WoD - Tuesday 21st November, 2023

WoD - Tuesday 21st November, 2023

We have a MASSIVE birthday celebration to share, but unfortunately the lad in question will be unable to do his birthday calories on account of his legs being too short for both the arms and pedals!

Penblywdd Hapus Oppo!

The legend turns 5 years old today, and on account of his nutcase brother, is officially fucked!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For 5 rounds
5 Front squat
10 Front rack walking lunge
5 Front squat
These are heavy and straight sets

For 4 rounds, every 2:30
1 - 5 Strict handstand push ups (deficit if possible)

3 sets
1 - 2 Negative handstand push ups

Rest 30s

8 Dumbbell strict press

3 sets
15 Banded tricep extensions
8 Diamond push-ups

WoD - Monday 20th November, 2023

WoD - Monday 20th November, 2023

The CrossFit Cardiff Xmas Do 2023 is upon us. An event has been set up and I’m fucked if I can unfortunately I am unable to invite anyone to it on Facebook.
The event link has been pasted below, as an addition, this is a members only event and so unfortunately no plus 1s for the most part, unless your other half is a member.

Tickets can are invisible and can be paid for at the gym. Bring chas please! £20 per ticket


And so as you know… responding with “interested” doth butter no parsnips… get yourself sorted and commit to a hang over from hell. If you need any support, text Nick Webb, he is a veteran!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 15 minutes of:
20/18 Calorie row
20 Toes to bar
10 Burpees

WoD - Friday 17th November, 2023

WoD - Friday 17th November, 2023

Whether you think so or not, or whether you want to or not… there is no reason to put the medicine ball down.

The last time we programmed this I had a lot of complaints, save your breath… I have heard them all before…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
25 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 5
Medicine ball cleans (20/14lbs)

WoD - Thursday 16th November, 2023

WoD - Thursday 16th November, 2023

A cheeky bit of strength and a cheeky bit of sprinting!

Start heavy, get heavier. Start fast, stay fast!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Strict press
3 - 3 - 3
Build load with each set

3 Rounds each for time:
Run 400m
Rest 3 mins between rounds

For 8 rounds, every 1:30 minutes
2 Squat snatch, 2 second pause at the knee

For 5 rounds, every minute
1 Hang squat snatch

3 Sets
6  Push press
6 Wide grip strict pull ups

WoD - Wednesday 15th November, 2023

WoD - Wednesday 15th November, 2023

Mid week and guess what… this is going to hurt! It will be uncomfortable.

You might be thinking whether there is anything wrong with me. I was funnily enough, angry when programming last week. But, that has meant that you are all getting some serious fitness. 😁

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 10 minutes, climb the ladder of:
1 Power clean
2 Front squats
2 Power cleans
4 Front squats
3 Power cleans
6 Front squats
4 Power cleans
8 Front squats etc.
Barbell: 70/50kg

Rest 10mins

For time:
Row 2000m

WoD - Tuesday 14th November, 2023

WoD - Tuesday 14th November, 2023

We’ve started, the week is underway and due to it being Tuesday, you are likely feeling the effects of Chad 1000x right about now. Fingers crossed you are able to pick your keys up if you drop them or more importantly, I hope you do not drop them in your first place.

Tomorrow, so as you know, is nasty! It’s just no comfortable.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 21 minutes of:
18 GHD sit ups
9 Push press (60/40kg)
6 Ring muscle ups

For 5 rounds, every 2 minutes
2 Negative pause handstand press ups

4 Sets
8 Pike push ups
10 Roll backs

3 Sets
8 Deficit press ups
15 Tricep extensions

WoD - Monday 13th November, 2023

WoD - Monday 13th November, 2023

They went with songs to the battle, they were young,
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted:
They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 18 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
11 Hang Power Snatch (35/25kg)
11 Burpees
11 Thrusters (35/25kg)
11 Pull ups
On the 11th minute, pause for 1 minute in silence

WoD - Friday 10th November, 2023

WoD - Friday 10th November, 2023

Welcome to the end of the week and a serious Friday feeling! Get yourself rested and be ready to come down to the box to kick the arse out of 1000 box step ups tomorrow night! Clear Sunday and recover!

