Davs is crapping himself right about now!! Not because he is worried about messing up the entire CrossFit games, but because he is sharing a room with a Singaporean who has a mohawk and incredibly strong thumbs!! Why this is not written in the first person I do not know!! Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: EMOM 8mins

5 STOH (70/50kg) 20 Air Squats

B: 3 Rounds for time and load:

Run 200m 3RM Deadlift Rest 4mins

Subtract 8 mins of rest from your total time, post 1 load; the heaviest. Warm up to a 3RM deadlift prior the WoD within 5 mins. Take as little rest from the run to the lift, remember, the whole thing is for time.

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