Viewing entries tagged
FUCK Corona

WoD - Wednesday 15th April, 2020

WoD - Wednesday 15th April, 2020

Tomorrow (Wednesday), or today for some of you, is supposed to be a wonderful day. Bright and sunny, boiling hot and filling us with morale!

What better environment to perform an utter shitfest of a workout in? None is the answer!

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

5 rounds for time:
30 Double unders
10 Dumbbell clean & jerks (50/35lbs - Right arm)
30 Double unders
10 Dumbbell clean & jerks (50/35lbs - Left arm)
Above is ideal and RX. Options are: Lighter DB, kettlebell, rucksack.

Warm up
30 Star jumps
30 Seconds of high knees
10 Burpees
30 Seconds of high knees
30 Star jumps

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here


WoD - Thursday 9th April, 2020

WoD - Thursday 9th April, 2020

Well this is going to be a funny Easter bank holiday hey, one you will remember for a long time! One where there were restrictions on the amount of Easter Eggs that you could buy, and tons on the shelves, and no restrictions on actual eggs…couldn’t find them anywhere!

Let’s hope it is the last! Training at home is fun though, when the camera records that is!

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

Within 9mins complete as many rounds and reps of: 
15 seconds L-sit hold (Scale to one leg extended, a tuck or a hollow hold in order to maintain 15s unbroken)
30 Walking lunges (in place is also fine)
15 Glute bridges 
30 Walking lunges

Warm up
Within 5 minutes, move through a slow AMRAP of:
60 High knees (30 each leg)
30 Walking lunges
15 Hollow rocks

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WoD - Wednesday 8th April, 2020

WoD - Wednesday 8th April, 2020

A spin on a spin tomorrow team. Initially programmed at the 2016 games, the year after they had programmed Heavy DT…Double DT.

The only difference being, that our spin is with the use of dumbbells. Vom!
One of two, doesn’t matter, it’s still going to hurt like hell! I’ve not done it yet, just headed out to the garden now, but I already know I’m right.

Goooooood luck!!

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

Double DT
10 Rounds for time:
12 Deadlift 
9 Hang power clean
6 Shoulder to overhead

Load options
Barbell (50/35 KG)
2 DBs/KBs 
One DB/KB (Complete one round on one arm, switch, for a total of 10 rounds. Five on each arm)
One rucksack

Warm up
”The Finnish warm up”
You all remember. Or if you don’t…
Go onto all fours, lift your knees one inch off the ground and for 10s lift all four of your hands and feet off the floor independently of each other, as quickly as you can.
Rest for 20s. Repeat for 4 rounds.

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here

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WoD - Tuesday 7th April, 2020

WoD - Tuesday 7th April, 2020

Welcome to Tuesday’s torture! After a mid range, painful hero workout (doesn’t everyone just love ascending reps), I have a little longer time priority.
You will work for 15 minutes, whether the sun is shining or not, and have a blast in doing so!

Run hard, step continuously and try not to break those dubs! Good luck if you are on grass!

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

Within 15mins complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
Run 400m
20 Front rack box step ups* (20”)
40 Double unders

Load options:
Empty barbell (20/15kg)
One dumbbell/Kettlebells
One rucksack

Warm up
50 Star jumps
Run 200m
50 Single unders
20 Un-loaded step ups
Run 400m


WoD - Friday 3rd April, 2020

WoD - Friday 3rd April, 2020

As a result of the roaring success of last Sunday nights “Scratch & Sip Social” we will do the same again this weekend. The only difference now is that I have upgraded my account and therefore we shall not be limited but time, only banter. Once that drys up I shall cut you loose like a pair of used pants.
The only other difference is that it will now begin at 7pm (19:00). The meeting ID will be posted to Facebook (we don’t want any weirdo’s reading this to jump on naked now do we). If you’re not on facebook ask in the what’s ap group(s), if you’re not on what’s ap then I don’t know what to tell you…send me a pigeon!

