Viewing entries tagged
Xmas Party

WoD - Tuesday 28th November, 2023

WoD - Tuesday 28th November, 2023

You lot have just a short few days to get your payment in for the Xmas party! SO DO IT!

Now then, if you don’t, and you’ve not been to one of these parties before… just ask Nick Webb what you are missing out on! Trust me, you do not want to f**k about at your works do and come later!!!

£20, cash at the box. Get your name on the list before I send Mikey B around to get ya!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 20 minutes of:
Run 400m
15 Pull ups
10 Burpee box jump overs (24/20”)

For 4 rounds, every 2:30 minutes
1 - 5 Strict handstand press ups
(deficit if possible)

3 Sets
1 - 2 Negative handstand press ups

Rest 30s

8 Dumbbell strict press

3 Sets
15 Banded tricep extensions
8 Diamond push ups

WoD - Monday 28th November, 2022

WoD - Monday 28th November, 2022

Ok so we are nearly into December which means a few things:

  1. I can wear something other than shorts to coach in. January next year!

  2. You no longer look like such a numpty if you have a Christmas tree up.


Do not miss out! There are a bunch of you who have accepted the invite on Facebook and not paid and another lot who have not accepted the invite and paid! It’s a stressful time! 😉


CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds for time of:
15/12 Calorie row
5 Bar muscle ups
15/12 Calorie row
15 Toes to bar

A very cheeky WoD to blow out some weekend cobwebs.

WoD - Friday 10th December, 20121

WoD - Friday 10th December, 20121

That’s it, the wait is over. It’s been a tough two years and we have finally arrived. You deserve to let your hair down and go F’ing bonkers! DOOOOOO IT!

Get your spray tans on and lose those inhibitions, it’s the CrossFit Cardiff Xmas party time!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete 10 rounds for time of:
6 Dumbbell step overs (2x50/35lb)
6 Knees to elbow
30 Double unders 

WoD - Friday 5th of November, 2021

WoD - Friday 5th of November, 2021

If you have dogs who don’t like fireworks, give them a job to do once the madness begins. Play with them, use a tug toy, teach them to let it go, teach them to hold it. Put a lead on them and get them to go to their beds/crates wherevers on command, use food as a positive reward. They will have to focus and forget the fireworks.

On to cool stuff, the Xmas party info…

The ridiculously long wait is nearly over. But, it’s actually probably given you the chance to recover from the 2019 hangover!
Start practicing your drinking now, it’s like a CrossFit comp, you have to train for it! A good excuse to get smashed every weekend, sat at home in your pants!

We are back, the famous Xmas party is among us, and only a month away.

Here are the details:

Location: Tiny Rebel
Pre location: I genuinely wouldn’t get too smashed!
Start time: 8:00pm (ish, although if you are fashionably late you might regret it)
Finishing time: Last man standing
Ticket price: £25
Dress: Smart but not too smart. You know, show off!

Please accept the invite (ASAP - not being too cool for school) and pay a coach to reserve your slot.

Should you be stupid enough to miss this night… you will regret it!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 15 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
3 Chest to Bar
6 Ring Dips
9 Deadlifts (90/70kg)

Get after it and enjoy the weekend legends!

WoD - Monday 16th November, 2020

WoD - Monday 16th November, 2020

Right back into the flow of it all now, lockdown is officially over and so we can kick our own butts into the next millennium.

This coming weekend we are hosting a CrossFit L1 seminar for a few reasons but the top two are:

  1. Cool folk need their L1’s to be able to go forwards and open cool CrossFit gyms.

  2. I have a very hungry dog and NEED to work.

Never fear though, Conners is more than happy to brave the November weather and get you bad asses out and fit at a mysterious location! Look out for further announcements on the members group and blog.

Lastly of note, have a butchers at the Facebook members page, details of our slightly adjusted CrossFit Cardiff Xmas party are up and live. Get stuck in!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
On a 16 minute running clock, ascend the ladder:
5 - 10 - 15 - 20 etc reps of…
Wall balls (20/14lbs)
Kettlebell Swings (20/24kg)

Get those completed reps up to the whiteboard please legends…


WoD - Monday 23rd December, 2019

WoD - Monday 23rd December, 2019

I wonder how long this hang over will last, maybe until the new year? That’s all you’re getting!

