The Air BnB sauna and hot tub hang over is in full effect! I need to get both and fast! Not being able to get up out of bed and drink a coffee while my sauna is heating up SUCKS!
All I have to do to achieve this is to start crapping money!
You’ll feel like you’ve been in a sauna after doing tomorrows workout! Just wait for the explanation.
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 minute max distance row
Rest 5 minutes
5 Rounds for max distance
1 Minute row
1 Minute rest between rounds
Rest 5 minutes
10 Rounds for max distance
30 Second row
30 Second rest between rounds
Rest 5 minutes
20 Rounds for max distance
15 Second row
15 Second rest between rounds
5 Sets
‘X’ rep bar muscle up
Rest 1:00 between
X = 10-20% of 5:00 bmu test
For 8 rounds, every 45s
1 - 3 Strict toes to bar
3 Sets
8 Incline bent over row + 3s negative each rep
10/10 Dumbbell rollbacks
20 - 25 GHD sit ups