Another point of note, Conners will be taking his usual class tomorrow (Saturday) morning. Please check the Facebook members (if not on it, read above) group for info.

Support tee’s are in and are dropping on the website/IG tonight. Get your orders in!

Lastly, try cooking that Steak & Peppercorn sauce…it’s legit!

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

For time:
100 reverse lunges*
*Every minute, on the minute, perform 10 Sumo deadlift high pull (with one KB/DB/rucksack)

Warm Up

Run 200m
20 Walking lunges
10 Object Russian swings (just to face level - KB, DB or rucksack)
Run 400m
40 Walking lunges
20 Object Russian swings (just to face level - KB, DB or rucksack)

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WoD - Thursday 2nd April, 2020

WoD - Thursday 2nd April, 2020

These zoom classes are fricking awesome!! I mean i can get you lot to mute your mic’s so that I can abuse you all with zero come backs, only seeing your sometimes smiling faces and most importantly watch funny shit like Biv being licked to death by buddy mid hollow hold and Attila add the load of a cat to Sofie’s side plank!
All from the comfort of my own home, only having to get dress from the waste up…perfect!

Zoom classes will continue at 08:00 and 18:00, Monday through Friday with the same code each time. Save it and paste the bad boy in.

Tomorrow should be fun…

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

Within 20 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
10 Handstand push ups (Sofa push ups, pike press ups)
20 Press ups
30 Ab mat sit ups (Towel or hoodie if you don’t have an ab mat)

Warm Up

3 Rounds not for time:
50 Single Unders/star jumps
10 shoulder rotations forwards, 10 back
35 “shoulder press” (thumbs start on shoulders, extend your arms above your head - palms to the sky)
10 Ab mat sit ups

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here


WoD - Wednesday 1st April, 2020

WoD - Wednesday 1st April, 2020

I was going to say that we have enough going on currently, and rather than all devise some horrific April Fools pranks that we should all be kind and respectful, caring and appreciative but…f**k that! Let’s cheer each other up with some top level, social distancing pranking!

Anyway, in other news. CrossFit have released a super cool initiative to aid affiliates through these tough times. Please see below for details.

The Support Your Local Box Fundraiser is a CrossFit event for the benefit of CrossFit affiliates affected by COVID-19 around the globe. The temporary closures and distance between us cannot keep this community apart. Affiliates around the world have demonstrated this through their actions over the past few weeks. Now, the entire CrossFit community has an opportunity to come together in support of our affiliates.


Over a three-week period, CrossFit will release three classic and accessible workouts that can be performed by participants of any ability level. Everyone who participates will have their name displayed on the community leaderboard and will be able to create smaller leaderboards among friends, family, and other members of their affiliate using leaderboard hashtags. 

Registration will take place on beginning on or before Wednesday, April 1, and will remain open for the duration of the competition. The first workout will be released on Friday, April 3.


Anyone can participate in the Support Your Local Box Fundraiser. Payment is not required. We understand that many face financial difficulties at this time and want everyone to have the opportunity to participate without barriers. Your participation is, in itself, a strong form of support and encouragement to the affiliate community. 

When you register, you will have the option to select a contribution amount ranging from $20 to $1,000 or participate at no cost. Participants can also select the affiliate they would like to receive their contribution. When the competition closes, the proceeds will be distributed to affiliates in accordance with their roster of supporters. CrossFit, Inc. will distribute all registration funds to the designated affiliates.


Every CrossFit affiliate, trainer, and participant has been impacted by COVID-19, but we recognize some gyms will have greater needs than others in the coming weeks and months. All participants can use social media to direct and encourage contributions to their own affiliate or another affiliate in the community that needs our help. This is also an opportunity to rally family and friends to participate in this accessible event.

Support Your Affiliate: If your affiliate is in great need, select your affiliate in the registration process to have your registration pass directly to your box. 

Support a Box in Need: If your affiliate is in a relatively strong position, this is an opportunity to support those less fortunate by partnering with a box or boxes in the hardest hit areas and channeling aid to them.

