Friday!! And only one more Friday prior to the famous Xmas Doo!! Woo F**KING WOO!!
For the weekend, Saturday. What I would love you to bring is a shoe box of toys/stuff/anything that won't go out of date. Inside the box, please place a £5 note inside an envelope. Apologies for the confusion, totally my fault.
The class will start at 11am and, any and all are more than welcome. Drag whoever you can to the box and let them enjoy something naughty, or..."nice"!
CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
Within pairs and in 20mins, as far as possible, ascend the ladder.
2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 etc
Press Ups
Ring Rows
Split all work as needed.
Please place total scores to the whiteboard...