I wonder if it will be another 11 years before I completely forget to post the blog. Meaning that the gym will be 22 years old, fewer of you will be reading this and I will be F’ing old and far more likely to forget it!

I supposed I had no and therefore have no reason to think I wouldn’t be writing this same rubbish 11 years on, in 2033 (i’ll probably still be having to wear a mask to buy a pint of milk too), but that seems mental hey.
Just imagine the type of assault bike that will have been invented by then and think yourself lucky!

I have afforded you all no where to hide during tomorrow’s workout, well apart from deep inside the pain cave anyway!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
20 Bar facing burpees
40 Power snatch (35/25kg)
20 Bar facing burpees


Chest to bar pull-ups
Week 1

Kipping drills
EMOM3 : 2 Kip swings, 3 kips - focus is on height and pop
EMOM3: 2/3 Chest to bar pull-ups with pause 

3 Sets
3 Negative pull ups - from chest
10 Supine dumbbell lat pull overs
10 Dumbbell bent over rows

3 Sets
Max strict banded chest to bar pull-ups
20 Hollow rocks
20 Lat pulldowns