WoD - Tuesday 10th April, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 10th April, 2018

So you thought that today was bad, just so you know, this is what Ash intended to program...

For time:

50 Cal Assault bike

Rest 5 mins

40 Cal Assault bike

Rest 4 mins

30 Cal Assault bike

Rest 3 mins

20 Cal Assault bike

Rest 2 mins

10 Cal Assault bike

You’re welcome!!!!

 CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Within 10 mins establish a 1 Rep Max of:

Strict Press

B: Within 10 mins establish a 3 Rep Max of:

Push Press

C: Within 10 mins establish a 5 Rep Max of:

Push Jerk


WOD - Mon 8th May


Row 1km

25 Deadlifts

25 Hang Power Cleans

25 Shoulder to overhead 

Row 1km


I challenge someone to complete the barbell work unbroken (all 75 reps) .



WOD - Thu 16th Mar

Perform the following for time:

Run 400m  

30 Burpees

Run 400m

30 Pull Ups

Run 400m

30 GHD sit ups

Run 400m



After the success of the in-house throw down last year, we are hosting an April Fools Throwdown @ Reebok CrossFit Cardiff! 01/04/2017 @ 08:15

There will be 3 workouts and a final - the workouts will be accessible for all abilities and will be released the night before the event.

There will be a raffle and food afterwards, and I'm sure a few beers will be more than merited.

Entry will be £10 and we will collect entry money at the box from March 20th onwards. Pay one of the coaches who will give you a ticket!

Any questions just ask! We've tried to invite as many people as possible to the facebook group, if you've accepted and can see We've missed anyone from the box please invite them :).


WOD - Fri 17th Feb

Surprise team WOD!

Teams of 3 (share the work however you wish)

50 OH double dumbbell Walking Lunge (50/35)

100 Dumbbell snatch (alternating arm 50/35)

150 Burpees

200 DU

*one dumbell must be held above waist height throughout the workout


WOD - Thu 16th Feb

Ok that's enough about the Open for this week, let's get back to normal service with......a surprise Thursday Partner WOD!!

In pairs and split the work as needed

5 rounds for time


20 KBS (24/16)

20 Pull ups


20 calorie row

20 power cleans (60/40)


WOD - Wed 15th Feb

This will be the last of the Open workouts this week.... 2016 Open work out 2 (16.2)

25 TTB

50 DU

15  squat cleans (60/40)

Repeat the round but with increasing weights and decreasing reps of cleans (80/100/120/140 for guys and 50/60/70/80 for girls) reps go 13/11/9/7

20 min cap

We'll run this without the 4 minute cut offs each round that were originally in this workout, so everyone will get a 20 minute workout (unless you finish it!). There are plenty of ways to scale this to ensure that you get some balance and don't spend most of it on one of the movements . Try to get up to some of the heavier cleans which should be approaching your 1RM by the end.


Cheat sheet for the Open  

WOD - Mon 13th Feb

We're going to do some of the previous years open workouts this week. I hope you enjoy them.

15.2 (2015 workout 2)

3 mins to complete:

Two rounds of

10 OHS (42.5/30kg)

10 Chest to Bar Pull ups

After you have performed two rounds, add two reps and go again (12/12, 14/14, 16/16 etc)

The work out was originally to keep going until you can't complete the required reps in the 3 minute time period and then it was end of WOD, but we'll make it a 15 minute AMRAP and see how far in you can get.

Note. If you complete a round in less than 3 minutes then rest for the remainder of that 3 minutes.  


WOD - Wed 10th August

Tomorrow you need to bring long socks and your best pair of shit kickers. We're climbing a lot of rope.


For time:

1-Rope Climb

20 Handstand Push ups

2-Rope Climbs

20 Box Jumps (30/24”)

3-Rope Climbs

20 Ring Dips

4-Rope Climbs

20 Hip Extensions

5-Rope Climbs


WOD - Thursday 28th July

3 Rounds for Time

50 Double Unders

35 Knees to Elbow

20 Power Cleans (45/35)  

Don't have any regrets  

Don't have any regrets  

WoD - Friday 18th December 2015

WoD - Friday 18th December 2015

Tonight, it became blindingly obvious who used which hand to...write with! 😉

Fun but not so much fun. The countdown to Xmas is officially begun and each day you come to train is just giving your fitness an even bigger barrier against the battering it is soon to be receiving when the booze comes out. 

 CrossFit Cardiff WoD

10 Rounds for time of: 

100m Sprint

10 KB swings (32/24kg) 

100m Sprint

10 Burpees

Rest 1min


Please subtract 9mins from your total time and post to comments. 


WoD - Wednesday 16th December 2015

WoD - Wednesday 16th December 2015

So there's a 11am WoD on Xmas Eve and you lot looked as if LOVED that workout tonight.  

So much so that I might make it a staple! Thoughts? 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: 10mins of HS practice. Or...

