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WoD - Tuesday 14th May, 2024

WoD - Tuesday 14th May, 2024

Elise was NOT sick, or so she says! She went outside for a “walk” immediately after the last round to cool down… to the bush and back! Only as it was a prominent turn around point, rather than it be somewhere to be sick!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds for time:
10 Deadlift (80/60kg)
15 Double dumbbell front squat (50/35lbs)
20 Toes to bar

For 10 rounds, every 45s":
2 - 5 chest to bar pull ups

3 Sets
10 - 20s supine chest to bar hold
5 Strict CTB + 2s negative
10/10 landmine row

Accumulate a 60s L-sit in as little sets as possible.

WOD - Wednesday 23rd March, 2022

WOD - Wednesday 23rd March, 2022

Hump day and with a MASSIVE bang! This workout will likely sting, just a little!

Good luck and direct any and all feedback to Hannah Layton. It’s all her fault!!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 15 minutes of:
50 Double unders
5 Deadlifts (140/100kg)
10 Handstand push ups

Get those rounds and reps up to the whiteboard please legends…

WoD - Friday 3rd January, 2020

WoD - Friday 3rd January, 2020

In reality, the majority of you have been smart hey…you have taken Thursday and Friday off from work this week and possibly set an alarm to get up and train but decided to just throw it across the room instead of hit snooze!
What you really need is a flying alarm, one that shoots a little helicopter off, over the other side of the room and will only shut up if you put the thing back in…that alarm clock nearly broke me, evil little bastard!

The gym will be closed this weekend for a CrossFit L1 seminar. But…Cath has posted on the members group about heading down to Ninja warrior. That stuff is gnarly but so much fun! I want videos of Matt Parry falling on his arse please!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
Run 1 mile 
10 Deadlift (80/60kg)
Run 800m
10 Deadlift (100/80kg)
Run 400m
10 Deadlift (120/100kg)
Run 200m
10 Deadlift (140/120kg)

Get those back breaking times up on the board please…

I got excited thinning that this alarm shoots you when it goes off, the perfect gift for Hannah. However after researching the actual alarm is no where near that much fun…

Gun alarm.jpg

WoD - Friday 29th November, 2019

WoD - Friday 29th November, 2019

Friday! Get in! And there’s rugby! Not before a complete kicking down at the gym of course! 

Meanwhile I will be praying to the travel gods and the French side of the Eurostar! Scan baggage once and right you muppets! Although megabus is wonderful, I’d rather not have to use it again!

By the way, it’s officially December on Sunday, meaning that you can put a Christmas Tree up without getting a slap in the face from Batman!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

4 rounds for time:
75 Double unders
20 Ring dips
2 Deadlifts (160/110kg)

Good luck with these spine breaking, Dav’s would actually die, heavy deadlifts. I think I would actually rather handstand walk! Times up please!

Screenshot 2019-11-27 at 08.33.04.png

WoD - Friday 22nd November, 2019

WoD - Friday 22nd November, 2019

So then, how are your abs? Swelling gone down yet? Don’t worry, it will and when it does you will all be washing your knickers on your rock hard slabs! Saving the environment and riding yourself of embarrassing skid marks!
Thats what you call a win win!

Seeing as I have officially crossed over to the dark side, I am going to wrap this up. Have kick arsed weekends!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
21 - 15 - 9
Deadlifts (100/70kg)
Bar facing burpees

Vile yes! Don’t worry, it’s done. Times please!


WoD - Friday 4th October, 2019

WoD - Friday 4th October, 2019

So…now who’s legs are feeling a little like jelly?!

It may appear that I have punished them this week, and that’s true, but each day has had a different function. From squatting to pulling to lunging, all attack slightly different muscle groups sure, in differing ways due to the time domains of each workout. Really though, who cares?? Not the real world. Gone are the days when anyone think’s that weights on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and cardio on Tuesday and Thursday will get you fit. That pain you feel, that’s getting you fit!

