What a pair of ninja's Brad and El are. Congrats for such a stella performance at the European Inferno this weekend. It far upstaged the pair of utter numpties who made up team Kratos Immortals (still hurts to type/say out loud)! The stallions finished in an impressive 8th spot while Danny - now known to be totally useless at wheel barrow races, and your very own trainer Davs - who just cannot obey simple instructions, spent the entire second day hanging out if their rear ends attempting to make up places. The Immortals placed a respectable 19th by the end of the battle.

This week I accept zero responsibility for what happens to you, blame the long haired, Jesus clothes wearing freak!

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Front Squat

7 - 7 - 7 - 7

B: 7 Rounds for time of:

10 Wall Balls (20/14lbs) 10 Pull Ups

Please post times and comments about your mashed legs to Brad Rivers