Viewing entries tagged
Wall balls

WoD - Thursday 21st March, 2024

WoD - Thursday 21st March, 2024

My legs are DEad! Who’d have thought that a bit of running and a million BURPEES could do this! I’m not complaining though, as I am not Blair who is likely cowering in a darkened corner somewhere having done both the 5 AND 6pm classes.
It’s an example of those smart Irish again! 😳

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Every 5 minutes for 5 rounds, complete:
15 Handstand press ups
30 Wall balls (20/14 lbs)
15 Calorie row
REST remainder of the time

For 6 rounds, every 2 minutes:
1 Power clean + push jerk
Touch and go

Push press
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1

WoD - Wednesday 13th March, 2024

WoD - Wednesday 13th March, 2024

Mid-week and almost ready for another thrashing at the hands of CrossFit HQ and the 2024 open. Luckily though, it is the last one that they shall administer!

Although, when faced with the decision of doing an open workout vs one programmed at the hands of Mikey B, I think I know what I would choose…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For Time:
21 - 15 - 9
42 - 30 - 18
Calorie assault bike
Wall balls (20/14lbs)

SEE! 😬😳

WoD - Monday 27th November, 2023

WoD - Monday 27th November, 2023

Welcome to a new week, not just for the calendar but for you lot with Joe programming for the first time. It turns out… he’s a bit of a prick! 😁

Good luck, you are going to need it!

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
For time:
150 Assault bike calories
200 Wall balls (20/14lbs)
All work to be split as required

Gem just loving the new programmer

WoD - Tuesday 29th August, 2023

WoD - Tuesday 29th August, 2023

I mean if a 26 minute AMRAP isn’t going to sort you out then this certainly will!
And don’t worry, we are long past cherry season, no need to bother! 😉

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
800m - 600m - 400m - 200m
20 - 30 - 40 - 50
Wall balls (20/14lbs)

Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes:
1 - 3 Rope climbs/legless rope climbs

Every minute for 5 minutes:
1 - 3 Pull overs

3 Sets
3 Ball ups
30s GHD hollow hold

WoD - Monday 11th July, 2022

WoD - Monday 11th July, 2022

Is there a better way to get over a sun kissed weekend full of beer and wine, bad food and worse sleep then a benchmark girl? Exactly, especially when it’s Karen!

The challenge… do the workout in as few sets as possible! It’s going to hurt, but that’s the beauty. Learn to become comfortable when uncomfortable.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
150 Wall balls (20/14lbs)

Gooooooooooood LUCK

WoD - Thursday 19th August, 2021

WoD - Thursday 19th August, 2021

I have a sneaky suspicion that Nicole is attempting to end you all. F**k knows why, I like you… maybe she has some pent up anger from somewhere, maybe a prior life time. Who knows but what I do know is that butter wouldn’t melt in her evil mouth!

Good luck you poor buggers…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
4 rounds for time of:
Run 800m
25 Wall balls (20/14lb)
100 Double unders

Told ya!


Clean Complex
Squat clean, 2 front squats

Hip extensions
10 - 10 - 10 - 10

Pure evil.JPG

WoD - Friday 9th March, 2018

WoD - Friday 9th March, 2018

Who knows what the sadistic mind of Dave Castro will come out with, while the most of us normal humans are asleep in bed. I just seriously hope, for you luscious lot, that it is not overhead dumbbell lunges and toes to bar! I mean there is no WAY that he would dare to program running! 

What I am hoping for is wall balls, and not because I can do them at the minute, but because was have some bad ass new targets to use. 
On that, if you do use them, PLEASE put the jpegs on the other side so as to protect the wall balls and more importantly...your faces! 

Oh, and just in case you weren't aware, Rogue Europe are legends! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 25mins:
Set a 1RM Snatch

Lift some big tin please team...right before recording it in BLACK or RED (if a pb) on the whiteboard please...


WoD - Tuesday 8th August, 2017

Today we celebrate the birthday of one of the most legendary people on the planet, we are dedicating today's workout to her. 

Woody, you are one of the most incredible human beings I have ever met; unbelievably selfless and humble to a fault. You are the heart of our community and the soul of that gym.

Personally, I owe you so much and will spent the rest of my life attempting to return your generousity. 


CrossFit Cardiff WoD 

For Time:

39 AB Cals

39 GHD Sit ups

39 Deadlifts (100/70kg)

39 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)

39 Double Unders


WoD - Thursday 23rd March 2017

In an attempt to NOT mess you guys up prior to 17.5,  the team at CrossFit Cardiff have been hard at work whilst susposedly at work, hatching a plan as cunning as a fox with a degree from Oxford! 

Here it is... 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD 

Within 12mins, complete an AMRAP of:

200m wall ball carry (20/14)

50 wall balls (20/14)

25 burpees

5 rope climbs

Do your worst Castro! 


Watch him redisgn 17.5 to the above now, as he clearly reads our blog!  

WoD - Saturday 18th March

So...variance. The method by which we get so fit. Looking back at what elements of our program we have recently complimented, so that we can plan what comes next, or...fuck that right off and repeat the same workout a couple of days later! Sorry! 

At least this time around you'll only have to do it for 13 mins! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of:
55 deadlifts, (225/155lb)
55 wall-ball shots, (20/14-lb) ball to 10/9-ft target
55-calorie row
55 handstand push-ups

Once you have all cooled off (and that might take a while), we shall be showing the new CrossFit Games feature film "The Fittest On Earth - A Decade of Fitness", on the big screen from 7pm
A few amazing folk are planning to set up slow cookers full of delicious, tender and mouthwatering meat, at the gym in the morning, so that they will be ready for the showing. Others are planning on ordering a dominos to be delivered and many are making their own seriously tasty sounding treats. Whatever you prefer. Bring snacks, beers, and anything else you fancy, I'm not fussed...just don't play the popcorn game!

You will not be expected to perform burpees at any point, but we all know what happens as soon as any kid finish watching karate kid.

If you are too paleo to drink a beer or eat a pizza, we still love you...the only reason I am offering this is that the film comes at a cost but I have been able to get it for free and thought I'd share it with you.