Congratulations team...none of you shit yourselves. Not to my knowledge anyway. Although I think Hendy was pretty close! Dazza too! 

Tough workout right?! Half of it was in the mind though. I saw multiple people drive so hard with their legs that the bar flew over their heads, that should not happen. Clearly the power was there, it's just the direction. Think about this...when you drive home tomorrow night, I want to you try and reverse your cars into your garage at 100mph. Thats all you were doing. The power and speed was there, you guys just needed to figure out the direction. But guess're trying to throw a shit ton of weight overhead when you are breathing in through your nose and out through your ass! Not easy! But it's purposeful. 

I want you to work out at intensities so great you spiral into the floor not knowing which way is up, down, left or right; how are you going to insure that you didn't pull too early with your arms? Will your fine motor recruitment go to shit at the limits of your capacity?? Fuck yes! If you drive too fast you'll crash, if you shoot too fast you'll miss the target, if you type too fast you'll hit the wrong keys. But to think that you will ever develop the intensity absent those crashes into the wall, hitting the wrong key...never, never going to happen. I promise. 
What you need to do is constantly ratchet up the point at which the margins of error become unacceptable. So that it takes more and more and more to get you to fumble. And you're not going to do it without crashing into the wall. 

It's ok to fail. Well done you utter legends! 

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

5 Rounds for time:
Run 100m
10 Burpees
Rest 60s
10 Burpees
Run 100m
Rest 60s

Both partners are working at the same time. One begins on the run, the other on the burpees. Whoever finishes first waits for their partner to high 5 them before they switch. Once both of you have both run and performed the burpees, you rest for 60s. Change the order of who starts on what and go again. That is 1 round, you do 5. 

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