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WoD - Tuesday 19th August 2014

What a night!! You guys are so tricking cool...apart from trying to sabotage the film night with that rubbish Aladdin!! We paid tribute to Aaron Dixon in style!! Everyone left everything they had out on the dance floor and showed true strength! So proud of you guys!!

I'd just like to say to all the fresh on rampers....GOOD JOB!! Not, I'm sorry for posting such a difficult WoD, but awesome work on seeing it and rocking up anyway. It was hard, but hero WoDs always are. The more you learn about CrossFit the more you will understand why we do these things. I've told you all about the community and I can't wait for each of you to experience just how powerful it is. You will be well within your rights to thing that I am full of it, but trust me, it will happen to everyone of you if you stick around for long enough!

Now the thing about a CrossFit affiliate is that it will make you better, you choose what at! Let's do an experiment. Write down 5 things in an envelope and pop it in a draw somewhere. I don't want to know whats in there, i'll give you some help: lower blood pressure, lower body fat, stronger deadlift, faster mile run time, be a better dad, be a better boyfriend or girlfriend; husband or does not matter what it is. In 6 months time open the envelope and read whats in it, I already know the answer. Your coming to the gym, your exposure to CrossFit will make you better!! I promise you that!

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: 3 Rounds each for time of:

20 Medicine ball cleans (20/14lbs) 20 Wall balls (20/14lbs) Rest 60s

B EMOM 8mins

7-10 HSPUs 5 Box Jumps (30/24")

C: For time:

21 - 15 - 9 Deadlift (100/70kg) Front Squat (70/50kg)

Please post times to comments....

WoD - Monday 18th August 2014

Ok then gang, it's time to show off just what this community can do... A good friend and fellow CrossFitter, Josh Saville is beginning a charity bike ride from Paris to Barcelona today. But only after finishing the hero WoD, 'The Seven' This crazy feat is crazy! As is cycling 80 plus mile a day for 7 days, when they roll into Barca they will be completing another Hero WoD, immediately! Unreal!

This is all in aid of a very good cause, to raise money and awareness for the death of young by sudden cardiac arrest. Please guys, let get behind them and show our support, if you forfeit your starbucks hit for just one day then we could raise £250 to help him out! A very minimal donation but could make such a massive difference!

Love you guys and good luck to Josh and his partner in crime, Joseph Atkins! You will eat those miles up, strength of mind!

We dedicate our daily workout to your friend.

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Aaron Dixon

23 min AMRAP

9 Muscle Ups 23 Bar Hop Burpees 19 STOH (60/40kg) 87 Double Unders

Scaling options:

Muscle Ups - Muscle up progressions Bar hop burpees - you've got no chance STOH - Load and reps Double Unders - Single unders

Aaron Dixon died suddenly from a cardiac arrest.

Rest In Peace

Just Giving Page

WoD - Tuesday 12th August 2014

Today is a special day....Danny Watson's birthday!! Happy Birthday you legend of a man, we love you and miss your ginger arse!! Another big announcement is that as well as it being Katie's birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY) but Ross (BHAAAAAT) popped the question!!! Congratulations both, you guys are the life and sole of the box and are totally awesome! Ross a little extreme to try and get a couples membership but whatever you like bro! ;-) Love you both and we all wish you masses of good luck for the future!!

One more point, not quite as exciting as any of the above but...this month will see the first "movie night" at the box. One Thursday we shall dust off the projector and pop on a film chosen by a majority vote (maybe, but this hasn't been decided yet). Bring a bean bag, crash mat, (Dav's is bagsying the crash mat), med ball; but NO playing the pop corn game!!

Back to Brad's week of death...

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A 3 Rounds for time of:

Run 800m 50 Burpees


3 sets of 20 Hip Extensions Rest as needed to complete the sets with good form and in as few sets as possible

Please post times to comments....

WoD - Monday 11th August 2014

What a pair of ninja's Brad and El are. Congrats for such a stella performance at the European Inferno this weekend. It far upstaged the pair of utter numpties who made up team Kratos Immortals (still hurts to type/say out loud)! The stallions finished in an impressive 8th spot while Danny - now known to be totally useless at wheel barrow races, and your very own trainer Davs - who just cannot obey simple instructions, spent the entire second day hanging out if their rear ends attempting to make up places. The Immortals placed a respectable 19th by the end of the battle.

