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WoD - Thursday 15th July, 2021

WoD - Thursday 15th July, 2021

Well I had originally programmed that to be 4 rounds, how glad am I that I had second thoughts, my quads still hurt hours afterwards!

Anyway, now those puppies are mullered, you should only be able to use your hammies and glutes for tomorrow’s workout…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Back rack walking lunges

8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8

These are heavy but straight, the aim would be 90% of whatever you lifted for the heaviest set of 12 two weeks ago. GOOD LUCK butt cheeks!

Clean Complex
Clean grip deadlift - Hang clean - Clean

Back extensions
10 - 10 - 10 - 10


WoD - Friday 9th July, 2021

WoD - Friday 9th July, 2021

Well that’s another week of Nicole’s thrashings done and dusted! Body feeling good?! No? Weird! Still, it was about as much fun as anyone can have with their clothes on hey.

Just think too, you nearly got away without a good old fashioned kicking by the hand of the assault bike! Nearly.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
4 rounds each for time:
24/18 Calorie assault bike
12 Pull ups 
12 Alternating hang snatch (50/35lb)
Rest for 3 minutes between rounds

Get your round scores up and…have a cracking weekend!


WoD - Thursday 10th December, 2020

WoD - Thursday 10th December, 2020

What the bet that the 15 people signed up for the AM class tomorrow don’t all suddenly develop a serious case of Kerasiphobia?!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
10 mins to work up to a heavy Turkish Get Up

B: Bench Press
5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5*

*set a heavy load and maintain across sets. Loads up to the whiteboard please…

For 4 sets 1 + 3
High hang squat clean
Front squat

Work to a heavy but manageable load. There should be no failing.


WoD - Friday 31st July, 2020

WoD - Friday 31st July, 2020

Happy Friday legends, welcome to the weekend where you are going to have to be on your A-game, staying well away from a pinch and a punch, first of the…

Another Saturday class is jam packed and excited to throw right down in car park fitness. Maybe there’s a new brand there!

Awesome week of training, enjoy a week earned cold beer or ten!

The workout I have for you tomorrow is one that is administer on the CrossFit L1 (apart from the over the bar part, RX+), and it is thoroughly enjoyable…to watch!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds for time:
15 Thrusters (40/30kg)
12 Bar over burpees

Please get those blistering times up on the whiteboard please…


WoD - Thursday 30th July, 2020

WoD - Thursday 30th July, 2020

Don’t worry team, we’re getting closer and closer to 2021! Soon enough, this utter shitfest of 2020 will be a thing of the past. We will be laughing and joking and loving the new year, 2020 a distance memory in the wake of our middle finger gestures!
We will “goggins” it!

Tomorrow sees the first heavy day administered since March! Now, intentionally programmed to be the way it is, a challenge. All reps are touch and go with rest only allowed either on the front rack, or overhead. Should you arrive close to the dictated reps (within 1 or 2) and fail…you’ve done it right!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
10 - 7 - 5
Clean & Jerk
All reps are touch and go, for max load

Get those beastly loads up to the whiteboard please…


WoD - Friday 6th May, 2020

WoD - Friday 6th May, 2020

That Friday feeling again! Smash yourself into the weekend with a cheeky workout, maybe some BrewDog, time with a loved one discussing the up and coming summer months and avoid the coronavirus!

Have a good one team.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 Rounds for time:
10 Deadlifts (100/70kg)
15 Strict ring dips

Final weekly times up on the whiteboard please! Push yourself for load on the deadlift.


10 Rounds for time:
200m run 
10 Dumbbell step ups (2 x 50/35lbs - 20” box)

Enjoy this utter shitfest, times up and go and put those feet up.


WoD - Tuesday 11th February, 2020

WoD - Tuesday 11th February, 2020

Maybe I was experiencing hallucinating due to my sleep deprived state, but at 05:05 I’m sure listened to a woman complaining to the hotel receptionist that it was impossible to get a coffee, specifically with milk, at that time of the morning! 

Stood there in her PJs and slippers (who brings that to a hotel?), she chewed the poor dudes ear off for at least 7 minutes, visibly upset about the situation! I felt her pain, I’d have given my new ball trimmer to go back to bed with a milky hot cup of morale! 

Had I’d known what awaited me at each airport along the way, I may well have asked if she’d wanted some company! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

In teams of 3, complete 10 rounds for time of:
3 Legless rope climbs
30m Handstand walk
9 Sandbag over shoulder (50/35kg)

A spicy bit of grip work for you. Split work as needed and scribble your tunes to the whiteboard on completion...

Met Con
For 10 Rounds, every 2 mins:
20/15 Calorie assault bike*
*30s time cap per round

Pop a tick next to your name if you get all 10 rounds…


WoD - Friday 24th August, 2018

WoD - Friday 24th August, 2018

Well, he certainly did not disappoint. However, unfortunately for me, I did not realise the extent of Nick's commitment to his demise. In his usual nonchalant manner, Nick set about his 21 rep calorie row, seemingly unconcerned with the clock timer...only choosing to complete said first round outside of the 2 minute mark. 
Rather than complete the second section of the workout, Nick was perfectly satisfied with part A and the response received. A gentle recovery row and some relaxed burpees was all that stood in his and the after pictures way. Great shout Nick! 

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

For Time:
200m Sprint*
50 Deadlifts (70/50)
200m Sprint
40 Hang Power Clean (70/50kg)
200m Sprint
30 Shoulder To Overhead (70/50kg)
200m Sprint

*Each sprint will be performed by one athlete, while the other holds the barbell at the top of the deadlift. 

Please record your times to the whiteboard for the super exciting Sunday afternoon IG post...

Whoever can spot the difference wins a high five! 

Whoever can spot the difference wins a high five!