Maaaaaan, 12 YEARS of this awesome community! And, another example of just how cool you lot are!

It was a perfect day (forgetting the rugby that is) in preparation for the amazing show that is bound to be seen throughout the CrossFit Games Open. See below…

Here it is team, the brief for the Open, I’m almost certain there will be typo’s so chill out! No need for “grammar for 7 year olds” as a gift thanks…

We will be splitting the gym’s open registrants into teams, with one team captain and one associated charity. The goal is to, raise as much money as humanly possible for said charities inside of the 3 weeks of the open.
Each week will have a theme, with teams being allocated points for best turn outs, dedication to each week’s theme and obviously, the workout score.
Extra curricular activity, in any form, is actively encouraged so long as it is designed to bolster your teams donations total.

You can register for the open here…and with the first workout being released on Thursday the 16th, we will be picking teams on Sunday the 12th. Giving you plenty of time to sort out your whats app groups, charities and themes.

Saturday mornings will be dedicated to getting through the workouts, where there is hopefully less stress on you guys to get in and out, as well as affording the coaches plenty of time to prep; using the worlds allocation of masking tape for HSPU markings.

Now then, I know Tia is pregnant meaning that the top spot on the games podium is available but… watching you do fight gone bad yesterday led me to believe that we all might need another year of training. 😉
All said with peace, love and humility of course.

Therefore, try not to stress about it too much, and definitely do not let it ruin your training. They are just workouts, three of them. Hit them as hard as you possibly can, be proud of yourself and move on.

Alright alright, get ready for a bit of a thrashing!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
7 Rounds of:
7 Snatch (40/30kg)
7 Burpees
7 Chest to bar pull ups