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WoD - Wednesday 14th September, 2022

WoD - Wednesday 14th September, 2022

Short and sharp blog post, mid way through September, RUBBISH!!! Don’t you worry team… the summer is coming!

Harness your inner games athlete, with just two changes:
1. The load is not 135kg
2. The jerk is from the floor due to… see point 1.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
‘Shuttle to overhead’
For time and repetitions:
From minutes 0 - 2
Run 200m
Max shoulder to overhead

Rest 2 minutes

From minutes 4 - 7
Run 400m
Max shoulder to overhead

Rest 2 minutes

From minutes 9 - 13
Run 600m
Max shoulder to overhead

Barbell: 80/60kg

WoD - Friday 30th December, 2018

WoD - Friday 30th December, 2018

In bed at 18:50 on any night...congratulations Suller, you’ve given me Rhabdo!  

Tomorrow we tackle a workout designed by a loving father, for his son. And how cool is it going to be when one day they do it together?! I’ll keep ‘Finley’ in the bag for another day! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

7 Rounds for time of:
7 Cleans (60/40kg)
7 Shoulder To Overhead (60/40kg) 
20 Box Jumps (24/20”) 
18 Toes To Bar

Please write completed times to the whiteboard...


Lock up your daughters, Finners is in town!

WoD - Friday 22nd December, 2017

Hail Mary! Weirdly enough, she bites really hard! 

So the time is near, only another day before I really have to start my Christmas shopping. I'm especially looking forward to drinking coffee with all the other male members of the box, while on a break from testing their hard earned fitness about Cardiff City centre; pushing and pulling people out of the way, sprinting from shop to shop while farmers carrying bags full of de-icer, air fresheners and other pointless MAN gifts. You lucky ladies. 

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

'Partner DT'
10 Rounds
12 Deadlifts (70/50kg)
9 Hang Power Cleans (70/50kg)
6 STOH (70/50kg)
You go, I go. 

Please sprint, like your life depends on it, through each round, and write one of your final scores for the year on the whiteboard....


WoD - Friday 15th December, 2017

The long await is nearly over. You only have to go to bed once more and it's there...actually time to start getting "tidy as f**k", ready for the CrossFit Cardiff Xmas party. The most eagerly awaited shindig on the planet. 

Until then, sell your soul with a partner and a couple of dumbbells...

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

Within 16mins, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
10 Hang Power Cleans
10 Front Rack Walking Lunges
All movements to be completed with two 50/35lbs Dumbbells and with "you go, I go" rounds.

Please post scores to comments...


WoD - Monday 11th December, 2017

Welcome to the week, and what a welcome! Sorry, I may as well just tell you that the ASSault bike is coming out again, but THIS are going to love it! For sure. Ish

The theme currently, is to make you feel good about yourself by descending through a favourable rep range, leading you into a false sense of security prior to smashing you with the opposite. And why you are going to LOVE it so much! 

Now forget about all that, just focus all of your efforts on the number 5! Why? Because thats the number of sleeps we have before the world's most epic party comes to Cardiff. This time next will NOT be feeling like you are right now. And that is whether you are hung over now, or not! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
15 - 12 - 9
AB Cals
STOH (50/35kg)

Rest 6mins

For time:
9 - 12 - 15
Cal Row

Please write the time for each couplet to the whiteboard...


WoD - Wednesday 22nd November, 2017

So, after four weeks of near death experiences throughout the Partner League, we have come to the final hurrah...this Saturday we will be hosting a Partner style, good old fashion throw down. Two workouts, followed by meat, beer and fun times! 

One workout is known, and one is not (genuinely, we are going to surprise even ourselves).
CrossFit prides itself on preparing their athletes for the known and the knowable, but also the unknown and unknowable. Attempting to prepare everyone for whatever life demands...

On Friday a video will be released, featuring the creators of the Partner League, pulling WoD 6 from the hopper. Lets pray for no ring handstand push ups. 

