Viewing entries tagged
Rowing sucks

WoD - Tuesday 3rd September, 2024

WoD - Tuesday 3rd September, 2024

The Air BnB sauna and hot tub hang over is in full effect! I need to get both and fast! Not being able to get up out of bed and drink a coffee while my sauna is heating up SUCKS!

All I have to do to achieve this is to start crapping money!

You’ll feel like you’ve been in a sauna after doing tomorrows workout! Just wait for the explanation.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 minute max distance row
Rest 5 minutes

5 Rounds for max distance
1 Minute row
1 Minute rest between rounds
Rest 5 minutes

10 Rounds for max distance
30 Second row
30 Second rest between rounds
Rest 5 minutes

20 Rounds for max distance
15 Second row
15 Second rest between rounds

5 Sets
‘X’ rep bar muscle up
Rest 1:00 between
X = 10-20% of 5:00 bmu test

For 8 rounds, every 45s
1 - 3 Strict toes to bar

3 Sets
8 Incline bent over row + 3s negative each rep
10/10 Dumbbell rollbacks
20 - 25 GHD sit ups

WoD - Tuesday 25th June, 2024

WoD - Tuesday 25th June, 2024

Heavy hang power cleans and rope climbs, not able to hang on to anything for the rest of the day… weird!

At least today you will only have to hang on to one handle!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
Row 1000m
Rest 4 mins

Row 750m
Rest 3 mins

Row 500m
Rest 2 mins

Row 250m

20 minutes working on a challenging bar muscle up progression.

3 Sets
3 Weighted pull ups
8/8 Single arm bench press
30s Hollow hold/GHD hollow hold

WoD - Wednesday 9th April, 2024

WoD - Wednesday 9th April, 2024

I have been a little stressed lately, meaning that I am searching for a release and unfortunately for you lot, I am perpetually injured and so have to live vicariously through your experiences. Basically I am programming difficult workouts. 😁 You though, unlike my body, will love it!

Unless of course your cortisol is through the roof like mine! 😅

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
Row 2000m
150 Air squats
Row 1500m
75 Burpees
Row 1000m

I wouldn’t be too concerned about that this though, there’s no way that will hurt as much as a 30 calorie assault bike sprint.

WoD - Wednesday 15th November, 2023

WoD - Wednesday 15th November, 2023

Mid week and guess what… this is going to hurt! It will be uncomfortable.

You might be thinking whether there is anything wrong with me. I was funnily enough, angry when programming last week. But, that has meant that you are all getting some serious fitness. 😁

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 10 minutes, climb the ladder of:
1 Power clean
2 Front squats
2 Power cleans
4 Front squats
3 Power cleans
6 Front squats
4 Power cleans
8 Front squats etc.
Barbell: 70/50kg

Rest 10mins

For time:
Row 2000m

WoD - Tuesday 1st August, 2023

WoD - Tuesday 1st August, 2023

Pinch, punch…

Now you might think that this is the workout this week that is going to make you vomit AAAALL over the gym… NOPE! You still have that magic to come!

This is long and slow, ish, endurance. You should still not be able to walk up or down the stairs afterwards though!

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 30 mins of:
500m Row
30/25 Calorie assault bike
Partners start on alternative pieces of equipment and switch once both have been completed.

Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes:
2 - 3 rope climbs

3 Sets
5/5 Mixed grip pull ups
5 Ball ups
30s GHD hollow hold

WoD - Friday 12th May, 2023

WoD - Friday 12th May, 2023

You made it, another week in the books, a week of some bad ass workouts… you are a little bit fitter than you were this time last week. You just don’t feel like it right now is all.
Some decent food and some beer (wing and yang) and you will feel like a new legend!
Enjoy the weekend. Let’s hope for sunshine!

Just remember, this is not the optimal cherry picking season!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds each for time:
1,000m Row
Rest 5 mins between rounds

WoD - Tuesday 3rd January, 2023

WoD - Tuesday 3rd January, 2023

Everything is back to normal you lovely folk, hours are as they once were and the 2022 goals board has been wiped clean, get the 2023 suckers up there!
Mine will be NOT to accept any shots at the Xmas do. I have close to a full year to practice my “thanks but f**k right off line!”

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
4 rounds of, within 3 minutes complete:
20/17 Calorie row
8 Burpees over the rower
Max wall balls (20/14lbs)
Each time you break perform 4 burpees
Rest 3 minutes between rounds

Your score is your lowest set of wall balls

A: Ring muscle up progressions

B: 3 Sets of:
3 Ring muscle up negatives
40s Ring support

WoD - Wednesday 22nd July, 2020

WoD - Wednesday 22nd July, 2020

Just in case assault bike calories and burpees wasn’t quite bad enough for you, guess what…you’ve got some rowing intervals! Isn’t it just amazing to be back! I know you just love it!
At least it’s not raining…or at least let’s hope it’s not. Otherwise those rows become running in the rain!

Good luck and prey to the weather gods!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 rounds, each for time:
Row 500m
Rest 3 minutes between rounds*

*this rest period may alter slightly on account of cleaning between rows.

At home scaling
5 rounds each for time:
Run 400m
Rest 3 minutes between rounds

Warm up
Run 400m
Rest 2 minutes
Run 200m
Rest 1 minute
Run 100m

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here