Find a Box: If you’re new to CrossFit, would like to participate and contribute, but don’t know which box to support, you can use the map to find a box near you or in your hometown.

For all of us, this is also a chance to share the benefits of CrossFit with friends and family. Not only do we have an opportunity to raise funds for affiliates and trainers in need, but we can use this charitable event to bring CrossFit into the garages and living rooms of our loved ones. We encourage everyone to share the free and accessible scaled versions of the event workouts with those in their lives for whom this could be an entry point into improving their own fitness and health as part of the global CrossFit community. 

Note: Registration fees and additional contributions to the Support Your Local Box event are not tax deductible.

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

3 Sets for Quality
1 Minute hollow hold
1 Minute side plank
1 Minute side plank
1 Minute superman hold
Rest for 30s between each set

All you need is a little space and you will be able to firmly destroy your midline!

Warm Up

Run 400m
10 Hollow to Superman Rocks (video)
20 Air Squats
Rest 1 minute, and repeat

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here

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WoD - Tuesday 31st March, 20120

WoD - Tuesday 31st March, 20120

After nine plus years in business we have finally executed our first online class, what an amazing pain in the arse it was…

amazing because the workout hurt, I got to see some of you legends throwing down and we even got some coaching! Pain in the arse because my skipping rope had a meltdown, it started raining halfway through and so I had to get an umbrella to prevent my laptop from blowing up…the wind however, had different ideas!

Anyway, I ramble! In order to allow for more folk to get stuck in we will be leading classes, on zoom, at 08:00 and 18:00 Monday - Friday until we are released from our home arrests! 🤙🏼

Keep eyes on the facebook members group for the codes to each. Get on zoom, get registered for free account, and MUTE YOUR MIC’s after you’ve said hello! See you in “class” team!

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

For time:
21 - 21 - 15 - 15 - 9 - 9*
Reps of:
Dumbbell power clean
Dumbbell push press
Rx loading 50/35lbs

*These reps are continuous on each arm for both movements prior to the switch. 21 right arm power cleans, into 21 right arm push press, switch to the left and continue.

Warm up

3 Rounds, not for time of:
50 On the spot high knees (25 on each leg - get faster throughout each round. Knee to reach belly button height)
15 Good mornings. Arms folded over your chest. (video)
5 Close arm press ups

See picture. Video going live on Facebook and IG

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here

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WoD - Monday 30th March, 2020

WoD - Monday 30th March, 2020

Ready for another week of #selfisolation? Bursting with excitement?

Ash has taken the HomeFit (rebranded after one week to #CoronaFit) programming, and there for film editing helm, and has ensured me that all the music chosen is royalty free.
Luckily the SAS are also on lockdown and so won’t be abseiling through my window anytime soon!

If you are in need of any inspiration, look no further. Below is a video jam packed with ideas. I NEED to see a re-enactment of the chicken, head smashing game please! As soon as physically possible!

Should anyone fancy performing a live re-enactment when we all meet over zoom later…feel free!

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

For 20 minutes, on the minute, every minute, perform the following:
Odd: 15 Burpees
Even: 50 Double unders

Can you go all the way!

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here

Warm Up

50 Jumping jacks
10 Walk outs (one press up per rep)
25 Air squats
Run 400m

Ash just loves and immediate rebrand

Ash just loves and immediate rebrand

WoD - Thursday 26th March, 2020

WoD - Thursday 26th March, 2020

I have literally managed to managed to get t-shirts from the wholesaler and to the printers, ready to rock, who will hopefully get these bad boys done by early next week.
Now so long as Royal Mail are still operating and Tesco hasn’t completely sold out of packing envelopes, I should be able to get them out to you.

