Viewing entries tagged
Happy Birthday

WoD - Monday 28th October, 2024

WoD - Monday 28th October, 2024

Take a bow lads, Happy 360th birthday to the Royal Marines.

For any that are exposed to extreme danger every day, away from friends, family and really any freedom or enjoyment, you have our massive respect and love.
Every day while we go about our relaxed Sunday, the armed forces are out somewhere bitterly cold and wet, insanely hot and dry, and doing it not for any other reason that they truly believe that it is the right thing to do.

It’s service! Spare a moment to think about them.

Per Mare, Per Terram. By Sea, By Land

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For 6 rounds, within 1:15:
10/8 Echo bike calories
4 Burpee box jump overs (24/20”)
Max sandbag cleans
Rest 4 minutes between rounds

WoD - Friday 30th August, 2024

WoD - Friday 30th August, 2024

Whoop, hollar, cheer, and get naked to celebrate the bestest coaches birthday today… Nicole (I’m not actually sure how old I am) Hagan.

Give her some love if you are lucky enough to see her this weekend! We can all celebrate with a ridiculously disgusting chipper style workout.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
Run 800m
50 Wall balls (20/14lbs - 10ft)
50 Kettlebell swings (24/20kg)
50 Box jump over (24/20”)
50 Kettlebell swings (24/20kg)
50 Wall balls (20/14lbs - 10ft)
Run 800m

WoD - Wednesday 27th September, 2023

WoD - Wednesday 27th September, 2023

A very special day for a very special part of this community. Could you please all shout from the rooftops to wish the utter legend that is Attila… commonly known as A tit, a seriously happy 40th birthday! What a fucking stud!
Big love bro! I can’t wait to celebrate with you. But first… calories and piss takes!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For max Load:
5 - 5 - 5 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 1
Squat Clean

WoD - Wednesday 30th August, 2023

WoD - Wednesday 30th August, 2023

Well here we go, assault bike pay back time! It is your very favourite coaches special day!

Penblwydd Hapus Nicolę, you Irish potato cake loving legend! Everyone thinks you are an absolute gem, myself included! Proven by the sheer amount of abuse I give you (I am getting better) on a daily basis, you love it really and much more than the alternative.

Have an epic day buddy, go and do something really cool, paid for by someone else!

Love ya.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
60 Double unders
30 Toes to bar
15/12 Calorie row

WoD - Tuesday 15th November, 2022

WoD - Tuesday 15th November, 2022

And as a result of Monika’s frankly insane take on Secret Santa, I missed saying a MASSIVE HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ricky!!! The best Esther Rantzen impressionist life has to offer!

I hope you have a good one buddy, even though the Polish Xmas loving mentalist stole your thunder!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
4 Rounds for time of:
75 Double unders
25 Pull ups
5 Squat snatch (80/60kg)

3 Sets
Max bar muscle ups

3 Sets
10 Elevated ring rows
8 Ring dips
6 Tuck to L-sits
4 Strict toes to bar

WoD - Thursday 20th October, 2022

WoD - Thursday 20th October, 2022

Well team, could you all please do me a small favour… wherever you may be and whatever it is that you might be doing, please stop… find Gem Verallo, give her a massive birthday squeeze before you force her to do a large number of assault bike calories. Don’t you worry dude, I know exactly what it feels like! 😳

A massive happy birthday to you you legend! Huge love from us all!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
30/25 Calorie assault bike
Rest 8 minutes

30 - 20 - 10
Burpee box jump overs (24/20”)
Toes to bar

Rest 8 minutes
30/25 Calorie assault bike

Push Jerk
3 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1
Increasing load

Snatch balance
2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2

This picture is entitled… “From Gem with love”

WoD - Tuesday 30th August, 2022

WoD - Tuesday 30th August, 2022

PENBLWYDD HAPUS to your one and only, Irish assassin Nicole “See you laaaater” Hagan!!

She is an absolute legend and 100% needs to complete assault bike calories for every single class. UNLUCKY… it’s your fault for being so loved!

