Mid-week and ready for a vile strength blasting in order to celebrate. GOOD LUCK JANET!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
16 - 14 - 12 - 10
Front rack walking lunges
Increase weight after each set
Workout of the day
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Mid-week and ready for a vile strength blasting in order to celebrate. GOOD LUCK JANET!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
16 - 14 - 12 - 10
Front rack walking lunges
Increase weight after each set
After tomorrow’s workout I promise you are going to wish that the gym was closed for a week! Just remember…chestnuts.
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Rounds for max load:
12 - 6 - 12
Front Rack Walking Lunge
Front Squat
Front Rack Walking Lunge
Friday is here… finally! The weekend is upon us and I hope you are excited to have a seriously good one! Chilling, fitnessing, drinking, coffeeing, eating, anything elseing!
Have a blast, but before you do…lift HEAVY
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Overhead walking lunges
10 - 10 - 10 - 10 - 10
Heavy & straight sets
A little cheeky mid-week leg kicking, just warming you up for a couple of days of torture… you’re going to love it!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Back rack lunges
8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8
Build load with each set.
Tomorrow’s workout was taken from CrossFit.com, it certainly does not look like much on paper but be very, very careful… it completely wrecked me.
From the lunges, trying to jump afterwards is not the easiest! You lot though, are going to love it I’m sure! 😳
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 15mins of:
25ft Overhead DB walking lunge (50/35lbs - one arm)
25ft Overhead DB walking lunge (50/35lbs - one arm)
50 Double unders
Strict ring muscle up
Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes:
3 Strict L-sit ring muscle ups
3 Sets
5 Strict toes to rings
10 Deficit push-ups
20s chest to ring hold
Back to the normal schedule… until the next time anyway… less than a week away.
Get your cucumber sandwiches, pots or teas and jam scones ready to go for the up and coming street parties. I reckon it’s going to go off!!
If Nicole starts giving you grief about your lunge steps being improper technique due to their length, ignore her, she’s having a moment!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Back rack walking lunges
16 - 16 - 16 - 16
Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes
1 - 3 Strict muscle ups
3 Sets
5 Strict chest to bar pull ups (2 second pause at the top)
10 Strict ring dips
20s ring L-sit support
All of you get ready to order domino’s to the box for 7:15pm, munch away and throw things at me when I tell you that you are a prick for eating it! 😉
Remember, nutrition is as sensitive a subject as politics, religion and the COVID vaccine!
See you at 7. Bring your notepads like good little children now hey! 😉
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Overhead walking lunge
12 - 12 - 12 - 12 - 12
These sets should be accumulating in load. Small increments across all 5 sets.
Told you didn’t I! Who’d thought a row would prevent you from being able to perform one single pull up. Evidence to how much we all pull early during the stroke.
Unfortunately, I have nothing but bad news for you as your week is about to get worse…
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Front rack walking lunges
12 - 12 - 10 - 10 - 8 - 8
Load should increase with each rep decrease
Every minute for 10 minutes:
2 Bar muscle ups
4 Rounds
15s Pike up hold/L-Sit
10 Strict chest to bar
15s Straddle hold
20s Chin over bar hold
The last chance this week to kick your own arses, literally! Those butt cheeks will be singing after this. Get those barbells loaded up HIGH and HEAVY and lunge the crap out of them!
Ps. If you guys don’t all descend on Ground Bakery in Penarth and eat the Croque Madame you are absolutely mental!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Back rack walking lunges
6 - 6 - 6 - 6
Increase weight as quality reps allow
Post hump day blues? I was considering putting another assault bike workout into the weeks programming, only because you lot think that you’re safe once “it’s” been and gone. NOPE!!!
Well, you’re safe this week, but I am promising nothing next time around…
I reckon some surprise fitness in due too…
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Back rack walking lunges*
16 - 16 - 16 - 16
*Increasing load throughout, no more than 15kg across. All are to be heavy arsed sets.
Chest to bar
3 Sets
5 - 10 Kipping chest to bar pull-ups
Rest 2 minutes between sets.
