Tomorrow (Wednesday), or today for some of you, is supposed to be a wonderful day. Bright and sunny, boiling hot and filling us with morale!

What better environment to perform an utter shitfest of a workout in? None is the answer!

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

5 rounds for time:
30 Double unders
10 Dumbbell clean & jerks (50/35lbs - Right arm)
30 Double unders
10 Dumbbell clean & jerks (50/35lbs - Left arm)
Above is ideal and RX. Options are: Lighter DB, kettlebell, rucksack.

Warm up
30 Star jumps
30 Seconds of high knees
10 Burpees
30 Seconds of high knees
30 Star jumps

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here