This week I accept zero responsibility for what happens to you, blame the long haired, Jesus clothes wearing freak!

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Front Squat

7 - 7 - 7 - 7

B: 7 Rounds for time of:

10 Wall Balls (20/14lbs) 10 Pull Ups

Please post times and comments about your mashed legs to Brad Rivers

WoD - Friday 8th August 2014

Now this is a big deal!! It is Woody's BIRTHDAY!!! I do not care what you have got on or if tomorrow is F'ing Christmas day; STOP, and hunt this amazing lady down and give her a cwtch and wish her the best birthday known to man!! It is a big one after all, 22 year of age!!! She doesn't look a day over 18! Everyone at the box luuuuuuurve you Woodster, an utter dude!! Penblwydd Hapus and have a kick ass day!!!

See you in the morning beast....Davs. Xx

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Nothing else....just this!!


Within pairs complete the following

10 Rounds for time and max reps of:

12 Deadlifts (50/35kg) 9 Hang Power Cleans (50/35kg) 6 Thrusters (50/35kg)

While one athlete is performing the above round, their partner will complete max reps burpees.

Please post times and number of reps to comments....

WoD - Thursday 7th August 2014

Ok, so the first thing on the agenda tonight is WHO THE FUCK HAS THE TIMER REMOTE which of you lovely folk has inadvertently put the timer remote in their gym bags or hidden it in their special place about the gym? Confess now and you shall only receive one torrent of abuse! Secondly, i'd like to describe just how awesome the vibe was at the box during the on ramp session, again tonight! And more to the point, bring back the awesomeness of "Out of the mouth of On Rampers!!" Tonights was an utter classic! When teaching the push jerk on asked..."before i jump, do i have to dip?" Love it!

Now i want all of you reading this to stand up, concentrate as hard as you can, now jump - HIGH....but DON'T DIP!!!!

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A 3 Rounds not for time of:

10 Cal row 20 Wall Balls (14/20lbs) 30 Double Unders

B: Within 3mins complete as many rounds and reps of:

25 Box jumps (24/20") 25 Jumping pull ups 25 Kettlebell swings (16/12kg) 25 Walking Lunges 25 Knees to elbows 25 Push press (20kg) 25 Back extensions 25 Wall balls (20/14lbs) 25 Burpees 25 Double unders

Rest 2mins

C: Within 6mins complete as many rounds and reps of:

25 Box jumps (24/20") 25 Jumping pull ups 25 Kettlebell swings (16/12kg) 25 Walking Lunges 25 Knees to elbows 25 Push press (20kg) 25 Back extensions 25 Wall balls (20/14lbs) 25 Burpees 25 Double unders

Rest 3mins

D: For time:

25 Box jumps (24/20") 25 Jumping pull ups 25 Kettlebell swings (16/12kg) 25 Walking Lunges 25 Knees to elbows 25 Push press (20kg) 25 Back extensions 25 Wall balls (20/14lbs) 25 Burpees 25 Double unders

Please post scores and times to comments.....

WoD - Wednesday 6th August 2014

So today I have been told of something that is not just brilliant, but is utterly brilliant! Below you will find a little gem, which has been hiding away for quite sometime. Now I have no idea why tonight is the first time that I have been told about this, as it is witnessed every Sunday without fail! Now its up to you to firstly guess who this is and secondly make a list of who it reminds you off. You shall find two pictures below, the first is of the individual many years ago, clearly. The second is a more recent shot, took just hours before boarding the best boat in the world!!

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Spend 15mins working on muscle up technique

B: For time:

Row 1000m 30 Muscle ups* Row 1000m

15min time cap

*for those who are yet to master this evasive manoeuvre, then choose a transition drill which is difficult (not mega easy), and perform 30 reps of.

Please post times to comments...

WoD - Tuesday 5th August 2014

So tonight was a little special! What happened at the box tonight is exactly what CrossFit is all about. UNBELIEVABLE atmosphere during the on ramp! It was truly a pleasure to teach alongside my amazing training team and legit support crew! The box was completely bouncing! We may have a complaint or two from the miserable bastards on the closest estate neighbours but I could not give a shit, THAT WAS AWESOME and is exactly what it is all about. For those of you who missed the action I suggest you join team jazz hands and stay late on Wednesday night!

Good job on rampers, get your butt back for more of the same on Wednesday!

