Viewing entries tagged
Hang Power Cleans

WoD - Friday 7th February 2020

WoD - Friday 7th February 2020

Another one bites the dust, five chances to improve your fitness, get ready for the ever approaching summer months where, we will be basking in the sunshine.

Enjoy your weekends team, get excited for a hell of a time next Saturday.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 14 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
2 Hang power clean (80/60kg)
45 Double Unders
20m unloaded walking lunge

Rounds and reps up to the whiteboard please all…

Old skool ghd.jpg

WoD - Tuesday 13th August, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 13th August, 2019

Tuesday and nearly a week after that hell on earth workout that Hannah programmed: Ass bike, thrusters and muscle ups. Two days shy of a week and I can just about, just about walk without having to lock my knee out prior to my foot touching the ground.
12 years i’ve been doing CrossFit, and other than one period off when I was on a residential course and could only really kettlebell swing, sprint and do muscles ups on the rings I’d strung up in a tree, i’ve been consistently training. Still I get crippling DOMs. I looked like a total bellend all weekend! Well, even more than normal!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Prior to today’s workout we will dedicate 15mins to improving the transition phase of the movement via a drill utilised by Pamela Gagnon. Check it out for reference…

For Time:
15 - 12 - 9 - 6 - 3
Hang power clean (60/40kg)
Ring Muscle Up

Please get those times up to the whiteboard following the workout…



WoD - Tuesday 21st May, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 21st May, 2019

Some serious compliments have been thrown about today, all directed at the two legends who orchestrated the now internet famous (certainly local social media) CrossFit Cardiff Threedown, not least one very excited Yoga teacher stating that “they could’ve ruled the world Davs!” Now, that is a seriously needed task that I’m sure they would both excel in.

It’s time for Hannah to take her bow. Not only has she be the co-organiser of CrossFit Cardiff’s inaugural open house throwdown, but she has managed to survive the incessant badgering of her comrade in arms. A feat in itself, and one that should be applauded publicly! 😉

And, if that is not enough, every single social media post’s artwork was in fact designed, and created by this “hot piece of ass” and even on one occasion to be placed at a higher order than the highly addictive and unbelievable complicated final season of Game Of Thrones! GOT for short!

All in favour of Hannah become co-ruler of the world please comment below: “hot piece of ass with a flare for design!” And don’t worry, I will refrain from breaking your legs for talking about my love in such a way! 😉

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For Time:
27 - 21 - 15 - 9
Hang Power cleans (60/40kg)
Burpees Over The Bar

If your lungs stop bleeding before the next class, please write your times up on the whiteboard…


WoD - Wednesday 4th July, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 4th July, 2018

Who picked up more than they ever have, not just once, but for three reps? A bunch of you guys I reckon! Those butts don't lie, but are merely a consequence of getting way fitter and stronger, just like you guys are! Just imagine what you would have lifted had you been outside in the sun, covering in bronzing oil and wearing oakleys, with your thumbs taped! Man! 

Now, everyone just loves to deadlift heavy, slap each other on the ass and drink protein shakes, but who truly enjoys taking themselves to that dire place...where you question just what the f**k you are doing!?!, I love it! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 Rounds for time of:
21 Burpees
15 Hang Power Cleans (60/40kg)
9 Assault Bike Calories

Please write your blistering times to the whiteboard...

Sooooooo Dreamy! 

Sooooooo Dreamy! 

WoD - Monday 5th February, 2018

WoD - Monday 5th February, 2018

Rumour has it, that last night there was a ginger ninja, roaming the streets of Cathays, necking cider and taking numbers! And who could blame him!!?? He's worked hard all week, learning vital nuggets of information such as, whether carrots can be frozen or not. All made possible by google!   
The only issue is that this sort of behaviour creates unique and wonderful opportunities for me, an outsider with access to a powerful resource (the internet), not used to research which types of vegetables can or cannot be frozen, but to publicly banter him into the ground. All made possible by well placed and very secret moles.

