be a muppet and wait up for the announcement!
If you are reading this at 3am you are a muppet!

There is no way that 22.1 will have toes to bar, squat cleans or double unders in it! I will bet Nicole’s eyebrows!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
4 rounds: within 2 minutes:
12 Toes to bar
10 Squat cleans (60/40kg)
Max double unders
Rest 2 minutes

Then within 10 minutes
1RM Clean

WoD - Friday 1st November, 2019

WoD - Friday 1st November, 2019

Pinch, punch, first of the month…bitches!

Please remember that the box is closed this weekend in order to host a CrossFit Kids course. Lick you're 20.4 wounds and get ready for a complete thrashing next week! 😳😉💪🏼

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5*
Front squat
Weighted Pull Up

*same weight across sets

Cheeky little superset to get you nice and pumped ready for Friday night! Really though, only the hardcore morning crew will be tackling this, and that pump will be gone unless they start boozing early!

A handy punch in the back gets you right up there, no worries

A handy punch in the back gets you right up there, no worries

WoD - Monday 26th October, 2019

WoD - Monday 26th October, 2019

The open has had its hump day, now more than half way through and although you may well think that the worst has been and gone, think again. There is no way that just because thrusters were in the second workout that they won’t be in the last! Who knows what that evil mind has conjured up.
Just because we have already had a repeat, doesn’t mean that there won’t be another! We can only prey.

The only thing that you lot can do in preparation is to smash yourselves thoroughly throughout the week. Rock up for 20.4 smiling, ready to attack whatever lies in your path. Take a knee for a minute afterwards, but only after you have given your judge a fist bump. Feel sorry for yourself for a few seconds, get up and go and cheer for a friend. Shake everyone’s hand and hold your head high, understand that if it was designed to be easy then there would be no seed in its worth.

“The goal is to get fit, make it the best hour of your day, stay safe, turn up the music, high five some people and blow off some steam. So remember that. Relax. Have fun. Workout.”
– Pat Sherwood.

As an added bonus, support some local charities…

Shelter Cymru

Face Cymru

Get amongst it guys, share these links and keep those £££’s coming in.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

4 rounds, for max reps of:

In 90s - 
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
Max muscle ups (ring/ring/bar/bar)
Rest 4:30 mins between rounds

Accumulate a lot of different styles of muscle ups and get the total number up on the board…


WoD - Friday 11th October, 2019

WoD - Friday 11th October, 2019

The Open is here, for the second time this year we will get after it! Iron those PJs and please ensure that all your button’s are done up! See below for further info:


• The evening will start at 16:30 and this will not follow the typical class schedule - we will work on a rolling basis until everyone has done the WoD. However please arrive prior to 19:00 - if you arrive after this we will look at you like this 😒😒😒
• Please stick around and help judge - your team partner will be announced tomorrow!
• If you can, please print and bring some score sheets - if everyone can bring a couple we will be golden
• Don’t forget to wear pyjamas and bring your £2 donation!
• There is still time to register! You can still complete the WoD on Friday night if not registered.


Now then now then, you morning revellers will still have a workout to perform, however I strongly suggest that you take the extra hour in bed so that you are fighting fit for the evening, when you find out how much easier training at night is!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Back Squats
5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5

Post 16:30

Those of you back squatting your butts to all new kinds of skinny jean repelling levels, please pop your scores to the whiteboard…

20.1 clue.png

WoD - Tuesday 8th October, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 8th October, 2019

The teams are in and the stage is set! The CrossFit Games Open 20”20” is nearly upon us.

This post is almost entirely about just one of you…Fadi!

Registering for the open is only part of it my friend, get your arse logged back into your account and join our team…unless of course you really are the capped vigilante and want to go at this thing alone! Then, no stress, just let me into your cave once for a mooch!

For the rest of you non technophobic legends, the teams are up and ready to view on the Facebook group. Start plotting of ways with which you will be able to conjure up as many squids as humanly possible for your chosen charities. Let’s help them out.
Out do each other for the greater good!

20.1 Theme

Pyjama work out. Everyone who attends 20.1 is to turn up in their PJ’s. Please gents, ensure that they have a suitable flap! £2 entry fee as a charitable donation.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 20 minutes of: 
5 Handstand Push Ups
10 Pistols
15 Pull Ups

Please get your rounds plus reps up to the whiteboard and get out to enjoy the DOMs…
Just for reference at the 2019 CrossFit Games, the winning scores for Mary were:
Noah Olsen: 677 (22 plus 2 pull ups) 😳
Karissa Pearce: 695 (23 plus 5 handstand push ups) 😳


WoD - Monday 7th October, 2019

WoD - Monday 7th October, 2019

Here it is team, the brief for the Open…

Tomorrow, teams will be decided, at random and placed under the charge of our seriously legit and passionate Team Captains.
Each team has an allocated charity and will be tasked to raise as much money as possible throughout the 5 weeks of the open in anyway they deem fit.

Each alternative week will see a specific theme brought forward by each team, again with the intention to raise funds. One team is responsible one week, the other the next. This will flip flop throughout the first four weeks of the open with CrossFit Cardiff deciding the theme for the final, 20.5.

As per example, Team *** is allocated 20.1 and therefore 20.3 and decides that on 20.1 athletes must come dressed as dinosaurs (I really hope someone chooses this by the way), then each team mate who does such will be required to make a charitable donation of a minimum £1.

Remember the goal. The team who raises the most amount of money for their charity wins. Splinter groups who decide to conduct extra curricular, gorilla style fund raising throughout the duration of the open is entirely fair game…just please ensure that it is all legal!

Team Captains and Charities

Team ****
Captain: Liam Addy
Charity: FaceUp Cymru. A small local charity that helps patients who have suffered head and neck cancers. With a 50% survival rate at 5 years and often debilitating surgery that leaves some unable to speak or be left with facial dis-figurement  they struggle psychologically. The charity helps with these issues.

Team ****
Captain: Christie Sull
Charity: Shelter Cymru describes itself as Wales's people and homes charity. Its vision is that a decent, secure home is a fundamental right and essential to the health and well-being of communities. They work for people in housing need by providing free, independent, expert housing advice and campaign to overcome the barriers which stand in the way of people in Wales having a decent, secure home.

Points to Note

  1. Now then, keep your eyes peeled tomorrow, for a release of the team rosters.

  2. Now I know that we typically allow our wonderful ladies to go first, however I know just how indecisive Christie is and am therefore confident that she will be grateful knowing that her allocated themed week is 20.2, so the second. Liam is also a legit gent and so will i’m sure, take one for the team.

  3. There is no need to fret or worry about the legit team names as per above, the first job for each team captain is to decide, with the aid of their teams, an appropriate team name. Remember, these names could likely be used in the public eye to assist with fund raising, so no Team BallBag please!

Finally…remember what this open is about, please stick to the schedule as much as humanly possible, make sacrifices and understand that even though I love you lot dearly, none of you are going to win and take down Mat Fraser or Tia Toomey…sorry to burst that bubble. BUT…you could dedicate some time to demonstrate the power of the fucking amazing community we have (just like you did throughout the month of September last year) and collect some serious money and awareness to significantly help some folk local to us. Who knows, maybe even Tom Hardy will share an IG post again! 😉

Get excited about the next five weeks, and get excited about the workout tomorrow…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Tabata Snatch (40/30kg)

Rest 1 min

Tabata Snatch (50/35kg)

Rest 1min

Tabata Snatch (60/40kg)

Rest 1min

Within 15 minutes establish a 1RM Snatch

Tabata is an 8 round interval of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off.

Please record the total amount of reps, per load, to the whiteboard…