Yet again, amazing night! Thank you all!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For Time:
40 Calorie assault bike
25 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 5
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
Hang Snatch (40/30kg)
Wall Walks

Scores to the whiteboard team…


WoD - Wednesday 11th December, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 11th December, 2019

The time is near team, really near! I now really do NEED your Xmas party ticket money pretty please. Any payments made after Friday will only be accepted following the completion of an utterly disgusting workout involving an assault bike and a wall ball.

Despite the fact that this late payment will gain the recipient an increase in their levels of fitness, it will likely also provide them with a black eye, the visible evidence of the after effects of a heavy medicine ball to the face…in perfect time to look all fancy in your smartest clobber!

Just pay up instead…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Back Rack Walking Lunges*
12 - 12 - 12 - 12

Following each set, with as little rest as possible:
Sprint 15/10 Assault Bike Calories

Rest 5mins between efforts

*These sets are intended to be as heavy as technique will allow. Please get your loads up to the whiteboard, accompanied with the seconds/minutes taken to complete said calories.

Debt collectors.jpg

WoD - Wednesday 27th November, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 27th November, 2019


The room hire is sorted, the beer is brewing and the awards acceptance speeches are being prepared. Do NOT miss out because you “forgot to go to the cash machine”. Lucky for some, Friday 13th is the cut off date! Do it, do it now, today, get after it! Come on!

Oh, and click that magic button yes on the FB event! I have to tell them how many blankets they will need to wrap around how many pigs!

It’s lunch time, the perfect time to GO TO THE CASH MACHINE!!

Anyway, two parter tomorrow

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A) Within 20 minutes, work through:

• 3 sets of 10 (max) hip extensions

• 3 sets of 10 (max) back extensions

• Tabata Hollow Rocks

B) For time:
50 Calorie assaut bike
50 Wall balls (20/14lbs)


WoD - Tuesday 12th November, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 12th November, 2019

It’s that time team, start getting your butts to the cash machine and hand over the hard earned pennies to a coach in exchange for a knowing wink, acting as a ticket to this years complete Xmas carnage!

We will be taking over the entire upstairs of Tiny Rebel, yet again, and partying hard into the early hours. Similarly to last year, a hot buffet will be provided - not purely so that Hannah can launch pigs in blankets at her vegan sister - but so that we can eat it…maybe I will even get some myself.

Some money will be behind the bar for a welcome drink (redeemable via a voucher), and at some point during the evening the esteemed CrossFit Cardiff Xmas Awards will be announced, hopefully when I am still sober enough to speak and the rest of you are almost drunk enough to heckle!

Whatever else happens stays within the four walls of the establishment, strictly confidential. Just make sure you do not miss it.

£20 to a coach please, if you miss it you will long regret it! Trust us!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 Rounds For Time of:
50 Double Unders
10 Toes To Bar
10 Deadlifts (100/70kg)

Get those times up to the board and PAY A COACH FOR YOUR XMAS TICKET


WoD - Monday 17th December, 2018

WoD - Monday 17th December, 2018

This is it, the countdown is on! Get yourselves prepared, both physically and mentally, for the greatest party the world has ever seen!
Five days is all that remains, the wait is nearly over! Clear everything out of your day for Saturday, plan what you might like to eat in order to assist the worst hang over you have ever had, throw out anything healthy for just one day! Give yourself a day off.

I need one thing from you lot, please. I will add a Spotify list, publicly to the Facebook Members page…if my technophobicly challenged mind will allow, for you to add songs to. However, there are some rules:

Everything else applies. Now, if there are any volunteers who are willing to show me how to perform this task, please shout up.

5 more badass workouts to do…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
Run 1 mile
4 Rope Climbs*
Run 800m
3 Rope Climbs*
Run 400m
2 Rope Climbs*
Run 200m
1 Rope Climb*

*Note to you climbing ninja’s. When climbing ropes the Trainer always knows best, he or she has no fatigue, a stead heart rate and is absent of intensity and “competition” while training you. And, as gravity never takes a day off, they are telling you to come down from the rope for good reason. LISTEN TO THEM, no arguments.
Stay safe and have a blast. Climbing ropes is great fun and gets you super strong…falling from them is not so much!


