We are nearly there. “Test” week is nearly over. But, not yet.

We are not doppelgangers, we are the real thing! We do one thing and do it hard. However, the real world often tests strength under fatigue and duress. The world is not perfect, far from it, strength/met con would be awesome. Lifting those heavy arsed loads at low heart rates and fresh. Unfortunately, every time I’ve had a fight it’s been with pre-fatigue. Lets see how much of an effect it actually has.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Set the heaviest weight possible for each lift:
Within 2 Minutes
25/20 Calorie Assault Bike
1 RM Snatch
Rest 6mins before
Within 2 Minutes
25/20 Calorie Assault Bike
1 RM Clean

Post loads, in red for any new personal bests, to the whiteboard…

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