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WoD - Tuesday 14th May, 2024

WoD - Tuesday 14th May, 2024

Elise was NOT sick, or so she says! She went outside for a “walk” immediately after the last round to cool down… to the bush and back! Only as it was a prominent turn around point, rather than it be somewhere to be sick!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds for time:
10 Deadlift (80/60kg)
15 Double dumbbell front squat (50/35lbs)
20 Toes to bar

For 10 rounds, every 45s":
2 - 5 chest to bar pull ups

3 Sets
10 - 20s supine chest to bar hold
5 Strict CTB + 2s negative
10/10 landmine row

Accumulate a 60s L-sit in as little sets as possible.

WoD - Tuesday 30th January, 2024

WoD - Tuesday 30th January, 2024

Happy Tuesday folk, Monday the grimmest day of the week is beyond us, that means that the 2024 6 nations is one day closer! Happy Days!

Until then, you have a few shit shows coming your way I’m afraid. This being one of the gentlest of the lot sorry!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 18 minutes of:
Run 400m
16 Double kettlebell russian swing (2x24/16kg)
8 Burpee box jump over (24/20”)

A: 20:00 handstand walk practice

B: Conditioning:
For 3 rounds, every 2 minutes:
Max headstand hold (cap at 1:00)

3 Sets:
10 - 20s L-sit
10/10s Single arm hold

WoD - Tuesday 21st March, 2023

WoD - Tuesday 21st March, 2023

With a cheeky nod to, the mothership, we have a brutal workout for you tomorrow. No part of my being is looking forward to doing this. You are not going to appreciate it.
No where to hide, not for 15 minutes… you and a pull up bar!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For 15 minutes climb the ladder of:
Minute 1: 1 Toes to bar and max burpees
Min 2: 2 Toes to bar and max burpees

5 Rounds
3 Strict ring muscle ups

Every minute on the minute, for 9 minutes
20s False grip hang
20s Chest to ring hold
20s Bottom dip hold

2 Rounds
20 Ring rows
10 Russian push-ups

WoD - Thursday 6th October, 2022

WoD - Thursday 6th October, 2022

Here we go, and you thought like Christmas it would never come! Nope, we are here. However, please don’t get too excited as tomorrow is waaaaaay worse! 😬


CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
30 - 20 - 10
Assault bike calories
Toes to bar

Split Jerk
3 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1
Increasing load
Snatch balance
2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2

WoD - Friday 25th February, 2022

WoD - Friday 25th February, 2022

It’s only F’ing March next week and THE OPEN has begun! Let’s hope that the workout does not involve any of the below. Get your well needed sleep and rest, do NOT be a muppet and wait up for the announcement!
If you are reading this at 3am you are a muppet!

There is no way that 22.1 will have toes to bar, squat cleans or double unders in it! I will bet Nicole’s eyebrows!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
4 rounds: within 2 minutes:
12 Toes to bar
10 Squat cleans (60/40kg)
Max double unders
Rest 2 minutes

Then within 10 minutes
1RM Clean

WoD - Tuesday 18th August, 2020

WoD - Tuesday 18th August, 2020

Nothing like a cheeky half month of rain inside of 20 minutes to soak you through to your pants on a dog walk hey! The good news is that it did not penetrate my skin and so I was just fine. After wringing out my socks on my safe return home I had no dramas! I know you’d all be worried otherwise.

No complaining about tomorrow’s workout, it would have been so much worse had I not asked Ash just what the f**k he was thinking! 😉😳

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 rounds for time:
10 Overhead squats (60/40kg)
20 Toes to bar

Get those times up on the whiteboard once you have the sensation back in your arms please…

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WoD - Friday 6th December, 2019

WoD - Friday 6th December, 2019

One more weekend away for the rest of the month! Holy hell, that’s not happened for a while! I’ll get to experience this magical phenomenon of weekends! Exciting times!