WoD - Thursday 29th November, 2018

WoD - Thursday 29th November, 2018

So, any of you lot find it hard to fit through doors, have difficulty washing your hair or for some bizarre reason became immediately more attractive to the lovely young ladies of Cardiff?? Well you are welcome! There is nothing quite like a good old fashioned “bro session pump!” Now you know what to do every Friday night before you head out on the lash. I expect everyone will be doing so on the 21st before the Xmas party!

Keep those party ticket monies coming please!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 5 minutes of:
5 Deadlift (120/90kg)
200m run

Rest 5 minutes


Please scribe two separate round scores to the whiteboard please…


WoD - Monday 26th November, 2018

WoD - Monday 26th November, 2018

The time is nearly here…it is definitely NOT now, but it is NEARLY here. There is no need to put Christmas decorations up in November, neither is there a need to put them up in October or September!! WAIT!!! Remember what we strive for within CrossFit…intensity! Save the volume!
Get stuck into the Xmas spirit for a shorter yet more intense time period!

And…the first thing that you should do is PAY FOR YOUR XMAS PARTY TICKETS, please!
Christmas Day will be here quickly, but not before your hang over has passed!
£20 in cash to a coach and have them record your name on the super special list!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 Rounds for time of:
50 Double Unders
20 Pull Ups

Short, gassy and one hell of a bicep pump! If you can hold a pen afterwards, please write your times to the whiteboard. If you can’t…ask someone else to do it for you!

A cheeky bit of love for CrossFit, guess what…it really hurts but…it really works!! 😍

A cheeky bit of love for CrossFit, guess what…it really hurts but…it really works!! 😍

WoD - Wednesday 21st November, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 21st November, 2018

Well I always remember it being bad but that was horrendous! A little bit of a right of passage though, especially for me seeing as it was my first ever CrossFit workout. Why the hell I’m sat here writing this to you, still doing CrossFit and having opened my own gym I have no idea…maybe I just wanted to share the “love”…not wanting to keep that special feeling all to myself!

Talking about special feelings…get your monies in for the Christmas party please. Affording you lot the ability to experience the special feeling of alcohol on December 21st. It’s now a month away and I need to give numbers over to Tiny Rebel. I need to get numbers to them by the end of the month…do not miss out.
£20 in CASH at the box to a coach and we shall record your name. Sorted! I would use this post to display a picture of last years carnage, but…there isn’t one! Not one picture out of 70 people! At least 70 smart phones in one room (some of those of you who are not to be trusted who own two) and not one picture! That tells you three things:

  1. Everyone was having such a kick ass time that they forgot to take their phones out of their pockets to record the event.

  2. You really should make sure you buy a ticket to this year in order to experience it!

  3. All of us were waaaaaaaay too pissed to be able to work our phones anyway!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Front Rack Walking Lunge
10 - 10 - 10 - 10
Use these sets to build load throughout. Load is technique dependant.

Please record your ass breaking weights to the whiteboard upon completion…


WoD - Tuesday 13th November, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 13th November, 2018

We are ready to take all of your hard earned money…in return for a seriously fun filled and hang over inducing night of drunkenness and debauchery! There’s no need to be embarrassed, we all know that things will happen, maybe something that you really would rather not, but it’s all cool…we’re all friends here!
Regardless, due to the amount of alcohol ingested last year, not one single picture or video was recorded. Members found it entirely impossible to be able to unlock their respective smart phones in order to record the carnage. Therefore…you are safe!

Tickets will be £20 to will include hot food, sole occupation of the entire first floor at Tiny Rebel and hopefully a free drink (negotiations still on going).

Do NOT miss out, rather hand over your party tokens to a coach at the gym (CASH ONLY PLEASE) and get your name on the list!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For Time:
Row 2000m*

*Death by double unders.

On the first minute, athletes will perform 10 Double Unders before rowing as far as possible within the minute. At the top of each minute, athletes will perform 5 more double unders before continuing the row.
Either you die, or the timer gets you.