Hopefully my rambling has excited you enough to distract you from whats coming your way...I am truly sorry...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD    
3 rounds, each for time:
27 Cal Ass bike
21 Toe To Bar
15 hang power cleans (70/50kg)
Rest 3 mins between rounds

Pleeeeeeeeease....caption this shit! 

Pleeeeeeeeease....caption this shit! 

WoD - Friday 15th December, 2017

The long await is nearly over. You only have to go to bed once more and it's there...actually time to start getting "tidy as f**k", ready for the CrossFit Cardiff Xmas party. The most eagerly awaited shindig on the planet. 

Until then, sell your soul with a partner and a couple of dumbbells...

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

Within 16mins, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
10 Hang Power Cleans
10 Front Rack Walking Lunges
All movements to be completed with two 50/35lbs Dumbbells and with "you go, I go" rounds.

Please post scores to comments...


WoD - Saturday 9th December, 2017

Welcome to the weekend. Before you get yourself out to shop, get smashed, whatever your Saturday's entail. Please, PLEASE come to the gym to get your sweat on for a very cool cause. 

Naughty or Nice
Naughty or Nice (NoN) is an annual, global opportunity to serve local children and families in our communities by giving a gift and getting a lift. Each year host gyms collect gifts for children by partnering with reputable organizations such as Toys for Tots, local children’s hospitals, homeless shelters and more. The aim is to help 3000 children this year. Come and help achieve it. 

All registrations will be done on site by BJ Stagner, a seriously cool friend who is helping our cause. All you have to do is bring shoebox full of toys, along with £5. Have some fun, do a workout as well as a very good deed. 

Within 12mins, perform an ascending Ladder,… of:
Hang Power Clean (50/35kg)
Burpee over Bar
Wall Ball (20/14lbs)

Within 12mins, perform an ascending Ladder,… of:
Hang Power Clean (40/25kg)
Burpee over Bar
Wall Ball (14/10lbs)


WoD - Wednesday 23rd August 2017

Be VERY careful when attempting stairs...legs and asses may buckle without warning! 

Also, be extremely careful (over the next few days) upstairs, just expect and surface to be wet with paint.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Fight gone bad style:

1min Cal row

1min Push Press (50/35kg)

1min Double Unders

1min hang power cleans (50/35kg)

1min Cal AB

1min rest

3 Rounds for max reps... 

Please post total reps to the whiteboard...



WoD - Tuesday 21st March 2017

Cracking effort on 17.4 team, only one more week to go. Man that went fast!  

Now if the deadlifts, or possibly tonight's front squats lit your glutes up a little then never fear, there is a needle brandishing ginger Froning doppelgänger cutting about the box with a thorough YouTube education in the art of acupuncture. He is willing to jab any mofo!

 CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Perform each round for time and load: 

50 Double Unders
5 Hang Power Cleans.  
Then 40 and 4, 30 and 3...10 and 1. 
Rest for 3 mins between rounds.

Please post times and loads to the white board... 

He was so gentle! 


WoD - Wednesday 14th December 2016



CrossFit Ion has very kindly offered to put on a partner WoD for anyone that would like to attend at 10:30 on Saturday morning. 

Please head down on mass and buy a t-shirt as a thank you!  

Over the next coming months I fully intend to build a community with those lovely lot and smash the hell out of them in friendly throwdowns! 😉 

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

22min AMRAP:

3 Hang Power Cleans (80/60kg)

6 Burpees

12 Box Jumps (20")

Split work as you need. The suggestion would be to rotate through each movement.

Please post rounds and reps to comments... 


WoD - Wednesday 30th March 2016

Some big loads and huge PBs being thrown about today, nice job all! Let's see what happens when we couple some moderately heavy cleans with a tricky gymnastics movement. 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
30 - 24 - 18
15 - 12 - 9

Handstand Push Ups
Hang Power Cleans (80/60kg)

Please post times to comments...

I'm thinking about organising a calendar, with pictures of you guys for each month. We have already had some interest with the month of April having being already snapped up, picture displayed below...