They will look bad ass and will be an outward sign of true loyalty

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

For time: 
120 Double Unders (60 Tuck jumps)
30 Clean and Jerk (Left Arm) 
15 Load facing burpees
30 Clean and Jerk (Right Arm)
120 Double Unders (60 Tuck jumps)
(Dumbbell/KB/Rucksack - 20/15kg) 

Post workout, perform 2 sets of single arm bent over row with load.
15 Reps each

Warm Up

3 Round not for time of:
Run 400m (if you don’t know where that is, run for 1 minute out, one minute back
10 Burpees
25 Jumping jacks

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here

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WoD - Monday 23rd March, 2020

WoD - Monday 23rd March, 2020

Team, as per BoJo’s earlier announcement I have had to make a slight adjustment to an already set plan tomorrow.

Equipment Loan
We are going to be loaning out further equipment. Folk, should they have room can get a barbell and some load, kettlebells, dumbbells, wall balls, ab mats and mats, so that everyone has some thing to train with.

I of course won’t be charging for this equipment, all I ask is that it is not left outside at any point. Taking in outside to do a workout is firmly encouraged, so long as you are at least 2m’s apart!

Now, in order to accommodate the above directive, I will ask you guys to book into 4 hourly slots from 12-4.
12:00 - 16:00
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:00
15:00 - 16:00

In comments on the members page, please state what time is good for you to collect kit. Stay a healthy distance away from each other when in the gym!

If any other timings are required due to work, of course we can accommodate. Equipment will be limited per person to ensure a fair share across the board.

On another note, take a look at this cool video from our dark chocolate, meat loving buddy, Zoè. CrossFit HQ recently had a meeting made up of the who’s who of nutrition, in order to debunk the movie, “Game Changer”. Its a good watch!

Anyway, I have an utter stinker for you tomorrow…

CrossFit Cardiff Home Wod

For time:
50 Rucksack thrusters (load to 20/15/15kg)
10 Walking lunges (rucksack on right shoulder)
10 Walking lunges (rucksack on left shoulder)
40 Rucksack thrusters (load to 20/15kg)
10 Walking lunges (rucksack on right shoulder)
10 Walking lunges (rucksack on left shoulder)
30 Rucksack thrusters (load to 20/15kg)
10 Walking lunges (rucksack on right shoulder)
10 Walking lunges (rucksack on left shoulder)
20 Rucksack thrusters (load to 20/15kg)
10 Walking lunges (rucksack on right shoulder)
10 Walking lunges (rucksack on left shoulder)
10 Rucksack thrusters (load to 20/15kg)

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here

This genuinely sucked. Video up in the morning


WoD - Friday 20th March. 2020

WoD - Friday 20th March. 2020

With lots of folk taking equipment home from the gym, there is no reason not to give yourselves some decent thrashings in the back garden now hey!? Legit news!
Please can I just ask that it is used and treated as if it were your own, so no leaving barbells outside in the rain pretty please!

Follow the programming to the best of your ability, those who are still attending class will also be limited, and so there is every possibility that you will be able to do so. Certain elements will be required to scale clearly, unless you have rowers and ass bikes in your bedrooms. Lets hope that we don’t have to put them on our lists to Santa.

Those still attending the gym, once again please respect the rules laid out below:

The Rules

  • Daily workout will be allocated for the timings deleted above. Each class is limited to 10 athletes.

  • Athletes must book into each class by commenting on the WoD post released on the Reebok CrossFit Cardiff Members page WoD. No later than 21:00. Daily posts will be released earlier from now on to accommodate this and updated depending on latest government announcements.

  • No block booking will be considered. Should your plans change please respect others by commenting and making your place available.

  • Please remain outside of the gym until 5mins prior to your class start time.


  • Entering the gym will be by the right hand door only - marked entry.

  • Immediately wash your filthy mitts.

  • Keep contact to a minimum, no butt slapping please.

  • Athletes will have designated areas and equipment for the use during their workouts.

  • Once the workout is complete, each will be allocated 15mins to clean all used equipment ready for their fellow badass!

  • No changing or shower facilities will be provided until further notice.

  • Please leave the gym via opposite doorway having washed your hands prior.