Have an amazing day buddy, love you even if you will never train with me!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
10 Rounds for time of:
3 Clean & Jerk (60/40kg)
3 Bar over burpees


WoD - Friday 4th February, 2022

WoD - Friday 4th February, 2022

Get your A game on the go for our birthday tomorrow! 11 years since I was attempting to assemble two krypton factor GHDs at 3am ready for a 9am opening. I wonder if the “spare” bolts are still in the bushes where I put them for safe keeping?! 😉

Lots has changed in 11 years, bonkers to think that we have been open and operating that long, despite all the bullshit we’ve dealt with along the way.
We shall celebrate in style hey!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
10 rounds for time:
5 Shoulder to overhead (60/40kg)
7 Pull ups
30 Double unders

Times up to the board please legends…

WoD - Wednesday 22nd December, 2021

WoD - Wednesday 22nd December, 2021

That workout was absolutely shocking!

Mikey B programmed it originally as 20/15 cals and 30 double unders but with 2 minutes rest. I suggested that we adjusted it to 15/12 and 3 minutes rest. Since, I worried that it would be too easy… NOPE… definitely NOT too easy! My quads are still killing me hours later.

Anyway, onwards and upwards. 11 years ago today, I signed the affiliate agreement for CrossFit Cardiff for the first time. Bonkers how quickly that has gone and how long ago it feels.
Even more insane is that I have managed to not strangle any of you lovable F**KS since! 😉😉😉

In celebration, we have an absolute stinker of a workout for you! GOOD LUCK!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps within 15 minutes of:
1 Wall walk
2 Power cleans (60/40kg)
3 Front squat (60/40kg)
After each round add a rep to each movement

WoD - Wednesday 20th October, 2021

WoD - Wednesday 20th October, 2021

Tomorrow is a very special day. You need to whoop, holler, get your party hats on and let an absolute LEGEND of the gym know that she has a shit ton of assault bike calories to do (only as many as I do mind)!

Happy Birthday Gem Vezza you utter stud! You have a very special place within this gym, it’s hard to find another member who is more loved by everyone, I can’t wait to watch you suffer on that beautiful machine!

Big love my friend… I even went easy on the picture!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 rounds for time of within 2 minutes:
20/16 Calorie row
30 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
Rest 3 minutes between rounds*

*for each wall ball rep not complete, athletes will perform 2 burpees during the rest period.


WoD - Thursday 9th September, 2021

WoD - Thursday 9th September, 2021

So it’s Hannah Banana’s birthday today and so all you’re getting is the WoD! Love ya but…

Not as much as I love this weapon…a MASSIVE happy birthday to the legend that is!

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
100 Calorie assault bike
80 Double unders
60 Front squats (70/55kg)
40 Hang clean (70/55kg)
20 Handstand push ups

Athletes are to split the reps as required…

3 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 1

Back extensions
10 - 10 - 10 - 10


WoD - Thursday 11th of February, 2021

WoD - Thursday 11th of February, 2021

Sometimes people come into your life a little unexpectedly, when you least think, dig their claws in and do not let go! Lucky her name is Cath Knapton, we all love her and today is her birthday!

From a member to a members member, to a sister to most of us, not many folk I know would at the drop of a hat bring you: Penylan Pantry veg boxes; double cream; lend you her car or drive you to Swansea to get yours and swap a works shift to dog sit your utter nightmare of a cocaine snorting, possessed animal!

The fact that she is such a close friend is one of the many reasons why i am grateful for having CrossFit Cardiff, despite spelling her name with a K for at least 6 months!
But hey, maybe if I hadn’t have done that, things would be different!

Happy Birthday you legend, we all love ya!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 reps of:
Strict handstand push ups
Press ups
Dumbbell row*

*perform on both arms before moving on

F**k your workout videos…tag the shit out of Cath for her big day!

Cath K.jpg

WoD - Friday 5th February, 2021

WoD - Friday 5th February, 2021

FRIDAY!!! And not just any Friday.

Today, 10 years ago, at 4:30am I was hurling the clearly unnecessary and surely additional (spare) nuts and bolts provided by the very generous GHD company, into the busy just outside the original box.
Ready to head home for about 3 hours sleep, which, in the last few weeks had become the norm.

