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WoD - Thursday 29th August, 2024

WoD - Thursday 29th August, 2024

The weekend flys in when you only have to worry about 4 days hey! New subject. Let’s hope this Indian summer is right around the corner!
You’d think after 14 years of writing these blogs every week, I’d have waffled more shit about the weather more often!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Rounds, each for time and load:
Row 500m
1 Snatch
Rest 3 minutes between rounds

3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
Clean + 3s pause below knee

6 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6
Incline bench pres
Build each set

WoD - Friday 30th May, 2024

WoD - Friday 30th May, 2024

Happy Friday you lovely lot! Here’s to hoping that your DOMs have almost gone after Murph. If not, they may have least simply relocated elsewhere. If not, tomorrow’s workout will do that for you… tape your thumbs!

Whichever may be the case, please enjoy the weekend!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
10 Rounds for time of:
4 Deadlift
3 Hang power snatch
2 Overhead squat
Barbell: 70/50kg

WoD - Friday 17th May, 2024

WoD - Friday 17th May, 2024

Here we go, the weekend! Good luck with today and get amongst a very chilled and refreshing couple of days!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds, each for time and load:
Row 500m
1 Snatch
Rest 2 minutes
Run 400m
1 Snatch
Rest 2 minutes

The coaches will tell you when to record times and loads! No dramas.

WoD - Friday 16th January, 2024

WoD - Friday 16th January, 2024

Here we go, the weekend full of fitness, food, rest and fortunately for your blood pressure… no Welsh rugby.

Enjoy and return next week charged and ready to go!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
200m Run
9 Bar muscle ups
1 Squat snatch (80/60 kg)

WoD - Thursday 19th October, 2023

WoD - Thursday 19th October, 2023

We are nearly there. The week is almost up. Some high skill weightlifting stands in the way of you maybe one more vile workout and the weekend! Enjoy!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Five rounds and for max load
1 Snatch
2 Hang snatch
3 Overhead squat

Every minute for 3 minutes
3 Power cleans
Rest 1 minute

Every minute for 3 minutes
2 Power cleans
Rest 1 minute

Every minute for 3 minutes
1 Power clean

3 Sets
1 Length kettlebell front rack carry
6/6 split squats

WoD - Thursday 31st August, 2023

WoD - Thursday 31st August, 2023

Come on in and get your snatch on, because before you know it, it will be so cold it will take you 45 minutes to warm your joints up enough to come anywhere near the lift and it’ll be time to go home!

Who doesn’t love the worlds coolest lift!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For max load:
3 - 3 - 3
2 - 2 - 2
1 - 1 - 1
If possible, add load each set.

3 - 3 - 3 - 3
Snatch balance

Every 2 minutes for 16 minutes:
3 Snatch

WoD - Wednesday 19th April, 2023

WoD - Wednesday 19th April, 2023

A mid week thrashing is awaiting you, you lovely lot! It might be similar to last Wednesday but I seriously hope not! As, that was the most amount of carnage I think that has ever been witnessed at CrossFit Cardiff. Within the first round there was vomit everywhere.
I’ve told at least 23 people about it already!


It is obviously Nicoles our fault, for programming such a shitter of a workout! Complaints to please!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 10 minutes of
5 Snatch (70/50kg)
20 Toes to bar

WoD - Tuesday 4th April, 2023

WoD - Tuesday 4th April, 2023

Another huge congrats to go to Caravan Cath for leading her first Cardio class. A huge success and a seriously effective method for confirming that yes, you are hung over!
Long may it continue. The class, NOT the hang over!

Please remember team, it is bank holiday weekend coming up. Please don’t get too excited about eating your bodyweight in Easter eggs though, Tesco’s have been selling them since Boxing Day and so have sold out! 😉
The class timings will be as follows:
Good Friday:
10:00 - 11:00 - Wod
11:00 - 13:00 - Open gym
Saturday: Normal hours
Sunday: Normal hours
Easter Monday:
10:00 - 11:00 - Wod
11:00 - 13:00 - Open gym

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
7 Rounds for time and load:
30 Double unders
1 Squat snatch
Rest 3 minutes between rounds

WoD - Monday 20th March, 2023

WoD - Monday 20th March, 2023

I have two pieces of good news for you all:
1. The clocks will SPRING forwards this weekend, meaning that although you will get one hour less in bed… it will be mega bright in the mornings AND evenings. AAAAAND the summer time is a coming!
2. I have had a word with the coaching team and we are upping the anti on the programming. It is going to get harder! 😁🤪😳

What does harder mean… not necessarily more load or more volume but, more intensity, and more challenging combinations. Typically resulting in more “fun.”
So… get ready, you have been warned!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Squat Snatch EMOM:
0 - 4min: 3 Squat snatches
4 - 6min: rest
6 - 10min: 2 Squat snatches
10 - 12min: rest
12 - 20min: 1 Squat snatch

The goal…start light and straight, get heavier and climb, max out.

WoD - Monday 2nd January, 2023

WoD - Monday 2nd January, 2023

With the silly season very near to it’s end for another year, I am expecting you all to descend on the gym with a ferocious attitude; busting to get your teeth stuck into some serious assault bike calories.
Come at it!

Here’s to hoping you had an awesome Christmas and a better New Year. See you at the box!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
20 - 16 - 12 - 8 - 4
10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2
Toes to bar
Squat snatch

Barbell load
40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80kg
30 - 35 - 40 - 45 - 50kg

WoD - Tuesday 22nd November, 2022

WoD - Tuesday 22nd November, 2022

Seeing as the Welsh footballers are busy with their Oscar winning dramatical dives, you likely haven’t noticed that the website has been down and the WoD post has just come out.