Sorry, I’m too excited to write anymore! Wave goodbye to Ash, he has packed his tesco carrier bag and is away down under for a month, winter dodging! Meaning that the prick will miss the Xmas party, at least he won’t vomit into his top pocket on the way home at 10pm! Smart move asking for that can of Hazy Jane wasn’t it buddy?! 👍🏼

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 15 mins of:
14 Kettlebell snatch (24/16kg) - R arm
7 Toes to bar
14 Kettlebell snatch (24/16kg) - L arm
7 Toes to bar

Rounds and reps to the whiteboard please…


WoD - Friday 30th December, 2018

WoD - Friday 30th December, 2018

In bed at 18:50 on any night...congratulations Suller, you’ve given me Rhabdo!  

Tomorrow we tackle a workout designed by a loving father, for his son. And how cool is it going to be when one day they do it together?! I’ll keep ‘Finley’ in the bag for another day! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

7 Rounds for time of:
7 Cleans (60/40kg)
7 Shoulder To Overhead (60/40kg) 
20 Box Jumps (24/20”) 
18 Toes To Bar

Please write completed times to the whiteboard...


Lock up your daughters, Finners is in town!

WoD - Thursday 12th April, 2018

WoD - Thursday 12th April, 2018

Anyone still messed up from the ASSault bike? Or maybe now from having to knock out 150 wall balls? We can give your legs a little bit of a break with a cheeky sprint. 

Get after it team! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 Rounds for time:
10 Toes To Bar
Run 200m
10 Handstand Push Ups

Get your rapideo times scribed to the board afterwards, pretty please! 

"We sit in unique possession to the worlds most vexing problem, get off the couch and off the carbs!"

"We sit in unique possession to the worlds most vexing problem, get off the couch and off the carbs!"

WoD - Monday 2nd April, 2018

WoD - Monday 2nd April, 2018

Welcome to a new week, we are back to our norm, programming by Conroy. Just remember that the gym still has limited hours, taking full advantage of the bank holiday:

Open gym: 10:00 - 11:00
WoD: 11:00 - 12:00
Open gym: 12:00 - 13:00

Thanks to all that came down on Saturday for the end of the open, inter mural throw down. Loads of fun was had and Team Green, as usual, won convincingly. Fricking great day! 

"Fun" times tomorrow. Chance to work off all those easter eggs...

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

Run 1 mile together
100 KB swings (24/16kg)
80 Pull ups
60 KB goblet squats (24/16kg)
40 T2B
20m KB OH lunge (each - can be split into 2 x 10m YGIG) (24/16kg)

Please write team times to the whiteboard...


WoD - Wednesday 14th March, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 14th March, 2018

No long now...the summer months are coming! No more use of hats and gloves, multiple hoodies and longs, they are soon to be packed right away! As is the winter duvet! Get that sucker gone until next January! 

In another little twist of routine, we are hosting a Friday night lights event this coming Friday, especially for 18.4. Heats will be running throughout the evening, but please arrive for the usually scheduled class times. Athletes will farm through the workout which, is perfectly obviously going to contain wall balls...made obvious from the latest "clue" put forward by the man himself...


In yet another twist, we see a "partner" workout programmed tomorrow! Great times hey?! 

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

Within 2mins, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of: 
20 TTB
15/12 Cal Assault bike
Max reps Kettlebell Farmers carry 10m shuttles (2 x 32/24kg) (1 x 10m length equals 1 rep.) 
Repeat in a you go, I go fashion for 10 total rounds. 

Please post total reps to comments... 

Ash is going to get a visit from the big boss

Ash is going to get a visit from the big boss

WoD - Thursday 8th March, 2018

WoD - Thursday 8th March, 2018

It sucks to be injured and miss out on all that fun! However, watching people like Matt Parry climb into the hurt locker warms my soul! 
As well as those people, who genuinely can only be described as heroes, who selflessly refrain from training so that they are able to put themselves into such a position, that they can capture such utter genius such as... 


Coupled with a partner in crime who is a ninja on photoshop, and you have a powerful combination. 

Return of the dumbbell...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

4 Rounds for time of:
Run 800m
8 Dumbbell  Overhead Walking lunge (left hand)
16 TTB
8 Dumbbell Overhead Walking lunge (right hand) 
2 x 50/35lbs Dumbbells are RX'd.