With that in mind, have a bit of redundancy

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For Time: 
50 Calorie Row
100 Double Unders
50 Pull Ups
25 Overhead Squat (60/40kg)
50 Pull Ups   
100 Double Unders
50 Calorie Row

Chip away and get those times up to the whiteboard on completion of a tough week…

Liv dd.jpg

WoD - Wednesday 11th September 2019

WoD - Wednesday 11th September 2019

A suicide bomber killed seven CIA officers and one Jordanian officer at a remote base in southeastern Afghanistan on December 30, 2009 after posing as a potential informant reporting on Al Qaeda. Seven new stars will be etched onto the memorial wall at the CIA where every star represents grieving friends, family and colleagues dedicated to fight against the enemy, forever in their name.

Killed in the attack were CIA officers Jennifer Lynne Matthews, 45; Scott Michael Roberson, 39; Harold E. Brown Jr., 37; Darren LaBonte, 35; Elizabeth Hanson, 30; and security contractors Jeremy Jason Wise, 35, and Dane Clark Paresi, 46.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

"The Seven"

Seven rounds for time of:
7 Handstand Push Ups
7 Thruster (60/40kg)
7 Knees To Elbows
7 Deadlifts (110/75kg)
7 Burpees
7 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
7 Pull Ups

This is a challenging workout, intentionally. There is a lot to get through during the warm up, yet the spirit is to go as hard as possible and deal with discomfort. Should you need to share a barbell, don’t stress, you will be glad of the rest.
There will be a time cap in place but I reckon that you will be ok with that.

Please get your times up on the board once completed.

the 7.jpg

WoD - Thursday 27th June, 2019

WoD - Thursday 27th June, 2019

Holy forearms, latissimi dorsi and biceps tendons Batman. Next week we shall program the same workout but with 10 press ups added, is there a better way to prep for the beach?!

The problem with excellent anonymous banter is that it is very short lived! Due to the anonymity a retaliation is impossible and therefore as a result, hilarity ceases.
Now you merely have to be punished by a reduced level of entertainment as I am now terrified of inserting a , where it shouldn’t be. A ; out of place or even chucking in too many .’s in an ellipsis.
Now, I can still lead a of 8 heavily armed Marines in a live fire section attack, navigate 4 multi-million pound amphibious landing craft in echelon formation, at night. And intubate a patient when required, through the sunroof of his or her vehicle, and so once I have read my book, I will nearly be the whole package. All that’s left is to do something about my hair.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds For Time:
40 Walking Lunges 
20 Strict Ring Dips
10 Deadlifts (140/100kg)

Times up to the whiteboard please. Mind the friction burns on your biceps, not sure what I mean…wait until you get in the shower.


WoD - Friday 8th February, 2019

WoD - Friday 8th February, 2019

Are you ready, excited and raring to go for the CrossFit Cardiff Birthday bash! We have been planning some interesting “WoDs”, all with the intention of no one coming close to their ends, but everyone having a massive blast!

Come down with an open mind, prepare to get your ass handed to you in multiple different ways, and please refrain from puking on my floor, getting me a noise complaint or starting a food fight…unless of course you are completely smashed drunk that is! 😉

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

2 Rounds For Time of:
300m Run
20 Deadlifts (100/70kg)
10 Muscle Ups

Spend a minute getting your beach bodies ready for the beach, but write your times to the whiteboard before you go…


WoD - Friday 1st of February, 2019

WoD - Friday 1st of February, 2019

Pffffffft…see that, it was January! Which of course is no biggy, so long as things slow right down once it becomes warm again!

Below is an amazing comment from Coach Glassman, he is talking about an article that he wrote, available here which has received over a million downloads. And, was why a lot of people actually got into CrossFit in the first place.
What is Fitness will feature within Educate very soon.

”Where none existed we created a definition of fitness amenable to accurate and precise estimation. This is a prerequisite to measurement, and measurement is necessary to systematically, scientifically, improving fitness. This doesn’t make our definition right or wrong - definitions don’t come in flavors “right” or “wrong” - they’re either consistent or not, useful or not. Defining fitness as work capacity measured across broad time and modal domains is a moment in exercise science.