Only one Trainer will be teaching at any one time and Ash and I will be working on a week on, week off basis in order to minimise the risk to ourselves. If we go down then we are all in the shit!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 20 minutes of:
5 Thrusters
7 Hang Power Cleans
10 Deadlifts
Barbell load (40/30kg)
Shout out your rounds and reps to Ash and he will write them up in painstakingly anal, colour coordinated segmentation. They would never catch COVID-19

CrossFit Cardiff Home WoD

For time:
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Double Unders (Sub out for star jumps if you have no rope)
Sit ups (pillow/hoodie under your back)

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here

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WoD - Wednesday 18th March, 2020

WoD - Wednesday 18th March, 2020

Firstly, I again appreciate the hoards of texts and messages of support that you legends have sent, I have tried to respond to each and every one of you individually and if I haven’t yet…it’s coming!
I also promise that once all this shit is done, we are going to throw a ginormous piss up and all scream FUCK CORONA…the virus not the beer!

Okay, so there are going to be some further changes to the gym’s operation. Although what is outlined below will be the “norm” for the foreseeable future, please remember…I am currently one of Boris Johnsons many puppets and this could all be different by this time tomorrow.
I am going to be 100% transparent and welcome any suggestions from you. We are after all a community and all want both the huge piss up mentioned above as well as a gym to come back to once this madness is all over!

We are going to stay open. But…are going to be like Marines on the implemented rules

Below I will attempt to be as clear as I possible can:

  • Yesterday’s release will be valid for the morning (Wednesday) with two 30min classes.

  • Please see below the new timetable, pictured below, to see further information:



So then. From 16:00 on Wednesday the 18th until it all changes again the following will be enforced. Please respect the policies outline below:

  • Daily workout will be allocated for the timings deleted above. Each class is limited to 10 athletes.

  • Athletes must book into each class by commenting on the WoD post released on the Reebok CrossFit Cardiff Members page WoD. No later than 21:00. Daily posts will be released earlier from now on to accommodate this and updated depending on latest government announcements.

  • No block booking will be considered. Should your plans change please respect others by commenting and making your place available.

  • Please remain outside of the gym until 5mins prior to your class start time.


  • Entering the gym will be by the right hand door only - marked entry.

  • Immediately wash your filthy mitts.

  • Keep contact to a minimum, no butt slapping please.

  • Athletes will have designated areas and equipment for the use during their workouts.

  • Once the workout is complete, each will be allocated 15mins to clean all used equipment ready for their fellow badass!

  • No changing or shower facilities will be provided until further notice.

  • Please leave the gym via opposite doorway having washed your hands prior.

Only one Trainer will be teaching at any one time and Ash and I will be working on a week on, week off basis in order to minimise the risk to ourselves. If we go down then we are all in the shit!


Weekly outings will be organised to compensate. Details of each will be released as and when.

I fully appreciate that mistakes will be made and things will go wrong, but please just keep switched on within the gym and respect the current climate. Many gyms, I am trying my best to ensure that I prevent that for as long as possible. If we work together we can beat this bullshit!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 2 minutes of:
20/15 Calorie bike
10 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)
Rest 4 mins between rounds
Repeat for 5 total rounds

For those of you who are confined to your homes

CrossFit Cardiff will be loaning out equipment, available from Thursday. All equipment must be signed out and returned within a day once requested back. One piece of equipment will be allocated per person and on a first come first serve basis.
Equipment will be reserved for those who are unable to attend classes.

Daily at home workouts will be posted as of Thursday and don’t worry, you won’t need a dog…

Until tomorrow, when it will all be different again. Stay safe legends, never trust a cough!


WoD - Tuesday 17th March, 2020

WoD - Tuesday 17th March, 2020

Currently we are operating on a day by day basis. With the very recent announcement from Boris, asking folk to avoid offices, pubs clubs and restaurants, gyms surely fall into the same category.
As mentioned, these are uncertainly times, truly understood only by those who are old enough to have survived a world war.