If you can’t make it, happy weekend team!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
“Curiosity shop”
50 Kettlebell deadlifts (2 x 32/24kg)
150ft Handstand walk
50 box jump overs (24/20”)
75 Toes to bar
50 Box jump overs (24/20”)
150ft Handstand walk
50 Kettlebell deadlifts (2 x 32/24kg)

WoD - Thursday 9th November, 2023

WoD - Thursday 9th November, 2023

Well I told you so… Janet will be screaming at this, and for two reasons:
1. It’s Thursday!
2. She just loves a burpee over the rower!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Every minute, on the minute, for 20 minutes:
Odd: 18/16 Calorie row
Even: 15 Burpees over the rower

For 5 rounds, every 2:30 mins
2 Squat snatch, 2 second pause at the knee

For 3 rounds, every minute
1 Squat snatch

3 Sets
6  Push press
6 Wide grip strict pull ups

WoD - Wednesday 8th November, 2023

WoD - Wednesday 8th November, 2023

Mid-week and a very cheeky little kicking for you. All of you will love it… ish!

You’ll definitely love it more than the rest of the week! 😬😬

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 10 minutes:
Establish a 1 rep max power clean and push jerk

Rest 5 minutes

For time:
Heavy Grace
30 Clean and jerks
Loading 80% of today’s 1RM

WoD - Tuesday 7th November, 2023

WoD - Tuesday 7th November, 2023

Happy Tuesday! It’s around about now that Janet is starting to complain about how sore she is, how long the week has been and as per… letting everyone from the 8am class know just how much she is looking forward to the weekend! And… I am right there with her! 😉

Tomorrow, load up and LIFT heavily, throughout. NO INCREASING LOAD AS THE FIRST SET WASN’T ENOUGH

“An honest set of 5 is realistically a set of 4.”

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Back squat
5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5
HEAVY & straight sets

For 5 rounds, every 2 minutes:
2 Negative pause handstand push ups

4 Sets
8 Pike push ups
10 Roll backs

3 Sets
8 Deficit press ups
15 Tricep extensions

WoD - Monday 6th November, 2023

WoD - Monday 6th November, 2023

Welcome to a new week. Please remember that the gym is closed to host a CrossFit L1 this coming weekend, however… post seminar at 6pm, we are opening to perform the hero workout Chad.

Chad is an extremely challenging workout, it hurts a lot. It is supposed to. Consider what you do in prep throughout the day on Saturday and consider what you are planning to do afterwards and for Sunday. You will need to recover… and wash your knee sleeves!

Back to Monday…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For 5 Rounds, within 2:30:
10 Shuttle runs (25ft out and back = 1)
8 DB devil press (2x50/35lb)
Max pull ups
Rest 2:30 minutes between rounds

WoD - Friday 3rd November, 2023

WoD - Friday 3rd November, 2023

Happy Friday! The class is back to normal again tomorrow, come in and smash yourself before you head out to get as smashed yourselves. Just don’t be too bummed that there is no World Cup rugby to watch while you do so!

PTP programming has designed tomorrow’s utter shitfest, and so you have them to blame! Goooooood luck!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
60 Hang squat cleans
Barbell 70/50kg
Every break = 3 strict RMU

WoD - Thursday 2nd November, 2023

WoD - Thursday 2nd November, 2023

No banter sorry, just the obvious…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Rounds, each for time:
Within 2 minutes
7 Burpee box jump overs
14/12 Calorie assault bike
Rest 4 minutes between rounds

Every 2:30 for 5 rounds:
2 Squat snatch, 2 second pause at the knee

Every minute for 3 rounds”
1 Squat snatch

3 Sets
6  Push press
6 Wide grip strict pull - ups

WoD - Wednesday, 1st November, 2023

WoD - Wednesday, 1st November, 2023

Mid week and on the rundown for the weekend! Not long now before you will be partying hard, getting smashed and trying to do some fitness between!

