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WoD - Wednesday 14th August, 2024

WoD - Wednesday 14th August, 2024

For the first time in 12 years of teaching CrossFit seminars I forgot my laptop. Turns out I still can’t pack on autopilot. Meant that I couldn’t post the blogs and yesterday I was so excited to do the workout Helen that I forgot.
Back on it now though!

Quote of the day today from Rhys… “the front squats will be easier than the rest”

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 18 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
21/18 Calorie echo bike
18 Toes to bar
6 Power cleans (80/60kg)

WoD - Wednesday 26th April, 2023

WoD - Wednesday 26th April, 2023

Mid week and almost over the hump!

Please remember that this coming Monday is a bank holiday, the hours have been updated on team up to reflect such and are posted below. Get your sweet arses booked in please!
All other hours over the weekend remain the same.

Monday May 1st Bank Holiday
WoD: 10:00 - 11:00
Open Gym: 11:00 - 13:00

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
50/40 Calorie echo bike
Rest 5 minutes
50 pull ups
25/20 Calorie echo bike

Your immediate response to this workout should be… no!

WoD - Thursday 29th August, 2019

WoD - Thursday 29th August, 2019

We are nearly there. “Test” week is nearly over. But, not yet.

We are not doppelgangers, we are the real thing! We do one thing and do it hard. However, the real world often tests strength under fatigue and duress. The world is not perfect, far from it, strength/met con would be awesome. Lifting those heavy arsed loads at low heart rates and fresh. Unfortunately, every time I’ve had a fight it’s been with pre-fatigue. Lets see how much of an effect it actually has.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Set the heaviest weight possible for each lift:
Within 2 Minutes
25/20 Calorie Assault Bike
1 RM Snatch
Rest 6mins before
Within 2 Minutes
25/20 Calorie Assault Bike
1 RM Clean

Post loads, in red for any new personal bests, to the whiteboard…

Coach G.jpg

WoD - Wednesday 28th August, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 28th August, 2019

A word from the boss…

“In gymnastics, completing a routine without error will not get you a perfect score, the 10.0—only a 9.7. To get the last three tenths of a point, you must demonstrate “risk, originality, and virtuosity” as well as make no mistakes in execution of the routine.”

“Risk is simply executing a movement that is likely to be missed or botched; originality is a movement or combination of movements unique to the athlete—a move or sequence not seen before. Understandably, novice gymnasts love to demonstrate risk and originality, for both are dramatic, fun, and awe inspiring— especially among the athletes themselves, although audiences are less likely to be aware when either is demonstrated.”

“Virtuosity, though, is a different beast altogether. Virtuosity is defined in gymnastics as “performing the common uncommonly well.” Unlike risk and originality, virtuosity is elusive, supremely elusive. It is, however, readily recognized by audience as well as coach and athlete. But more importantly, more to my point, virtuosity is more than the requirement for that last tenth of a point; it is always the mark of true mastery (and of genius and beauty).”

“There is a compelling tendency among novices developing any skill or art, whether learning to play the violin, write poetry, or compete in gymnastics, to quickly move past the fundamentals and on to more elaborate, more sophisticated movements, skills, or techniques. This compulsion is the novice’s curse—the rush to originality and risk.”

“The novice’s curse is manifested as excessive adornment, silly creativity, weak fundamentals and, ultimately, a marked lack of virtuosity and delayed mastery. If you’ve ever had the opportunity to be taught by the very best in any field you’ve likely been surprised at how simple, how fundamental, how basic the instruction was. The novice’s curse afflicts learner and teacher alike. Physical training is no different.”

“What will inevitably doom a physical training program and dilute a coach’s efficacy is a lack of commitment to fundamentals. We see this increasingly in both programming and supervising execution. Rarely now do we see prescribed the short, intense couplets or triplets that epitomize CrossFit programming. Rarely do trainers really nitpick the mechanics of fundamental movements.”

“I understand how this occurs. It is natural to want to teach people advanced and fancy movements. The urge to quickly move away from the basics and toward advanced movements arises out of the natural desire to entertain your client and impress him with your skills and knowledge. But make no mistake: it is a sucker’s move. Teaching a snatch where there is not yet an overhead squat, teaching an overhead squat where there is not yet an air squat, is a colossal mistake. This rush to advancement increases the chance of injury, delays advancement and progress, and blunts the client’s rate of return on his efforts. In short, it retards his fitness.”

