The teams are in and the stage is set! The CrossFit Games Open 20”20” is nearly upon us.
This post is almost entirely about just one of you…Fadi!
Registering for the open is only part of it my friend, get your arse logged back into your account and join our team…unless of course you really are the capped vigilante and want to go at this thing alone! Then, no stress, just let me into your cave once for a mooch!
For the rest of you non technophobic legends, the teams are up and ready to view on the Facebook group. Start plotting of ways with which you will be able to conjure up as many squids as humanly possible for your chosen charities. Let’s help them out.
Out do each other for the greater good!
20.1 Theme
Pyjama work out. Everyone who attends 20.1 is to turn up in their PJ’s. Please gents, ensure that they have a suitable flap! £2 entry fee as a charitable donation.
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 20 minutes of:
5 Handstand Push Ups
10 Pistols
15 Pull Ups
Please get your rounds plus reps up to the whiteboard and get out to enjoy the DOMs…
Just for reference at the 2019 CrossFit Games, the winning scores for Mary were:
Noah Olsen: 677 (22 plus 2 pull ups) 😳
Karissa Pearce: 695 (23 plus 5 handstand push ups) 😳