Go hard please, and scribe your times legibly to the whiteboard once you have stopped sizzling like a piece of bacon...


WoD - Monday 12th February, 2018

WoD - Monday 12th February, 2018

Welcome to another week of being punched in the respective reproductive organs by Hannah and her workouts. 
What better way to bring you into the week with a ginormous bang than to do a brutal CrossFit Games Open chipper? I can't think of one. Not just will it cause you to blow off the weekend's cobwebs (rumour has it some of you were drinking until the wee hours on Saturday night), buuuuut it will just fill you with huge amounts of joy and desire to join crack team that is CrossFit Cardiff in the 2018 Open. 

Link arms, give us your best smile and give a big middle finger up to Castro and his sadistic mind! 

Sign up here

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds and repetitions as possible in 14 minutes of:
60 Calorie Row
50 Toes To Bar
40 Wall-ball shots (20/14lbs)
30 Power Cleans (60/40kg)
20 Muscle Ups

Good luck and please post your rounds (?) or total reps to the whiteboard....

middle finger.jpg

WoD - Monday 5th February, 2018

WoD - Monday 5th February, 2018

Rumour has it, that last night there was a ginger ninja, roaming the streets of Cathays, necking cider and taking numbers! And who could blame him!!?? He's worked hard all week, learning vital nuggets of information such as, whether carrots can be frozen or not. All made possible by google!   
The only issue is that this sort of behaviour creates unique and wonderful opportunities for me, an outsider with access to a powerful resource (the internet), not used to research which types of vegetables can or cannot be frozen, but to publicly banter him into the ground. All made possible by well placed and very secret moles.

Hopefully my rambling has excited you enough to distract you from whats coming your way...I am truly sorry...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD    
3 rounds, each for time:
27 Cal Ass bike
21 Toe To Bar
15 hang power cleans (70/50kg)
Rest 3 mins between rounds

Pleeeeeeeeease....caption this shit! 

Pleeeeeeeeease....caption this shit! 

WoD - Thursday 25th January, 2018

WoD - Thursday 25th January, 2018

So I obviously reviewed the programming that that nutter Ash sent me last week, but made a mistake. It was actually me who added the two minutes of double unders, or suggested too. And I messed it up. My bad! 
However, as you may have noticed, I adjusted it midway through the 6:30am class. You can tell your calves to address their thank you notes to CrossFit Cardiff, FOA: Davs.  

CONROY, GOOD luck you hairy beast! Remember, all that you need to do during an interview is talk about CrossFit. And if that fails...just SING!! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

AMRAP in 20 mins:
5 Power cleans (80/55kg)
10 TTB
20 Wall balls (20/14lbs)
200m Run

Once you have stopped feeling massively sorry for yourself, get up and write your round score to the whiteboard...

At least you will look bad ass when the swelling goes down! Shorts in the winter! 

At least you will look bad ass when the swelling goes down! Shorts in the winter! 

WoD - Wednesday 20th December, 2017

Five days until Xmas, nuts! And you'll still be feeling those lunges five days afterwards. The only way to combat it, is to eat as much turkey and stuffing as Ash is likely to. Otherwise, there is no hope for any of you. 

This isn't going to make you feel much better either...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 Rounds for time of:
10 Box Jumps (24/20")
10 GHD Sit Ups
10 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
10 TTB

If you have any control of either your legs or your abs following this workout, then stand yourselves up and scribble your times down on the whiteboard... 


WoD - Friday 8th December, 2017

Friday!! And only one more Friday prior to the famous Xmas Doo!! Woo F**KING WOO!! 

For the weekend, Saturday. What I would love you to bring is a shoe box of toys/stuff/anything that won't go out of date. Inside the box, please place a £5 note inside an envelope. Apologies for the confusion, totally my fault. 

The class will start at 11am and, any and all are more than welcome. Drag whoever you can to the box and let them enjoy something naughty, or..."nice"! 

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

Within pairs and in 20mins, as far as possible, ascend the ladder.
2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 etc
Press Ups
Ring Rows
Split all work as needed.