3 Sets
5 Strict chest to bar pull-ups 301 tempo
10 Banded pull down
10 Hollow pull downs
3 Sets
1 Length plate pinch carry - heavy
30s Hollow hold
8 - 10 Pronated barbell rows - focus on range of motion
Here’s to hoping that you lot have some skin left on your little pinky’s!
I also hope that you didn’t have any plans for the weekend, because your poor little butt cheeks aren’t going to be doing much after tomorrow…
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Sets of:
5 - 10 - 5
Back squat
Back rack walking lunge
Back squat
These are straight sets and must be unbroken. Please chuck your leg breaking loads up on the whiteboard…
Hang clean
3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
Barbell roll outs
10 - 10 - 10
And so, just like that, nearly a week of outdoor training is over. And, to me, it has been a roaring success.
So much so, that it has come time to ask you lot to please return your equipment. We want to begin to add more to the programming, and now that we have a good idea of how much capability we have with the classes we would love to implement some further movements/workouts.
Please return all equipment at your earliest convenience, by following the instructions below:
Pile all equipment in the middle of the gym - lots of you have been back and know where this is
Write your name and what you have returned on the big whiteboard
We will check it all off and hopefully by next week not have to make you run and do burpees
Keep your eyes peeled on the blog and our social media platforms for additional classes.
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 of
Jumping lunges
Abmat sit ups
Warm up
3 Rounds not for time of:
20 Walking lunges
40s Plank hold
20 Single unders
Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here
Get ready boys, tomorrow is the day! Avoid your other halves like the plague!
If you can’t get away at least ensure that you are constantly around either water, mud, swamps, burning coals, bear traps, broken glass and KY jelly! Tie their shoe laces for them, double knot the bastards hard, melt the same knot with a lighter…it will never come undone.
Keep your head on a swivel, never switch off…sleep with one eye open, just survive until midnight!
Good luck and god speed.
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Front rack walking lunges
8 - 8 - 8 - 8
Nice “easy” finish to the week for you! Loads up on the board please…
Met Con
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Ground to overhead (20/15kg plate)
Ab mat sit up
The first time really that this has looked like a “strength/met con” day. IT IS NOT. These are two separate classes, if both are to be performed then ample rest between classes should be taken.
Avoid monkey butt and get those times up loud and proud…
Get ready for the weekend…
We have our ninth year birthday, official throwdown! Team of…a certain amount of athletes…will compete (in a fun, who gives a shit if you’ve had a beer or 10 the night before, in fact that might be funny) way, across the day and over a set number of SUPER COOL workouts!
Unfortunately for you lot, I programmed these workouts while angrily travelling home yesterday (ish - finished programming them), and so they might be a little evil.
You’ll be fiiiiiiine!
Following, we will have a bunch of food and a couple of cheeky beers…why not! Get excited!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: 10 - 10 - 10 - 10
Back Rack Walking Lunges*
*pick a HEAVY weight and stay with it throughout all sets
B: 2 Sets:
1. 1 Minute hollow hold
2. 1 Minute side plank (each side)
3. 1 Minute superman hold
Get those loads up on the board please legends….
Met Con
5 rounds for time:
10 Kettlebell deadlifts (2x24/16kg)
30m farmers carry (2x24/16kg)
10 Kettlebell push press (2x24/16kg)
Penblwydd Hapus buddy!
Another one bites the dust, five chances to improve your fitness, get ready for the ever approaching summer months where, we will be basking in the sunshine.
Enjoy your weekends team, get excited for a hell of a time next Saturday.
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 14 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
2 Hang power clean (80/60kg)
45 Double Unders
20m unloaded walking lunge
Rounds and reps up to the whiteboard please all…
Now this is going to be a lot. A test of resolve and balls, team work and flexible thinking. Make a plan, and make a plan to change it when it goes south, because it will likely go south.
