Rumour has it, that last night there was a ginger ninja, roaming the streets of Cathays, necking cider and taking numbers! And who could blame him!!?? He's worked hard all week, learning vital nuggets of information such as, whether carrots can be frozen or not. All made possible by google!
The only issue is that this sort of behaviour creates unique and wonderful opportunities for me, an outsider with access to a powerful resource (the internet), not used to research which types of vegetables can or cannot be frozen, but to publicly banter him into the ground. All made possible by well placed and very secret moles.
Hopefully my rambling has excited you enough to distract you from whats coming your way...I am truly sorry...
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 rounds, each for time:
27 Cal Ass bike
21 Toe To Bar
15 hang power cleans (70/50kg)
Rest 3 mins between rounds
Pleeeeeeeeease....caption this shit!