Please place total scores to the whiteboard...


WoD - Tuesday 21st November, 2017

NO more Assault Bike and NO MORE Medicine Ball Cleans...PLEASE!!! But I will take one ticket to the Xmas party!!! Lets go team, get coughing up. Do NOT be disappointed as you all know what a night it is going to be! 

With the party being on the 16th, I am giving you guys the cut off of the 1st of December. That will give me just over two weeks to barter for as much free booze as humanly possible. 
I intend on shaving Ash's manly chest and oiling him up, offering him as a hot date for an evening on the town with our host. Right at the very moment that she becomes distracted by his deep blue eyes, I shall swoop in and request the alcohol; enough to make the after party plenty of fun! 

Anyway, it's time for a slog...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
100 Double Unders
25 Power Cleans
25 TTB
25 Front Squats
25 Pull Ups
25 Pull Ups
25 Front Squats
25 TTB
25 Power Cleans
100 Double Unders
Barbell Loaded to 50/35kg

Please post times to the whiteboard, if you can still see...

Accessory Program


1. Goblet squat with small plate (ideally 1.25kg or less weight than you used in the 6th week) - 2 sets x 5 reps (10s down, 1s pause at the bottom and a fast ascent)

1. Single leg touchdown progressions - 4 sets x 5 reps off a 24" box

2.1. After sets 1 and 2 perform a banded ankle stretch with a kettlebell - 1min on each leg (2mins total per leg)

2.2 After sets 3 and 4 perform a calf stretch on a plate - 1min on each leg (2mins total per leg)

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WoD - Tuesday 31st October, 2017

If anyone finds Conroy's spine at the gym could you either hand it in at reception or leave it in the lost and found box please? 

The box was absolutely pumping for the re-run of 17.1; PBs flying about everywhere! I hope it continues throughout the week, I'll just adjust the movements for all the workouts so that you don't need to tie your shoelaces.

Comment on the Facebook post if you were one of those who smashed your previous time! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
25/20 Cal Assault Bike
50 TTB
25/20 Cal Row
50 TTB
25/20 Cal Assault Bike. 

Please post times to the whiteboard...

Accessory Program

Squat: Session

Goblet squat with plate (ideally 5kg or less weight than you used in the third week) - 2 sets x 5 reps (10s down, 1s pause at the bottom and a fast ascent)

Single leg touchdown progressions - 4 sets x 5 reps on 4x20kg plates stacked

2.1. After sets 1 and 2 perform a banded ankle stretch with a kettlebell - 1min on each leg (2mins total per leg)

2.2. After sets 3 and 4 perform a calf stretch on a plate - 1min on each leg (2mins total per leg)


WoD - Thursday 19th October, 2017

Hang on for dear f**king life are nearly there!! ;-)

In all honesty, this week has been an awesome example of programming. One thing per hour and guess what, it has been a significant challenge. Even some of the best have been humbled and forced to scale loads. 
Hannah has been designing workouts in the background for a while and has been let loose, with some intelligent adjustments throughout the week, in response to feedback from those taking part, have allowed you to continue pushing all week.
What a stud! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 10mins, complete an AMRAP of:
2 Shoulder To Overhead (80/60kg)

A cheeky bit of movement redundancy, going from something heavy overhead to bodyweight will be a spicy challenge. 

Please post rounds to the whiteboard...

Accessory Program

1. Tempo press ups - 4 sets x 5 reps (2s down, 1s pause with chest hovering above the floor and a fast ascent)

1.1 After set 1 perform a single arm dumbbell bench press with a slightly heavier load than used in week 1 - 5 reps on each arm (5s down and 5s up) - only increase the dumbbell in weight if lat and chest activation can be maintained

1.2 After set 2 perform a single arm overhead press with either a small plate, dumbbell or kettlebell (hold by the handle) with a slightly heavier load than used in week 1- 5 reps on each arm (5s up and 5s down) - only increase the load if lat and chest activation can be maintained

1.3 After set 3 perform shoulder taps x 20 reps

1.4 After set 4 perform push up hold to plank x 10 reps