5 X max distance HS walk

B: 8min AMRAP:

10 Power cleans (70/50kg)

20 wall balls (20/14lbs)



WOD - Monday 30th November 2015

3 Rounds for max reps:  

  • 1 minute power cleans (60/40)
  • 1 minute C2B pull ups 
  • 1 minute STOH (60/40)
  • 1 minute bar hop burpees 

rest 2mins in between rounds.  



WOD - Monday 14th September

Welcome to a new week full of opportunity. Before we talk about the WOD, there is something more important that I want to take a moment to highlight. One of our very newest members Ellen Downey over the last year has been on quite a journey. Working with Franco, and through her sheer determination and persistence has now managed to cure herself of Type 2 Diabetes.

This is an amazing example of what is possible when you take control of your destiny like Ellen has, proving that if you truly want something, then just go out and get it.

I don't know Ellen that well, but I can imagine how she must have felt the first time she came to our box, approaching the front door to the distant sound of barbells being thrown around, loud music and shirtless people everywhere...... It would have been so easy for her to give up, to convince herself that this wasn't for her, but she didn't and is now reaping the rewards.

It really is true that all the good stuff happens way outside your comfort zone.

Ellen recently completed the August On Ramp and as soon as a minor injury has cleared up will be back in to the WOD classes. Please keep an eye out for her and give this remarkable woman a high five when you see her.

WOD - Monday 14th September

Within a 20 minute time cap

Perform 50 'Touch and Go' Clean & Jerks (60kg/40kg)* *Every time you drop the bar run 400m

WOD - Friday 11th September 2015

Friday can only mean one thing . . . . PARTNER CARNAGE 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 Double kettle swings (24/16) Double Ketrle bell front rack lunges (24/16) In between each round complete a 200m farmers walk

Split the work as needed only one person working at a time. With the farmer walks one person carries the kettles the other rests swap when needed.

WoD - Thursday 10th September 2015

Well that was a total shitfest! Congrats to everyone who did it. Honestly, it's within the top 5 for the most painful workouts I have ever done. Quadziller! Those of you who are still left to go...you'll love it! ;-) On a separate note, the changing rooms will be out of action this weekend while I jizz them up! Please do NOT plan on having a shower at the box past Friday. Cheers team.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Establish a 1RM Bench press

B: Establish a 1RM Overhead Squat

C: Establish a 1RM Power Clean

Please post loads to comments...

WOD - Wednesday 9th September 2015

DWF.4 30min running clock: Within the first 10 mins complete Diane


Deadlift (100/70)

Handstand push ups Within the second 10 mins complete Isabel 

30 snatch (60/40) Within the final 10 mins complete Fran 


Thrusters (40/30) 

Pull ups


WOD - Tuesday 8th September 2015

Part A - Within 2 minutes complete: 200m Run 

Max rep burpee box over jumps. 

Repeat for a total of 5 rounds with a 2 min rest between rounds. Score is the total amount of burpee box over jumps completed. 

Part B - complete 5 sets of: 

15 hip extentions 

Rest as needed in between sets 


WOD - Monday 7th September

Well done to Mel and Ian this weekend competing at Masters at War. Great job guys, judging by the pictures, it looks like you smashed it!

No bank holiday to save us this time so lets get back into another amazing week of work.

Part A

Front Squats 3-3-3

Aim to hit 85%-90% of your 1RM (If you don't know what your 1RM Front Squat is then punch yourself in the face and find it today)

Part B - For Time:


Row (Calories) Thrusters (35/25)

*Everytime you drop the bar, add 3 reps onto the total for that round. (10 minute time cap)

Going unbroken is something all CrossFitters should aspire to, you shouldn't need any additional motivation, but the structure of this workout will give you some added incentive to try to go unbroken during the WOD. Dig deep, and hang in there. MTFU.

WoD - 4th September 2015

A 'SHIT SANDWICH' is a method of delivering some bad news, advice, or a rejection of someone's idea(s). It is designed to make the bad news, advice or rejection more palatable, easier to take, and/or easier on the receiving party.

It is used to ensure the the person hearing the bad news, advice or rejection actually listens to what is being said so they can eat and digest it...

You want someone to eat the 'Shit' (bad news), you serve it between two lovely slices of bread.. hence 'Shit Sandwich' George is just about to be sacked....

Hi George,

You've been with us for over 20 years and you've been a fantastic member of our team. You've dedicated so much of your own time its unbelieveable. You are a real credit.

The company needs to cut back and as you are so close to retirement it was felt that you'd be the ideal one to step down. Free up some of your time to do things you want to do.

Think of all the positive things you can now do with that dear wife of yours. She can finally spend some quality time with you, and you can take that Cruise you've always said you'd take her on. I envy you George.

Thats a 'Shit Sandwich'......

Not - Hi George, your Fired.....

Although honestly, this is just gonna be shit!!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD


For time:

80 Calorie row 40 STOH (70/50kg) 80 Deadlifts (70/50kg)

Please post times to comments...