Read below for the known:

Partner League WoD 5

"CrossFit Cardiff Total"

Establish the heaviest total possible of:

Squat Clean
Hang Squat Snatch
Shoulder to Overhead

Each team will be given a 6min window, per lift, for each athlete to make 3 attempts only. 


10:00 - Begin warming up for WoD 5
10:30 - WoD 5 begins
11:10 - 11:20 - Break
11:20 - 11:30 - Warm up for WoD 6  
11:30 - WoD 6 Begins

*all timings may well change...."everyone has a plan, until punched in the face"

Anyway, break for that excitement and come back to tomorrow...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Back Rack Walking Lunge
8 - 8 - 8 - 8
Following each set, and as quickly as possible, athletes will row for time: 20/15 calories

Please write loads and times to the whiteboard...


WoD - Tuesday 21st November, 2017

NO more Assault Bike and NO MORE Medicine Ball Cleans...PLEASE!!! But I will take one ticket to the Xmas party!!! Lets go team, get coughing up. Do NOT be disappointed as you all know what a night it is going to be! 

With the party being on the 16th, I am giving you guys the cut off of the 1st of December. That will give me just over two weeks to barter for as much free booze as humanly possible. 
I intend on shaving Ash's manly chest and oiling him up, offering him as a hot date for an evening on the town with our host. Right at the very moment that she becomes distracted by his deep blue eyes, I shall swoop in and request the alcohol; enough to make the after party plenty of fun! 

Anyway, it's time for a slog...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
100 Double Unders
25 Power Cleans
25 TTB
25 Front Squats
25 Pull Ups
25 Pull Ups
25 Front Squats
25 TTB
25 Power Cleans
100 Double Unders
Barbell Loaded to 50/35kg

Please post times to the whiteboard, if you can still see...

Accessory Program


1. Goblet squat with small plate (ideally 1.25kg or less weight than you used in the 6th week) - 2 sets x 5 reps (10s down, 1s pause at the bottom and a fast ascent)

1. Single leg touchdown progressions - 4 sets x 5 reps off a 24" box

2.1. After sets 1 and 2 perform a banded ankle stretch with a kettlebell - 1min on each leg (2mins total per leg)

2.2 After sets 3 and 4 perform a calf stretch on a plate - 1min on each leg (2mins total per leg)

joey chipperJPG.JPG

WoD - Tuesday 14th November, 2017

I know you have all been eagerly updating your browsers; refreshing facebook; asking coaches, (Mel is a sucker by the way, she will literally tell anyone anything, especially if you give her a beer) desperately trying to get e sneak preview of what is lying in wait for you all.'s time...

Partner League 3

For time:
42 - 30 - 18
Hang Power Clean
Shoulder to Overhead

Rx loading (50/35kg)
Scaled loading (35/20kg)

Accessory Program

  1. Goblet squat with small plate (ideally 2.5kg or less weight than you used in the 5th week) - 2 sets x 5 reps (10s down, 1s pause at the bottom and a fast ascent)
  2. Single leg touchdown progressions - 4 sets x 5 reps on 6x20kg plates stacked

2.1. After sets 1 and 2 perform a banded ankle stretch with a kettlebell - 1min on each leg (2mins total per leg)

2.2 After sets 3 and 4 perform a calf stretch on a plate - 1min on each leg (2mins total per leg)

The current leaderboard is below. Full blurriness will remain until it is fully updated. And it will be fully updated once everyone submits their scores! #donthatethegame

Special thanks goes to Conroy and his spreadsheet skills. 

Ps. I think that anyone who hasn't completed all WoDs by the 25th should have to do them as a handicap prior to performing the actual workout programmed for that day. Votes to comments. 

Partner League Leader board.JPG

WoD - Thursday 19th October, 2017

Hang on for dear f**king life are nearly there!! ;-)

In all honesty, this week has been an awesome example of programming. One thing per hour and guess what, it has been a significant challenge. Even some of the best have been humbled and forced to scale loads. 
Hannah has been designing workouts in the background for a while and has been let loose, with some intelligent adjustments throughout the week, in response to feedback from those taking part, have allowed you to continue pushing all week.
What a stud! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 10mins, complete an AMRAP of:
2 Shoulder To Overhead (80/60kg)

A cheeky bit of movement redundancy, going from something heavy overhead to bodyweight will be a spicy challenge. 