It also grounds the measurement of fitness to movement and not any one of countless surrogates. We didn’t need university approval for this; we didn’t need any of the academic and “scientific” organizations seemingly chartered to advance fitness (NSCA, ACSM, et al) to approve of our approach. We got the permissions we needed from logic, math, and the scientific method. It turns out that applying Newtonian mechanics to human performance bears fruit as it has in the study of all movement. Who’s surprised? I’m not.

As the principal architect of this approach, I will tell you that my motivation came in great part from the odd and long-nagging realization that exercise science was fruitless. I’ve publicly asked for decades now for someone to name a single contribution to any sports performance or training methodology arising from an advance in exercise science. (Crickets.)

This is the context with which I appreciate, understand, and explain CrossFit - even at Harvard Business School where the subject in my annual visit is our unparalleled business success. I stand in front of business students and explain that we took a stab at the first scientific definition of fitness relying heavily on Sir Isaac Newton and it worked!!

Even our low carb approach to eating had its origins in its dramatic impact measured in force, distance, and time. That is NOT insignificant, even if an aside.

None of this found an audience in academia - a few notable academics excepted. What did get the attention of the academy was our eventual dominance in the trainer certification space and our incestuous (frankly) relationship with first responders and men and women in uniform around the world.

The first significant response from academia was to fake a scientific study. The biggest name in exercise science suborned (were scientific misconduct perjury “suborn” would be the perfect choice of words) scientific misconduct as editor-in-chief of the largest peer-reviewed journal of exercise science and when exposed engaged in perjury and later spoliation of evidence to hide all of the above. “Caught red-handed” would be an understatement. The entire scientific edifice of the NSCA is an out and out fraud.

The corruption came from the top and appears throughout the NSCA. I could let the legal filings, judges’ and referees’ rulings speak for all of this, but I won’t.

We have emails detailing an unholy alliance of the NSCA, Pepsi, Ohio State University, ESPN, and a host of other nationally and internationally renowned companies and organizations coming together to stop what’s going on here on this website and in 15,000 gyms around the world flying the CF flag. What would that effort look like? Here’s just one effort costing millions: a score of bills drafted and floored in a dozen states over a dozen years making CF illegal. I called the NSCA and the ACSM “soda whores”. The NSCA sued me for it. They also dropped the suit after getting caught hiding emails that proved they were, well, soda whores. (On the advice of counsel I won’t mention that Lanny Davis has now come around trying to make this all go away.)

Dr. Morriem’s report was my introduction to scientific misconduct as a field of study. It also introduced me to the “replication crisis” and became the start of a deep and personal academic obsession with coming to understand what is wrong in science and medicine. Our exposure to the scientific fraud at the NSCA has been an education, better yet, a template, for the failures of organized fitness and medicine globally and the lack of meaningful response to the tsunami of chronic disease visible to all of us. We’ve been to hell and back and didn’t come back empty handed.

We owe it to our affiliates, CrossFitters, and the world to share what we've learned and been through.”

Some read, from the “Boss.” I love his passion and his fight, and if you met him, so would you!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Back Rack Walking Lunge
10 - 10 - 10

B: Deadlift*
5 - 5 - 5

*keep weight to where you can just graze the floor between each rep.


WoD - Friday 4th January, 2019

WoD - Friday 4th January, 2019

Standby for a good kicking to polish off the first week of 2019. Slowly but surely I am seeing faces returning from the Christmas break and with this being the last week of the current timetable, be sure that you know what the updates are. A LARGE picture of said changes is posted below.

Get ready for a weekend of not drinking, ensuring that you are fully re-adjusted from the “silly season” and are able to string together a few reps of stuff.

I have a job for you all…find the lanky legend Alfie, and give him a massive smooch, cwtch and mildly aggressive ass spank – he loves it – especially on his birthday like it is today (well tomorrow if you are reading this on Thursday night)!
Penblwydd Hapus brother, I hope everything you drink today IS alcoholic, contained within a LARGE drinking receptacle, and bought by someone else.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds For Time of:
21 Burpees
15 Deadlift (100/70kg)
9 Bar Muscle Ups

Sprint these reps and write your finishing times to the whiteboard on completion… 

CrossFit Cardiff New Timetable 2018.jpg

WoD - Thursday 20th December, 2018

WoD - Thursday 20th December, 2018

So close I can nearly taste the chippy alley battered “sausage”. Whether it actually is a sausage full of quality pork won’t really matter by that stage, maybe it ends up being lips and bum holes; cheeks or maybe even just a flat out rat. Either way, it will be delicious and definitely not nutritious! And you will be so drunk, you won’t care!