The feeling of being beaten up and battered, sore hands and hamstrings and shoulders and backs, goes away as soon as the word GO is shouted. Whatever is required for the team just happens. You will get amongst it and come out smiling and ready for the weekend for sure, just listen to the brief, its a head spinner…
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
In teams of 3, for time:
Run 800m
18 Ring Muscle ups (split however)
1 Length of DB Back Rack Walking Lunges
12 DB Hang Clean and Jerk
1 Length of DB Back Rack Walking Lunges
18 Ring Muscle ups (split however)
1 Length of DB Back Rack Walking Lunges
12 DB Hang Clean and Jerk
1 Length of DB Back Rack Walking Lunges
18 Ring Muscle ups (split however)
1 Length of DB Back Rack Walking Lunges
12 DB Hang Clean and Jerk
1 Length of DB Back Rack Walking Lunges
Run 800m
Dumbbells are 2x50/35lbs
Please post team times to the whiteboard…
Every time Ash programs I get the impression that rather than attempt to develop your fitness, he’s just focused on trying to make you lot look good on the beach. A human sculptor if you like, just not a weird one! Well…ish!
He obviously has your best intentions at heart, but is just utterly unconcerned with your bank balance due to providing the requirement for you to be forced to buy yet another pair of jeans.
Anyway, hopefully you lot are all reading this with intact hands!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Back rack walking lunges
10 - 10 - 10 - 10 - 10
That is a lot of arse DOMs right there! Grab a marker and get those times on the board please!
Another month comes to a close and we are one away from the dreaded ‘embers! However, the good news is that we only have four of those bad boys before the 2019 CrossFit Cardiff Xmas Party is upon us, truly an evening to get excited about!
There will be no open gym or regular classes at the gym this weekend due to hosting a CrossFit Level 1 seminar. Giving back to the community and allowing 40 new bad asses to begin their journey and hopefully open a shit ton more CrossFit affiliates…another is one more of us and one less of them!
Yoga will be on from 5:30 - 6:30 (17:30 - 18:30) with Liv. Allowing you guy to bend all of your weekly stresses away. DO IT!!!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Front Rack Walking lunge
8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8
Get some heavy plates on those bars, and bring out the glutes. Scores to the board on completion please…
One morning, towards the end of Marine training, when we were all particularly tired, we had an early morning PT session booked into the timetable. 06:00 and with one of the training team, rather than the PTI. Now seeing as these guys new a lot about guns, and not much about how to administer any type of intelligent fitness, simply meant that we were set to get an all out thrashing! One that would make you wish that you were back at home with your mummy, regardless of your age.
We were all up, at 05:00, because you have to shower before you get thrashed (as well as afterwards, of course), stood to attention waiting to see which evil bastard it was who was tasked to make our eyeballs bleed before the sun came up.
06:05 and nothing. 06:10…was it a test? 06:15 Someone was watching us, surely. Seeing what we would do. 06:25. F**k it, we’re going back to bed! 07:50 Back on parade ready for the days training, no second shower (ssshhhh) and this time with a very hung over and sheepish looking Corporal giving us shit, order restored.
…don’t you worry though, that is never happening to you! We will always be there for class, poised to relentlessly administer a damn good thrashing!
CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
For time:
20 Devils Press
40m of Overhead Walking Lunges
40 DB Thrusters
20 Devils Press
40m of Front Rack Walking Lunges
40 DB Thrusters
20 Devils Press
40m of Back Rack Walking Lunges
40 DB Thrusters
(2xDB 50/35lbs)
Now this will definitely make your eyes bleed. Team times to the board please…
Holy forearms, latissimi dorsi and biceps tendons Batman. Next week we shall program the same workout but with 10 press ups added, is there a better way to prep for the beach?!
The problem with excellent anonymous banter is that it is very short lived! Due to the anonymity a retaliation is impossible and therefore as a result, hilarity ceases.
Now you merely have to be punished by a reduced level of entertainment as I am now terrified of inserting a , where it shouldn’t be. A ; out of place or even chucking in too many .’s in an ellipsis.
Now, I can still lead a of 8 heavily armed Marines in a live fire section attack, navigate 4 multi-million pound amphibious landing craft in echelon formation, at night. And intubate a patient when required, through the sunroof of his or her vehicle, and so once I have read my book, I will nearly be the whole package. All that’s left is to do something about my hair.
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds For Time:
40 Walking Lunges
20 Strict Ring Dips
10 Deadlifts (140/100kg)
Times up to the whiteboard please. Mind the friction burns on your biceps, not sure what I mean…wait until you get in the shower.