Please post rounds to the whiteboard...

Accessory Program

1. Tempo press ups - 4 sets x 5 reps (2s down, 1s pause with chest hovering above the floor and a fast ascent)

1.1 After set 1 perform a single arm dumbbell bench press with a slightly heavier load than used in week 1 - 5 reps on each arm (5s down and 5s up) - only increase the dumbbell in weight if lat and chest activation can be maintained

1.2 After set 2 perform a single arm overhead press with either a small plate, dumbbell or kettlebell (hold by the handle) with a slightly heavier load than used in week 1- 5 reps on each arm (5s up and 5s down) - only increase the load if lat and chest activation can be maintained

1.3 After set 3 perform shoulder taps x 20 reps

1.4 After set 4 perform push up hold to plank x 10 reps



WoD - 3rd October, 2017

LOTS of Buddy's in the door tonight and what an amazing effort from all of them. It was a pleasure to have you guys throwing some heavy assed weights about, now lets get them back in to show them a different side of CrossFit. 

Who got a PB?? Comment below! 

I hope all of you legends had an awesome weekend and are ready to get SWEATY!!! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
3 Rounds of DT (40/30kg)
Run 600m
2 Rounds of DT (60/40kg)
Run 400m
1 Round of DT (70/45kg)
Run 200m

12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans

Accessory Program

This week marks the end of this block accessory program, and therefore is a rest week. Beginning next Tuesday we shall set out on a new 8 week block with the focus on squat positions (yes I know...again) and pressing strength. 
Enjoy some time off. 

In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J.

In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J.

WoD - Thursday 21st September, 2017

Ok, now that your buns are big, and officially made of steal...and your shoulders are like boulders, you're ready for "Freddie's Revenge!" 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

"Freddy's Revenge"

5 Rounds for time of:
5 STOH (85/60kg)
10 Burpees

This is an all out sprint, warm up well and hit it as hard as you possibly can. 

Accessory Program

4 x 6 eccentric ring rows (1s up/5s down - use band if required)

Superset between Set 1 and 2:
27 Different Squat variants - FILM 
Squat mobility complexes - FILM 

Superset between Set 2 and 3:
12 Single leg glute raises - per leg
20 KB Deadlifts - FILM 

Superset between Set 3 and 4:
30 Wall Toe taps per leg - heels stay down
30 Wall hip drives - heels stay down
10 Russian Lunges per leg - toe stays down
10 Russian Lunges per leg - toes come up
10 Narrow stance squats

Superset following set 4:
15 PVC pipe shoulder pass throughs (narrowing grip every 5 reps)
5 DB Overhead squats (make these LIGHT, they hurt).
15 PVC pipe shoulder pass throughs (narrowing grip every 5 reps)
5 DB Overhead squats
15 PVC pipe shoulder pass throughs (narrowing grip every 5 reps)
5 DB Overhead squats

2 Rounds not for time, but for form of:

5 GHD Hip and Back Extensions - FILM(these are extremely challenging reduce reps if needed but keep the movement)
10 Kip Swings, 8 Kips, 6 Kipping pull ups (use a band if required).  
5 Wall Squats with a 5 second pause at the bottom of each rep.
10 GHD Back Extensions
5 Wall Squats with a 5 second pause at the bottom of each rep.
10 Kip Swings, 8 Kips, 6 Kipping pull ups (use a band if required).  
15 GHD hip extensions
Rest as needed between rounds, ensuring that quality of movement can be maintained


WoD - Wednesday 27th July 2017

Such a cool effort tonight team. That workout was no time easy, but you all attacked it hard.

Scaling the bar muscle ups like that will only lead you to actually getting them. Technique first and mastery of the fundamentals is what causes you to get really fit! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD 

3 Rounds for time of: 

75 Double Unders

25 GHD sit ups

10 STOH (90/70kg) 

Please post times to comments...   


Coach Greg Glassman.  