In order to remain open for as long as possible however, we will be enforcing some changes. Please see below for details:

  • We will have an adjustment to the current timetable. Classes will now be 30 minutes in duration and only be Workout Of The Day (WoD). Accessory classes will cease until further notice.


  • Currently, those wishing to participate must book in by stating the time of class that they are attending in a comment on the facebook release of said WOD. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE CONSIDERED.


  • Should you need to cancel please do so with respect to your other members, so that they are able to utilise the space

  • Please remain flexible to quick changes and be sure to let us know if you have any concerns



The gym will be closed aside from the above timetable.


The support demonstrated over the last 24 hours has been truly humbling, I couldn’t have hoped for a better response to a seriously difficult piece to write. I think that there will be further changes ahead, and I will do my upmost to be prompt with any decisions made and keep you all informed and up to date.

However until the next release, I think we can all agree though, that already 2020 can go and suck a large D***!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 8 minutes of:
80 Double Unders
40 Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14/bs)

Please shout your rounds and reps out to the coach who will write them on the whiteboard…

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WoD - Monday 16th March, 2020

WoD - Monday 16th March, 2020

Evening legends. Firstly, let me just apologise for this post being released at a time that is genuinely past some of your bed times, but, I have just gotten home having worked all day and wanted to dedicate decent time and focus to it.

Coronavirus Update

Okay, so I’m not really sure where to start on this. Never have we experienced anything like it, not in our generation anyway. Some are likening the demands placed on the Italian medical services to war time. This maybe so, and is something that should be at the forefront of everyone’s minds. An unprecedented event that we can, and will overcome, and maybe even design a t-shirt about once all said and done.
Another hashtag…#dontbeadickliketheCoronavirus

Until then, we will carry on to the best of our abilities, we will be operating as close to normality as possible (unless we are instructed to close by the powers that be).

However, for this to happen, we will need some help, some teamwork. Please read carefully (not like you usually do 😉) to the information provided below:


  • If you suspect that you have been in contact with anyone who has had symptoms, please adhere to the point above.

  • Remain entirely vigilant regarding personal hygiene. Read and implement the signage distributed around the gym (I have ordered - early last week - 5 litres (at a cost that you do not want to know of) of alcoholic hand sanitiser. However it is currently as common as rocking horse shit). Please, until and once it arrives, wash your hands thoroughly upon entering the gym and any other time you feel is required. Dry your hands with the paper towels provided and discard immediately.

  • It’s cool to high five, sweaty hug and butt slap, but lets celebrate with a friendly nod, a smile, maybe even a corona elbow or simply a shaka (instructions posted below)

  • Finally, we do have a contingency plan should the worst possible scenario happen. And, unless required to do so due to financial concerns I would greatly appreciate it if you could keep your memberships current. Even if we’re not coaching you at the gym, we’ll make sure you have workouts programmed, and equipment to use at home. We also want to ensure that when this eventually blows over, you all have the box and community to return to.

We will do everything possible to make it work for everyone, and hope that once this is all over we still have a gym to come back to.

I have been thinking hard about this for the past few days, the L1 was actually a welcomed distraction. But, when given time I kept coming back to the same simple points; my main focuses are:

  • My team

  • My members

  • The box

I truly love you all, and have been blown away by the support that I have already received.

Corona Greeting Instruction

Corona Greetings.jpeg

Anyway, in order to finish on a lighter tone…here is the workout (can anyone guess who’s programming) as well as some Oppo spam…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time and load, on a 20 minute clock:

3 rounds of:
10 Hang power snatch (40/30kg)
10 Bar facing burpees

— then —

20 Toes to rings 

— then —

2 rounds of:
8 Hang squat snatch (40/30kg)
8 Bar facing burpees

— then —

20 Toes to rings

— then —

In remaining time: 1RM Hang squat snatch 

4 rounds of:
Row 1KM
1 minute hollow hold

Corona Who?

Corona Who?