Please write total completed distance to the whiteboard…


WoD - Friday 2nd November, 2018

WoD - Friday 2nd November, 2018

The weekend is upon us, the end of another hard weeks worth of work and WoDs. Unfortunately, we don’t have any super cool Halloween throw downs for you, Conroy is too busying taking a truly deserved break down under! Sunning himself in the Ozzy sun, as we freeze in the Welsh Winter!

However, come December 21st we will all be heading out to get absolutely trashed at Tiny Rebel for our annual Xmas party. Prices are still being finalised, but tickets are set to be around £20. To include a couple of free drinks, plus a hot buffet and the soul occupation of their entire top floor, including our very own bar, cwtch room and 3rd separate function suite, where Ash can blast out The Greatest Showman Sound Track until he get’s punched in the baby maker by someone more sane.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
50 Cal Row
40 GHD Sit Ups
30 Handstand Push Ups
20 Ring Muscle Ups
10 Deadlifts (150/100kg)

If you survive, congratulations…write your score up on the whiteboard in celebration…

Ash following his Showman exploits

Ash following his Showman exploits

WoD - Tuesday 12th December, 2017

The ASSault bikes make everything else so much harder...weird! Now that your legs are warm, lets make them massive with some squatting! 

Is anyone else way more excited for this than they are for Xmas itself...4 sleeps...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Within 20mins
Set a 1RM Squat Clean

B: With the max load from part A:
Front Squat
2 - 2 - 2 - 2


WoD - Monday 11th December, 2017

Welcome to the week, and what a welcome! Sorry, I may as well just tell you that the ASSault bike is coming out again, but THIS are going to love it! For sure. Ish

The theme currently, is to make you feel good about yourself by descending through a favourable rep range, leading you into a false sense of security prior to smashing you with the opposite. And why you are going to LOVE it so much! 

Now forget about all that, just focus all of your efforts on the number 5! Why? Because thats the number of sleeps we have before the world's most epic party comes to Cardiff. This time next will NOT be feeling like you are right now. And that is whether you are hung over now, or not! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
15 - 12 - 9
AB Cals
STOH (50/35kg)

Rest 6mins

For time:
9 - 12 - 15
Cal Row

Please write the time for each couplet to the whiteboard...


WoD - Friday 8th December, 2017

Friday!! And only one more Friday prior to the famous Xmas Doo!! Woo F**KING WOO!! 

For the weekend, Saturday. What I would love you to bring is a shoe box of toys/stuff/anything that won't go out of date. Inside the box, please place a £5 note inside an envelope. Apologies for the confusion, totally my fault. 

The class will start at 11am and, any and all are more than welcome. Drag whoever you can to the box and let them enjoy something naughty, or..."nice"! 

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

Within pairs and in 20mins, as far as possible, ascend the ladder.
2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 etc
Press Ups
Ring Rows
Split all work as needed.

Please place total scores to the whiteboard...


WoD - 30th November, 2017

LEGS!!! Hands up if your legs are sore?! 

The Xmas party is getting close! So close I can taste the booze!! Do NOT be disappointed, get your monies paid at the front desk and ensure your spot on the night. 
Friday is the last day! £20 to one of the team please! All the details are on the board. 

No need to worry about your legs tomorrow, ish...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Turkish Get Ups
10 - 10 - 10 (5 right arm, 5 left arm, each set)

B: Bench Press
5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5

Accessory Program


  1. 4 sets x 5 reps of your best press ups - film and compare to the first week

1.1 After set 1 perform a single arm dumbbell bench press with a slightly heavier load than used in week 7 - 5 reps on each arm (5s down and 5s up) - only increase the dumbbell in weight if lat and chest activation can be maintained
1.2. After set 2 perform a single arm overhead press with either a small plate, dumbbell or kettlebell (hold by the handle) with a slightly heavier load than used in week 7- 5 reps on each arm (5s up and 5s down) - only increase the load if lat and chest activation can be maintained
1.3. After set 3 perform shoulder taps x 20 reps
1.4. After set 4 perform push up hold to plank x 10 reps

Please write loads to comments...

If I see any of the below, I will encourage your spotter to rub his balls in your face...