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: EMOM 10mins

ODD - 5 STOH (50/35kg) 10 Air Squats EVEN - 5 KB Swings (24/26kg) 10 Box Jumps (20")

B: For maximum load:

Overhead walking lunges

20 - 20 - 20

C: 50 reps within the least amount of sets but not for time of:

Hip extensions

WoD - Monday 4th August 2014

Walking down Wind Street in Swansea on a Saturday night is the perfect environment to educate 5 year old twins on the ways of the world. Ensuring that they retract their scapula and walk proudly with their chests up will almost certainly attract the Valley Commandos! Good work boys, but maybe not for another few years!! So then, this WoD hurts like hell! You are going to LOVE it!!

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Spend 10mins working on Squat therapy, followed by 5mins air squatting in the middle of the gym working on form and technique. These reps should be slow and controlled, try and rack up 50 within the time.

B: Within 20mins complete as many rounds and reps of:

6 Power Cleans (85/60kg) 12 Burpees 18 TTB Run 200m

C: Attempt not to vomit on my floor!

WoD - Saturday 26th July 2014

I seriously hope that the box is still standing and at least some of our neighbours are still alive... Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

8 Rounds for time of:

7 Push Press (50/35kg) 10 OHS (50/35kg) 15 GHD Sit ups

Please post times to comments....

WoD - Friday 25th July 2014

Let the games begin.... Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: For time:

50 Strict HSPUs

7 min time cap

B: Complete as many rounds and reps within 10 minutes of:

12 TTB 9 Burpees

Rest 5mins

C: Complete as many rounds and reps within 10 minutes of:

12 KB Swings (24/20kg) 9 Box Jumps (20")

Please post rounds and reps to comments....

WoD - Thursday 24th July 2014

Davs is crapping himself right about now!! Not because he is worried about messing up the entire CrossFit games, but because he is sharing a room with a Singaporean who has a mohawk and incredibly strong thumbs!! Why this is not written in the first person I do not know!! Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: EMOM 8mins

5 STOH (70/50kg) 20 Air Squats

B: 3 Rounds for time and load:

Run 200m 3RM Deadlift Rest 4mins

Subtract 8 mins of rest from your total time, post 1 load; the heaviest. Warm up to a 3RM deadlift prior the WoD within 5 mins. Take as little rest from the run to the lift, remember, the whole thing is for time.

Please post times and loads to comments...

WoD - Wednesday 23rd July 2014

Neck two fingers of beer each time you see Davs F it up at the games! Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: 3 Rounds, each for time of:

15 Wall Balls (20/14lbs) 7 Ring Rows Rest 30s 10 Cal Row (80% of max) Rest 2mins

B: 'Fran'

For time:

21 - 15 - 9 Thrusters (95/65lbs) Pull Ups

Please post times to comments....

WoD - Tuesday 22nd July 2014

Just to warn you guys off, it's late and I am writing the weeks blog posts. In fact, it is 00:10 and I have to leave Cardiff at 04:45 and i still have washing to do. Therefore this is the longest post that the blog shall contain this week. Apologies and I still love you and want to give you banter. Jimmy hasn't told me what he has been up to so I have limited material for you all. Blame Jimmy! Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Spend 15 mins working on squat therapy

B: Back Squat

5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5

C: 50 hip extensions, slow and controlled for form and not time. In as fewer sets as possible.

Please post loads to comments....

WoD - Monday 21st July 2014

So as most of you SHOULD be aware it is the CrossFit Games this coming weekend. This is the highlight of the year in many peoples Crossfit lives and some of our lucky members are actually going to be sunning themselves in LA this week to watch or even judge it! So not to feel left out, on Friday night we are planning a one night only special screening at the box (technology permitting!) we will be showing The Games live on a 12 foot projector screen through the night! Yes, due to the time difference the events will run from 6pm to about 3am although full event times are yet to be announced and we all know what Dave Castro is capable of.... So far we have (UK times)

6pm triplet (3k row, 300DU, 3k run)

10.45pm sprint sled....?

They always like a 'Friday night lights' event in the main arena so expect a cool WOD at around 2am as well...

But the team events will be running throughout and in between as usual.

The plan is to stick around after the 7pm class and turn the box into a cinema. Bring a sleeping bag, bean bag, pillow, couch, inflatable chair, or whatever gets you comfortable. If you want to sleep at the box then that's cool, it'll be warm enough, although Brad has called shotgun on the upstairs couch (which if last year is anything to go by, he'll be cwtched up on by around midnight) .....

