With lots of folk taking equipment home from the gym, there is no reason not to give yourselves some decent thrashings in the back garden now hey!? Legit news!
Please can I just ask that it is used and treated as if it were your own, so no leaving barbells outside in the rain pretty please!
Follow the programming to the best of your ability, those who are still attending class will also be limited, and so there is every possibility that you will be able to do so. Certain elements will be required to scale clearly, unless you have rowers and ass bikes in your bedrooms. Lets hope that we don’t have to put them on our lists to Santa.
Those still attending the gym, once again please respect the rules laid out below:
The Rules
Daily workout will be allocated for the timings deleted above. Each class is limited to 10 athletes.
Athletes must book into each class by commenting on the WoD post released on the Reebok CrossFit Cardiff Members page WoD. No later than 21:00. Daily posts will be released earlier from now on to accommodate this and updated depending on latest government announcements.
No block booking will be considered. Should your plans change please respect others by commenting and making your place available.
Please remain outside of the gym until 5mins prior to your class start time.
Entering the gym will be by the right hand door only - marked entry.
Immediately wash your filthy mitts.
Keep contact to a minimum, no butt slapping please.
Athletes will have designated areas and equipment for the use during their workouts.
Once the workout is complete, each will be allocated 15mins to clean all used equipment ready for their fellow badass!
No changing or shower facilities will be provided until further notice.
Please leave the gym via opposite doorway having washed your hands prior.
Only one Trainer will be teaching at any one time and Ash and I will be working on a week on, week off basis in order to minimise the risk to ourselves. If we go down then we are all in the shit!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 20 minutes of:
5 Thrusters
7 Hang Power Cleans
10 Deadlifts
Barbell load (40/30kg)
Shout out your rounds and reps to Ash and he will write them up in painstakingly anal, colour coordinated segmentation. They would never catch COVID-19
CrossFit Cardiff Home WoD
For time:
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Double Unders (Sub out for star jumps if you have no rope)
Sit ups (pillow/hoodie under your back)
Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here