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WoD - Friday 7th February, 2025

WoD - Friday 7th February, 2025

It is finally here, that Friday feeling. Each one that arrives too, is one closer to a bad ass summer!

You know it’s going to happen too, this year is going to be a corker!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Diane 45
Deadlifts (100/70kg)
Handstand press ups
Athletes perform 45 reps of each movement, however

WoD - Friday 12th January, 2024

WoD - Friday 12th January, 2024

I messed up the dates of these blogs up until now, thinking to myself that I had a Friday the 13th to avoid, now I arrive here and realise what I have done I don’t. Lucky? The good news is that it is actually all complete and utter rubbish!

This however, will hurt! Nothing to do with the above, but true! BICEPS! 😁

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
20 - 15 - 10
Alternate dumbbell snatch (50/35 lbs)
10 - 7 - 5
Ring muscle ups

WoD - Friday 14th April, 2023

WoD - Friday 14th April, 2023

Happy Friday you lovely lot! You have survived yet another week of us attempting to end your worlds, a very well done!

The weekend is near, I said near, not now! There is just one more thing to do…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
21 Pull ups
21 Deadlifts (100/70kg)
15 Chest to bar pull ups
15 Deadlifts (120/90kg)
9 Bar muscle ups
9 Deadlifts (140/110kg)


WoD - Friday 24th September, 2021

WoD - Friday 24th September, 2021

The weekend is so close you can taste it! A chilled out couple of days with nothing to worry about but coffee, meat (hopefully), fitness, beer and SUN (again very hopefully)!

But wait, there is something extremely gassy to do first…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps within 20 minutes of:
5 Chest to bar pull ups
10 Double dumbbell hang clean & jerks (50/35lbs)
50 Double unders

There is only one pace, it’s called suicide pace and hang the hell on…


WoD - Friday 10th September, 2021

WoD - Friday 10th September, 2021

Happy Friday all! Let’s hope that your weekends are fulfilled, dry events (not like my 4 pairs of socks day) where you frolic and smash yourselves until you are happy and content. A decent amount of DOMs on board to sustain you for a day or few.

See you on Monday!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For 5 rounds, within 3mins:
400m run
Max reps burpee box jumps over
Rest for 2 minutes between rounds


WoD - Friday 16th April, 2021

WoD - Friday 16th April, 2021

Happy Friday legends! One more closer to the gym re-openning. It won’t be long before you guys are back in your boxes and with any luck, all this lockdown bollocks will be a distant memory.

If you guys have some wobbly legs, hang the hell on for one more day and give yourself some time off over a hopefully sunny weekend!

Big love.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 20 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
10 Sit ups
8 Push press
10 Box jumps (24/20”)

Barbell: 50/35kg
Dumbbell: 2x50/35lbs
Kettlebell: 2x214/16kg
Rucksack: 24/20”

If you don’t have a box to jump on, try the stairs. If you deem it to be too risky to jump on the stairs, step up instead. Totally cool.


WoD - Friday 29th January, 2021

WoD - Friday 29th January, 2021

This week has flown by faster than DDP on the downhill stretch of a mile repeat, in the summer, topless with both traffic beeping and builders shouting at him! Snot pouring down his face as he desperately attempts to catch Ellie, who…looks like she’s out for a Sunday stroll while the rest of us are still on the way up!

Happy Friday!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 rounds for time:
16 Devil press
32 Goblet squats

Dumbbells: 50/35lbs
Kettlebells: 24/16kg
Rucksack: 20kg

Bunny Hop.jpg

WoD - Friday 8th December, 2017

Friday!! And only one more Friday prior to the famous Xmas Doo!! Woo F**KING WOO!! 

For the weekend, Saturday. What I would love you to bring is a shoe box of toys/stuff/anything that won't go out of date. Inside the box, please place a £5 note inside an envelope. Apologies for the confusion, totally my fault. 

The class will start at 11am and, any and all are more than welcome. Drag whoever you can to the box and let them enjoy something naughty, or..."nice"! 

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

Within pairs and in 20mins, as far as possible, ascend the ladder.
2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 etc
Press Ups
Ring Rows
Split all work as needed.

Please place total scores to the whiteboard...