Sorry, right out of my control.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For Max Load:
3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
Hang squat snatch

3 Sets:
Max bar muscle ups

3 Sets
10 Elevated ring rows
8 Ring dips
6 Tuck to L-sits
4 Strict toes to bar

WoD - Wednesday 2nd November, 2022

WoD - Wednesday 2nd November, 2022

Now then, a huge example of how folk have gotten a hell of a lot fitter over the years. Amanda was first performed at the games in 2010, with most athletes looking like they were going to die trying. Nowadays the workout can be done unbroken and sub 3 minutes if they don’t scale the thing up to be even harder; maybe with more reps or more load. Totally bonkers!

Watch the crazy difference...

Amanda 2010

Amanda 2014

The second video is Noah Olsen and is still very messy for what his current day example would look like.


CrossFit Cardiff WoD
9 - 7 - 5
Ring muscle ups
Squat Snatch (60/40kg)

WoD - Friday 21st October, 2022

WoD - Friday 21st October, 2022

The end of a thrashing is in sight, you are very nearly there but, we couldn’t go a whole week without your new favourite movement now could we…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Perform each round for time:
3 minutes of:
Max rep squat snatch (60/40kg)
Run 800m
Rest 4 minutes

2 minutes of:
Max rep squat snatch (70/50kg)
Run 400m
Rest 4 minutes

1 minute of:
Max rep squat snatch (80/60kg)
Run 200m
Rest 4 minutes

B: Within 15mins, establish a 1RM
Squat snatch

In part A, athletes will perform as many snatches as possible within each allocated timeframe, once that time window is up, the goal is to run the required distance as fast as possible.
For example, should you be able to run 800m in 3 minutes, then your time will be 6 minutes.

WoD - Wednesday 5th October, 2022

WoD - Wednesday 5th October, 2022

Hump day and the weeknd coeunt do%wn is in fulll force. I h@ve zero idea whQt I am writinng as… a German shortha!red point34r is sat on me and I czne see thw laptip, Letd hpe[ [redictibe text os wokil.g

Okay he’s off…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
21 - 15 -9
Hang squat snatch (40/30kg)
42 - 30 - 18
Calorie row

WoD - Monday 26th September, 2022

WoD - Monday 26th September, 2022

I am predicting that by the time you are reading this, Mikey B and I will be fully constrained to a glass cage of emotion but, with light at the end of the tunnel!

You might see us attempting to coach a class from the shadows next week. MIGHT. Otherwise, you lot know how to squat snatch no?

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Rounds for time of:
Run 400m
5 Squat snatch (60/40kg)

A cheeky squat snatch to start off the week for you cherry pickers! 😉😁

WoD - Wednesday 21st September, 2022

WoD - Wednesday 21st September, 2022

We are doing one movement at least once per week going forwards and because I have noticed that the fast majority of you all suck at it (statement said with peace, love and humility - with me as an intentional inclusion), and will be testing said movement for load, speed, reps and the rest. While fresh or under fatigue!
Can you tell what it is…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Every 6 minutes for 5 rounds:
20/16 Calorie assault bike
1 Squat snatch

This is for time and max load.

WoD - Monday 12th September, 2022

WoD - Monday 12th September, 2022

A MASSIVE congrats to all of you legends who travelled and competed at the National Fitness Games over the weekend. Nicole and Hannah are not dead from some sort of horrific worm accident, they are simply away on a very relaxing holiday… recovering from a horrific worm accident!

Into the week, starting with the coolest lift on the planet…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Every 30s for 5 minutes:
2 Squat snatch

B: 1 RM Squat snatch

The goal with part A is to drill technique, so that you are set up for success for part B. DO NOT smoke yourself prior to B by biting off more load than you can chew.

WoD - Wednesday 7th September, 2022

WoD - Wednesday 7th September, 2022

Mid-week hump workout for you legends! An ever so slightly adjusted blasting that will test both speed and strength, two of the very best things…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
7 Rounds for time and load:
30 Double unders
3 Hang squat snatch
Rest 1 minute between rounds

WOD - Friday 11th March, 2022

WOD - Friday 11th March, 2022

I’m just getting your snatch ready for your snatch (likely) in the open. Two days on the bounce to hit a personal best! What’s wrong with that?
Exactly… nothing!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1

WoD - Thursday 13th January, 2022

WoD - Thursday 13th January, 2022

I wonder if it will be another 11 years before I completely forget to post the blog. Meaning that the gym will be 22 years old, fewer of you will be reading this and I will be F’ing old and far more likely to forget it!

I supposed I had no and therefore have no reason to think I wouldn’t be writing this same rubbish 11 years on, in 2033 (i’ll probably still be having to wear a mask to buy a pint of milk too), but that seems mental hey.
Just imagine the type of assault bike that will have been invented by then and think yourself lucky!

I have afforded you all no where to hide during tomorrow’s workout, well apart from deep inside the pain cave anyway!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
20 Bar facing burpees
40 Power snatch (35/25kg)
20 Bar facing burpees


Chest to bar pull-ups
Week 1

Kipping drills
EMOM3 : 2 Kip swings, 3 kips - focus is on height and pop
EMOM3: 2/3 Chest to bar pull-ups with pause 

3 Sets
3 Negative pull ups - from chest
10 Supine dumbbell lat pull overs
10 Dumbbell bent over rows

3 Sets
Max strict banded chest to bar pull-ups
20 Hollow rocks
20 Lat pulldowns