Changing rooms built, most of the masking tape removed (I’d still find some months later), and brand new, shiny gear everywhere. Not to mention a state of the art (really was at the time), custom made rig which you all grew to hate. All i needed now were members. Who’d have known, but 10 years later there have been countless, very, cool stories. Lives turned around and laughs had…what a place. all from a little box.

The only thing I forgot was a f**king sign!

Happy 10th Birthday CrossFit Cardiff!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds for time of:
15 Burpees
30 Thrusters (35/25kg)
45 Double unders

Be thankful that you’re all in lockdown, otherwise you’d be doing Fight Gone Bad! Times up please team!


WoD - Wednesday 5th February, 2020

WoD - Wednesday 5th February, 2020

Well that went fast! Tomorrow marks the 9th year of CrossFit Cardiff in operation. On Saturday the 5th of February, without a sign (stayed that way for at least 3 years) the doors to a unit that would literally change peoples lives opened.
It is genuinely difficult to write about all that has happened over the course of nearly a decade, but, many folk have gotten really fit, cured their selves of conditions and ailments, saved relationships…created relationships. Experienced extreme discomfort, through workouts and hang overs! My punctuation has gotten a little better (you can teach a Marine anything see…😳) and I can change a toilet roll or the batteries of a concept two monitor in world record time! Thank you all for helping me to grow!

Roll on Saturday the 15th where we will celebrate in style.

Here’s to another decade of fun filled fitness!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds for reps
Within 8 minutes
Run 600m
In the remaining time EMOM:
6 burpee box over (30/24”)

Get your birthday scores up to the board please…

Maybe an arrow might have helped

Maybe an arrow might have helped

WoD - Friday 9th August, 2019

WoD - Friday 9th August, 2019

It’s that Friday feeling, likely to be a rainy day as our wonderful weather is taking a break, ready to be shit hot again throughout the September Indian summer that we are going to have!

Anyway, enough bollocks about the weather, you lot have a job to do for me please. Your near and dear, Ashwell, turned the fruitful age of 24 last week! 24, holy shit! One year away from cheap car insurance and access to some of the world’s finest evening entertainment.
Now, as I am such a prick of a boss, he was forced to work on Thursday (the day after his big day) and so Ash unfortunately could not fully enjoy his celebrations. Not nearly to the extent that I want you to lead him to on Saturday night.
Get him out, and get him so smashed that his antics of attempting to climb into his own shoes get him an evil star from the Ms. It is his birthday after all!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
400m Run
21 - 15 - 9
Deadlift (120/80kg)
Box Jumps (24/20”)
400m Run

Please put your butt cheek burning times up on the whiteboard before dragging the ginger ninja to the pub for Saturday’s pre-drinks.

The Greatest Ash.jpeg

WoD - Monday 29th July, 2019

WoD - Monday 29th July, 2019

Unreal how this has come around so quickly, and I will guarantee that it feels far faster for two certain legends, but…we officially celebrate a very cool, young man’s 1st birthday. Finely Suller.
We only have to do this workout 14 more times before he can join the Marines and be brought home to meet his chicks dad! 😳😬😉 Maybe his mum and dad wouldn’t be so keen!

Penblwydd Hapus young man. I wonder how many more times we will have to do this workout before the man himself is doing it with us.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

7 Rounds For Time of:
7 Cleans (60/40kg)
7 Shoulder To Overhead (60/40kg)
20 Box Jumps (24/20”)
18 Toes To Bar

He’s definitely going to have abs like slabs, is the lad! Please post times to the whiteboard…


WoD - Monday 30th April, 2018

WoD - Monday 30th April, 2018

There shall be minimal build up, zero fluff until I get to the bullshit! 

A ginormous HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the one and only, the living legend, the most well spoken coach this side of Nagasaki...Alex Conroy. Brother I hope your weekend consisted of fitness, fun and frolics. I hope that you have been spoilt rotten and are sat back with your feet up, having a relaxing and soothing massage, while you sip at the perfectly chilled drink of your choice. 