Roll on the weekend!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
10 - 10 - 10 - 10 - 10
Heavy AF and straight sets

WoD - Tuesday 31st October, 2023

WoD - Tuesday 31st October, 2023

Hello hello. I hope you legends had an awesome time at the throwdown, dressed up all scary and that!
Not only did you have fun but you raised a shit ton of cash for the lad Enrique, I know he will be insanely grateful with it all and for sure will put a massive smile on his face.

Studs you all are, as always!

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
10 rounds for time:
10 Handstand press ups
15 Toes to bar
60 Double unders
These are you go, I go rounds

Every 2 minutes for 5 rounds
3 Negative handstand press ups (deficit if possible)

5 Sets
8 Box pike push-ups
15 Seated dumbbell strict press

3 Sets
15 Tricep extension
10 Plyo push up

WoD - Monday 30th October, 2023

WoD - Monday 30th October, 2023

Following the CrossFit L1 seminar, held at the gym on November 11th, at 18:00 we will be leading the memorial workout “Chad 1000X”. Below is why…

Sara Wilkinson, GORUCK, and CrossFit present the hero workout “CHAD” - in honor of Navy SEAL Chad Wilkinson who took his life on October 29, 2018 due to the effects of numerous deployments, several TBIs, blast wave injuries and PTSD. Our goal is to honor Chad’s life and legacy and to raise awareness for suicide prevention.

CHAD 1000X has brought together thousands of registered participants, as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars raised since 2020, looking to be part of something greater than themselves. To not only bring awareness to the epidemic of suicide, particularly among veterans, but also to help be part of the solution through the support to the The Step Up Foundation and other veteran health initiatives.

This year, join us again in paying respect to Chad Wilkinson and all those who have been lost to suicide, while also committing to try to change the number. #CHAD1000X

Chad Wilkinson
For time:
1000 Step ups (20”)
Wear a 20/15kg rucksack.

Sara has been a close friend of mine for many years, I know this workout is hard but click below and take the time to listen to this podcast, it isn’t easy but will provide motivation…

Back to Monday and I hope you all had a kick arse Halloween throwdown weekend…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many round and reps as possible within 20mins of:
Run 400m
15 Overhead squats (45/30kg)

WoD - Friday 27th October, 2023

WoD - Friday 27th October, 2023

We’ve made it, the end of the week and just in time for a Saturday of fun. Not only will you guys be throwing down to the hilt at the throwdown but it is also the rugby world cup final AND… Cath is breaking her alcohol free October. Three very cool things until the hang over kicks in on Sunday morning.
Our thoughts and prays are with her liver!

By the way, no shin injuries prior to tomorrow please, all blood over Halloween should be fake.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
21 - 15 - 9
Deadlift (100/70kg)
Box jumps (24/20”)

WoD - Thursday 26th October, 2023

WoD - Thursday 26th October, 2023

We are nearly at the end of the week and getting stuck into the Halloween throwdown. Remember, it is going to be very spooky and fucking fun! Get ready for some fitness fun!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Rounds for time:
30 Wall balls (20/14lbs)
20/15 Calorie assault bike
10 Burpees

Every minute for 3 minutes
3 Power snatch
Rest 1 minute

Every minute for 3 minutes
2 Power snatch
Rest 1 minute

Every minute for 3 minutes
1 Power snatch

3 Sets
2 Length overhead KB carry
10/10 dumbbell split RDL

WoD - Wednesday 25th October, 2023

WoD - Wednesday 25th October, 2023

Mid-week and time for a little bit of strength! Get ready for your central nervous system to feel like it’s been hit by a bus…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Clean & Jerk
3 - 3 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1
Build load each set