But, there is something more important than that, the birthday of one of our own. Unfortunately Ben will not be able to share his special day with us tomorrow but we all wish him the best and are thinking of him. Your day can be any.

When you next see him next, wish him the very best, but…remind him that those ass bike calories are going no where!
Happy Birthday buddy.

CrossFit Cardiff Team WoD

‘The Eagle has Landed’
Teams of 3
Complete as many rounds within 20 minutes of:
12 Deadlifts (140/100kg)
19 Ring Muscle Ups
90/65 Cal Ass Bike
28 Box Jump Overs (24/20”)
*split work as needed

Please write completed rounds and reps to the whiteboard…

Is he naked???

Is he naked???

WoD- Monday 10th December, 2018

WoD- Monday 10th December, 2018

Get to it lads, you have got to start your Xmas shopping, NOW!! I do this every year, without fail! Tell myself that I am going to get it done, weeks earlier, and guess what happens…I run into a frantic Pete Fry on Xmas Eve in town. Standard!

The weekend brought the 12 Days of Xmas workout, spreading the joy of the festive season (as well as total carnage) through a disgusting workout. To follow was another death defying trip up the scaffolding to change the ropes for some brand new ones, freshly donated by the Commando Training Centre. Meaning you know they are good!

Get those mince pies in the oven and tuck yourself up on the sofa, ready for a Dynasties Tiger fight!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

4 Rounds For Time:
7 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20”)
6 Deadlifts (70/50kg)
5 Hang Squat Cleans (70/50kg) 
4 Push Press (70/50kg) 

Thank you to City Road CrossFit for the inspiration…please note your times and write them on the whiteboard…


WoD - Tuesday 17th April, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 17th April, 2018

The Chief is seriously no joke, fast and furious and just the perfect way to welcome newbies into the gym, except of course if you switch the press ups for over the bar burpees...just for that little extra added bonus. Wonderful right? Don't worry, the summer will soon be upon us and we'll be doing this outside in the sunshine...not just getting super duper fit, but picking up a cheeky suntan along the way! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds for time:
Run 800m
30 Box Over Jumps (24/20”)
20 Toes To Bar
10 Deadlifts (115/90kg)

Run fast, jump high, smash the bar with your toes hard and do NOT hold your breath when you deadlift...otherwise you will have a headache when you write your kick ass times on the whiteboard....


WoD - Thursday 22nd February, 2018

WoD - Thursday 22nd February, 2018

I am writing this pre-evening classes and I have to say, I am especially excited about tonight. No one, has vomited today yet, not at least in the gym (potentially while en route home)! But there are three classes later, full of young bucks, busting to get after this hard! 

I have a few picks for favourite...Ash, Nick, Conners or Me (prior to the 5pm) or basically anyone else! Just remember, do not vomit into the will not be good for you! 

Anyway, back to tomorrow. 

GET YOUR PREDICTIONS FOR 18.1 UP ON THE BOARD. In your team colours, with your initials, the closest guess earns 10 points for their team. 
Not signed up yet? Don't worry, there is still chance. Click HERE to sort yourself out!! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 Rounds for time of:
20 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
10 Deadlift (100/70kg)

Please scribe rounds to the whiteboard, you kick assed ninjas!! Chuck a * up there next to your names if your asses are on fire...

I may get in trouble for posting this picture, but i'm in it so screw them! 

I may get in trouble for posting this picture, but i'm in it so screw them! 

WoD - Tuesday 17th October, 2017

Anyone else seriously struggling to walk down stairs, curbs, stepping over leaves?  

When a nine year old REEEEEEALLY wants to show you her brand new just wish that you hadn’t let Hannah program the workout!!  