Thank you for your hard work over the last 12 months, you have been an integral part of the team and you absolutely take a bow, sir. Had I been home, i'd drive you to Sheffield! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds for time of:
20 DB Snatch (50/35lbs)
20 Box Jumps (24/20")
400m Run

Don't hold back, no pacing aside from suicide...grit your teeth, go nuts from the off and get those gnarly times up on the board...

Not only does he coach, but he doubles up as a great apparel model! 

Not only does he coach, but he doubles up as a great apparel model! 

WoD - Tuesday 6th February, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 6th February, 2018 is pretty special, we have made it!! Even though many people, including myself (clearly not intentionally but through very poor maths ;-)) have attempted to end it all, they were unsuccessful. We fought the buggers off and have made it... artless of
Today is CrossFit Cardiff's 7th Birthday. A very Happy Birthday to you all! 

I teach people, every weekend, that they can truly make a difference to peoples lives by simply creating somewhere, anywhere that they would love to train at themselves; to remember just what it felt like all those years ago, when they crossed the threshold of their very first CrossFit gym. Well regardless of experience or stature, it's nerve-racking. I was a former Royal Marine and had worked on a close protection team in Iraq...I was crapping myself but immediately felt at home. 

"We have one of the only services where you'd ever offer where you radically understate the benefit, to keep your credibility. If I told you all the cool things I could do for you, you wouldn't believe it" Greg Glassman.
That statement is so true, but made so by you, the community, our family. It's not Ash's devilishly handsome good looks, my impeccable charm, Jack's sexy ankles, Mel's butt or even Conroy's double biceps's you. And all because you remember, just what it was like to walk over that threshold. So when you see others do just that, you welcome them wonderfully, and protect them fiercely.

It's all because of this gym, and you lot are this gym. Happy Birthday and have a great day.  

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5

Please post your massive loads, all to the whiteboard...

Our first ever sign, and the only one we had for 3 years!! 

Our first ever sign, and the only one we had for 3 years!! 

Openning day!! A long time ago. GHDs made at 03:00

Openning day!! A long time ago. GHDs made at 03:00

We upgraded! 

We upgraded! 

Only slightly different! 

Only slightly different! 

WoD - Monday 6th February 2017

Happy Birthday CrossFit Cardiff! 

Six years ago today, the doors of CrossFit Cardiff opened the doors for the first time. At 9:30am, on a rainy Saturday morning, approximately five hours after throwing the 'spare' nuts and bolts from the newly assembled GHDs into the bush opposite, the first members of our family walked over the threshold; excited to see the new fad, taught by two young (younger) guys, still wet behind the ears, desperate for sleep. 

The small yet perfectly formed ice box of fitness was bouncing within minutes. Nervous looking legends who had traveled from as far as Leeds warmed up ready to tackle 'Fight Gone Bad'; my first ever CrossFit workout. 
For hours, heats came and went. PB's and sweat flying every where and just think...we didn't even have a sign... 

Since that day, I have made more mistakes then I can remember. Regardless, soon enough something had to change...

And thanks to an amazing family we opened the doors without anyone dying and only having to cancel one class...

And now, it is just a normal part of your lives. Here's to another six years of thrusters, burpees, drunken escapades and hang overs. Post Xmas Doo embarrassed faces but definitely NOT anymore Reebok CrossFit "Games" hot tub parties.

Thank you to everyone for your support over the years.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 Rounds each for time of:
Row 40cals
Rest 2mins
Run 400m
Rest 2mins

Add the 400m run time to the time taken to row 40cals for a total time. Repeat each round. Please post times to the whiteboard...

WoD - Friday 29th May 2016

This weekend is a bank holiday, meaning that you lot will all be out and f**ked up on Sunday night, hopefully anyway. Therefore, please see below for the opening hours on Monday:

Monday 2nd May - 10:00 - 11:00 Open Gym
                                   11:00 - 12:00 WoD

If you show up at 5, 6 or 7pm then perform 5x400m runs with 3mins rest between. 

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

For time:
30 - 20 - 10
Calorie Row (each partner to perform the above number of reps)
Dumbbell Step overs (2x45/35lbs)
Dumbbell Pull Up (45/35lbs)

Please post times to comments...

Lastly, a huge Happy Birthday to these two legends!!