WoD - Wednesday 19th July 2017

Never think that a med ball clean is going to be anything but brutal; they are the work of the devil! 

Tomorrow I challenge you to go as hard as you possibly can throughout part A, and beat the 8mins during part B. 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Within 8mins complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
10 Cal Row
2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 - ...etc of STOH (60/40kg)

Rest 8mins

B: For time:
Repeat your score from Part A, but with descending STOH (60/40kg)

It looks like that whiteboard shout read..."Ash is HAVING a poo"

It looks like that whiteboard shout read..."Ash is HAVING a poo"

WoD - Friday 2nd June, 2017

Put your guesses into comments...who is going to qualify for the games, both men and women. First person to get both men and women right gets June's membership fees back.

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD 

For Time:

Run 400m

50 STOH (70/50kg) 

50 TTB

Run 800m

50 TTB

50 STOH (70/50kg) 

Run 400m

If the barbell is put down during both sets of the STOH both athletes must complete 15 burpees before continuing.

Only one person can accumulate reps at any one time. Both must run together.


WoD - Thursday 9th February 2017

Ok, I am going to give you the day off...only kidding...SIGN UP TO THE OPEN!!! And while you're at it, frantically practice overhead dumbbell walking lunges!!  

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Round for time of:
15 STOH (60/40kg)
30 Box Over Jumps (24/20")
15 Pull Ups

Can anyone go unbroken at their chosen barbell weight, box height and pull up variation. 
Please post times to the whiteboard. 

WoD - Tuesday 13th December 2016

Hey team. As a friendly reminder, or even if you didn't know...the box will be CLOSED on Saturday and Sunday of this week (17/18th) for a CrossFit L1 seminar. 

Many of the memebers are having an outing to Pen-y-fan to get a festive picture (Xmas Jumpers and Santa hats are a must) and plan to meet at the box for at 10:00, if they aren't there, meet at the fan at 11. The more the merrier! Please pee at home as entrance to the box at that time will be rewarded with burpees. 

Otherwise Mike Catris, the legend, has invited you all to class at CrossFit Ion to smash their members. I shall post timings up later in the week.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:

25 Cal Row

50 STOH (35/25kg)

75 Med Ball Clean (20/14lbs)

50 STOH (35/25kg)

25 Cal Row

Please post times to comments...


WoD - Wednesday 2nd of November 2016

You lot a sneaky buggers! I program Power Cleans and you try and get a sly 100kg bicep curl in there...Conroy, you're the worst!!  

CrossFit Cardiff WoD 

Within 9mins complete an AMRAP of:

30 Box Over Jumps (24/20") 

40 STOH (50/35kg) 

50 Med Ball Cleans (20/14lbs) 

please post rounds and reps to comments... 

A picture of a rare species of mammal, possessing the capability to lick their own knees!  

A picture of a rare species of mammal, possessing the capability to lick their own knees!  

WoD - Thursday 8th September 2016

It is a special WoD today gang, we push ourselves to 'Mikey B' levels of hurt in order to celebrate Hannah getting old as f**k!!  

High five her, deliver mahussive chest bumps, all in aid of one more year of increased wisdom! Lessons learnt...don't cut your hair really short and NEVER, on any circumstance accept a Sink The Bismarck from a grinning Davs.  

Penblwydd Hapus you legend! I hope you have a wicked day and enjoy the inevitable pain!  

 CrossFit Cardiff WoD


For time: 

100 Double Unders

80 STOH (35/25kg) 

60 Box Jumps (20") 

40 Hang Power Cleans (35/25kg) 

20 HSPUs

Complete the rep scheme of 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 of rope climbs between each movement. 

There were too many awesome pictures to choice from, mainly with a massive smile!  

There were too many awesome pictures to choice from, mainly with a massive smile!  

Tuesday 19th April 2016

Shift from a fast and furious workout to a mid range chipper. Good job it will be just as fun. 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:

100 Double Unders
50 Pull-ups
25 STOH (50/35kg)
50 Pull-ups
100 Double Unders

Please post times to comments...