“If you insist on basics, really insist on them, your clients will immediately recognize that you are a master trainer. They will not be bored; they will be awed. I promise this. They will quickly come to recognize the potency of fundamentals. They will also advance in every measurable way past those not blessed to have a teacher so grounded and committed to basics.”

“Training will improve, clients will advance faster, and you will appear more experienced and professional and garner more respect, if you simply recommit to the basics.”

Glassman, well guess what, he can write just slightly better than I!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
50 Toes To Bar
25 Front Squats (60/40kg)
100 Calorie Row
25 Front Squats (60/40kg)
50 Toes To Bar

Please get those times up to the whiteboard…


WoD - Tuesday 27th August, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 27th August, 2019

By now, you should all already be struggling! Stairs are no longer your friends, and your efforts to treat yourself to a “posh wee” are thwarted by DOMs causing you to collapse on top of your porcelain throne and fall entirely scathed and unattractively with a thud!
No solace is can be found from an unsympathetic husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, dog/cat as they look down on you and ask…”what the f**k are you doing?”

And, it is all about to get far worse…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete each round for time:
25 Pull Ups 
75 Double Unders
20/15/10 Power Snatch
Male Loading: 40/55/70kg
Female Loading: 30/40/50kg

Rest 5 minutes between rounds

Please record each round time to the whiteboard…

Really, it’s all his fault!

Really, it’s all his fault!

WoD - Monday 26th August, 2019

WoD - Monday 26th August, 2019

I have a challenge for you guys, and I know just how much you lot love a challenge…do 5 workouts, only!!! If you can! Come in Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday…you get the picture…all week and attend one class with no additional “stuff” before or “things” afterwards and treat the week as a test week. Imagine each workout was 20.1, 20.2, 20.3…you get the picture, and each and everyone of them your absolute all. Pace where you need to, sure, but keep that barbell on your shoulders, pause, and do 3 more reps when all your mind is telling you to do is drop the thing because you can’t!

Ignoring pain and discomfort is not an easy thing to do, the mind is a very powerful tool and can help or hinder. Give yourself targets. Each time you perform movements or when you look at the rounds, plan when you are going to break, if at all. Look at the clock and make that break last no longer than 10 seconds.

Be aggressive with the workouts and hit each as hard as you possibly can; be satisfied. As Coach Glassman said as early as 2007…”Impress me with intensity not volume.”
If you feel that you can do more following each one, go harder tomorrow.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 8 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
3, 6, 9, 12, 15... Thrusters (40/30kg)
3, 6, 9, 12, 15... Bar hop burpees

Rest 2 minutes
B: Within 10 minutes:
Set a 3RM Thruster

Please write individual scores for part A and part B to the whiteboard…


WoD - Thursday 10th March 2016

Congratulations team...none of you shit yourselves. Not to my knowledge anyway. Although I think Hendy was pretty close! Dazza too! 

Tough workout right?! Half of it was in the mind though. I saw multiple people drive so hard with their legs that the bar flew over their heads, that should not happen. Clearly the power was there, it's just the direction. Think about this...when you drive home tomorrow night, I want to you try and reverse your cars into your garage at 100mph. Thats all you were doing. The power and speed was there, you guys just needed to figure out the direction. But guess're trying to throw a shit ton of weight overhead when you are breathing in through your nose and out through your ass! Not easy! But it's purposeful. 

I want you to work out at intensities so great you spiral into the floor not knowing which way is up, down, left or right; how are you going to insure that you didn't pull too early with your arms? Will your fine motor recruitment go to shit at the limits of your capacity?? Fuck yes! If you drive too fast you'll crash, if you shoot too fast you'll miss the target, if you type too fast you'll hit the wrong keys. But to think that you will ever develop the intensity absent those crashes into the wall, hitting the wrong key...never, never going to happen. I promise. 
What you need to do is constantly ratchet up the point at which the margins of error become unacceptable. So that it takes more and more and more to get you to fumble. And you're not going to do it without crashing into the wall. 

It's ok to fail. Well done you utter legends! 

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

5 Rounds for time:
Run 100m
10 Burpees
Rest 60s
10 Burpees
Run 100m
Rest 60s

Both partners are working at the same time. One begins on the run, the other on the burpees. Whoever finishes first waits for their partner to high 5 them before they switch. Once both of you have both run and performed the burpees, you rest for 60s. Change the order of who starts on what and go again. That is 1 round, you do 5. 

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