So close I can nearly taste the chippy alley battered “sausage”. Whether it actually is a sausage full of quality pork won’t really matter by that stage, maybe it ends up being lips and bum holes; cheeks or maybe even just a flat out rat. Either way, it will be delicious and definitely not nutritious! And you will be so drunk, you won’t care!
But, there is something more important than that, the birthday of one of our own. Unfortunately Ben will not be able to share his special day with us tomorrow but we all wish him the best and are thinking of him. Your day can be any.
When you next see him next, wish him the very best, but…remind him that those ass bike calories are going no where!
Happy Birthday buddy.
CrossFit Cardiff Team WoD
‘The Eagle has Landed’
Teams of 3
Complete as many rounds within 20 minutes of:
12 Deadlifts (140/100kg)
19 Ring Muscle Ups
90/65 Cal Ass Bike
28 Box Jump Overs (24/20”)
*split work as needed
Please write completed rounds and reps to the whiteboard…
Is he naked???