I don’t think tomorrow is going to be much better!! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For Time: 

15 - 12 - 9

21 - 15 - 9

15 - 12 - 9

Deadlifts (130/90kg)

Pull - ups

Box Jumps (30/24”)

Rest 5mins

For Time: 

9 - 12 - 15

9 - 15 - 21

9 - 12 - 15

Box Jumps (30/24”) 

Pull - ups

Deadlift (130/90kg) 

You go down, rest 5mins, and then go back up again. Fun times!

Please post times to the whiteboard...

 Accessory Program



Goblet squat with kettlebell (ideally 12kg or less weight than you used in the first week) - 2 sets x 5 reps (10s down, 1s pause at the bottom and a fast ascent)

Single leg touchdown progressions - 4 sets x 5 reps on 2x20kg plates stacked

2.1. After sets 1 and 2 perform a banded ankle stretch with a kettlebell - 1min on each leg (2mins total per leg)

2.2 After sets 3 and 4 perform a calf stretch on a plate - 1min on each leg (2mins total per leg)


For some reason, this picture is stretched...👆🏼But I can’t say that I’m upset about it though!  

WoD - Tuesday 8th August, 2017

Today we celebrate the birthday of one of the most legendary people on the planet, we are dedicating today's workout to her. 

Woody, you are one of the most incredible human beings I have ever met; unbelievably selfless and humble to a fault. You are the heart of our community and the soul of that gym.

Personally, I owe you so much and will spent the rest of my life attempting to return your generousity. 


CrossFit Cardiff WoD 

For Time:

39 AB Cals

39 GHD Sit ups

39 Deadlifts (100/70kg)

39 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)

39 Double Unders


WoD - Saturday 18th March

So...variance. The method by which we get so fit. Looking back at what elements of our program we have recently complimented, so that we can plan what comes next, or...fuck that right off and repeat the same workout a couple of days later! Sorry! 

At least this time around you'll only have to do it for 13 mins! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of:
55 deadlifts, (225/155lb)
55 wall-ball shots, (20/14-lb) ball to 10/9-ft target
55-calorie row
55 handstand push-ups

Once you have all cooled off (and that might take a while), we shall be showing the new CrossFit Games feature film "The Fittest On Earth - A Decade of Fitness", on the big screen from 7pm
A few amazing folk are planning to set up slow cookers full of delicious, tender and mouthwatering meat, at the gym in the morning, so that they will be ready for the showing. Others are planning on ordering a dominos to be delivered and many are making their own seriously tasty sounding treats. Whatever you prefer. Bring snacks, beers, and anything else you fancy, I'm not fussed...just don't play the popcorn game!

You will not be expected to perform burpees at any point, but we all know what happens as soon as any kid finish watching karate kid.

If you are too paleo to drink a beer or eat a pizza, we still love you...the only reason I am offering this is that the film comes at a cost but I have been able to get it for free and thought I'd share it with you. 

WoD - Wednesday 8th March 2017

Yep, you lot looked just like I did once i'd finished that you'd been kicked in the relative nuts. Not pleasant. 

Have a look at our Instagram page, reebokcrossfitcardiff, for details of the April Fools Throwdown. If you don't have an Instagram account, create one and follow us, or...borrow a friend who does. 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds For Time of:
50 Double Unders
25 TTB
15 Deadlifts (100/70kg)

A grippy sprint...get after it and hold on to that bar! Pleas post times to the white board...

WoD - Friday 19th August 2016

So instead of merely spinning his wrist faster and just doing the occasional lightening quick single under, Al actually had a light bulb moment while being coached by the communicational wizard, Jon Hares! Not only did he get an actual double under, but 60! 

Gooooooood luck to your Achilles tomorrow! 😳 

 CrossFit Cardiff WoD

'Partner Linda' 

Each partner will complete reps:

10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 of:

Deadlift @1.5 BW

Bench Press  @BW

Squat Clean @.75 BW

Split reps and rest as required.  

please post times to comments...

Rowing is easier without a piece of toilet paper up your nose! The same goes for dubs! 

Rowing is easier without a piece of toilet paper up your nose! The same goes for dubs!