Obviously food, drinks and paleo treats are going to be needed so bring what you need for yourself.

There's a couple of ground rules though gang.

1. No dropping heavy arse barbells at 2am and waking up our sensitive neighbours. If you fancy trying to beat Rich Froning as he's doing the WOD live then that's cool as long as it's Burpees and pull ups :)

2. Clear up any and all traces of the nights action ready for when the box is officially due to open at 10am.

So if you want in on this action it'd be good to get a rough idea on numbers so leave a comment on Facebook.

This could be epic.

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Spend 15mins working on HS tekkers

B: Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:

3 Hang Power Cleans (85/60kg) 6 Strict Ring dips 9 Box Jumps (30/24") 27 Double Unders

Please post rounds and reps to comments...

WoD - Saturday 19th July 2014

This blog was written days ago and I have no banter for you! This is why it is far better for morale, in the long run, to be forced to wait until later on in the evening so as I have time to get out to you guys some material picked up from coaching or what not. This will not happen again! Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: 4 Rounds each for time of:

30 Double Unders 15 Thrusters (40/30kg) Rest 2mins between each round

B: 3 Rounds for time of:

20 Air Squats 10 Push Press (60/40kg) Rest 2 mins between rounds

C: 2 Rounds for time of:

15 Burpees 5 Deadlifts (100/80kg) Rest 2mins between rounds

Please post times to comments...

WoD - Friday 18th July 2014

Please, someone help me out??? What retarded stuff has Jimmy been up to this week?!?! Has he shoved his ass into any ones face during a "shoulder stretch"?? Reebok CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

A: Within pairs, one working whilst one supports:

Accumulate 5mins each in a handstand hold

B: Within 10mins complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:

Row 250 Max Reps DB (or KB) hang power cleans (20/15kg) One athlete performs DB hang cleans until their partner has completed 250m row, switch.

Rest 3mins

C: Within 10mins complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:

Row 250m Max Reps box over jumps (30/24") One athlete performs press ups until their partner has completed 250m row, switch.

Please post rounds and reps to comments.....

WoD - Thursday 17th July 2014

Unfortunately I have been away from the box for a few days and have been unable to see what James Hewett has been up to the past few days!! Therefore, I cannot take the piss out of him! This is upsetting but made better by seeing "Coach" Danny Watson attempt to re-start his own heart during a difficult training session by the means of a bench press precordial thump! So aggressive and AWESOME was said manoeuvre that he managed to complete confuse everyone around him by having them believe that he had simply dropped the bar accidentally onto his chest. Of course this was NOT the case, and he definitely did NOT trap his own hands underneath the bar; making him look like a T-Rex!! The problem with the whole event was that for some reason, compassion took over and I rescued the poor lad before I thought to take pictures and abuse him! I need to get a grip of myself. Immediately following the incident I did manage to sketch an extremely life like drawing of Coach Watson during his ordeal! #sucidegripisreservedforpros

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: EMOM 10 mins

6 KB Swings (32/24kg) 8 TTB

B: "Helen"

3 Rounds for time of:

Run 400m 21 KB Swings (24/32kg) 12 Pull Ups

Please post times to comments....

WoD - Wednesday 16th July 2014

So having destroyed myself with Danny Watson all day, I have managed to come up with some WoDs for you guys for the rest of the week; ideas at least. You are all going to LOVE it!! Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Bulletproof Shoulder

B: 3 Rounds for time of:

15 STOH (50/40kg) 20 Burpees 15 Power Cleans (50/40kg)

C: Tabata Hollow Rocks

WoD - Tuesday 15th July 2014

I bring you a gift from Paris, a devilish couplet which will leave you all begging for chalk and mercy!! Brad's hoover is going to be busy tomorrow! Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Spend 15mins developing squat therapy

A little word from a CrossFit legend - Chris Spealler

B: For time:

21 - 15 - 9 Hang Squat Snatch (40/30kg) Chest To Bar Pull Ups*

*these ARE chest to bar pull ups, if you can't do them unassisted then take your balls off, kick them out of the door and scale so as you can complete the required range of motion. Women especially! ;-)

12min Time Cap

C: 3 sets of:

15 GHD Hip Extensions Rest 60s 15 GHD Glute Ham raises Rest 60s

Please post times to comments....