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WoD - Tuesday 5th January, 2021

WoD - Tuesday 5th January, 2021

The novelty of writing 2021 still hasn’t worn off, maybe it won’t until England now goes back into lockdown and the year plummets back into the depths of 2020!

Anyway, as we are unable to perform such typical rituals such as wish a person a Happy Birthday, on their birthday, face to face. Exchange a card signed by a massive amount of you, and allow the individual in question to perform a shit ton of calories on the new and far more savage Echo bikes, instead I have to use the blog to take the piss out of him and send our best wishes.

Penblwydd Hapus Alfie

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible, within 20 minutes of:
Run 400m
30 Jumping lunges

Get your arses onto a zoom class and or, get your workout videos uploaded to your stories. Hold yourself accountable to training by doing so…


WoD - Monday 4th January, 2021

WoD - Monday 4th January, 2021

Man it feels good to write 2021 in the title! It’s over, at least that utter shitter of a year is, but…we are still in the fight.

With the silly season over, we are officially back into day one of training. 

Zoom classes

08:00 - 09:00
18:00 - 19:00

10:30 - 11:30

Create a routine, it really really helps. Get involved in class. You can train alone, or you can train with others.

Every single member who attends a zoom class is more than welcome to bring a buddy for the duration of lockdown. Free of charge. Give the gift of fitness and community!

Unfortunately, 2020 has taught us all about lockdowns and I’m sure none of you will disagree with the fact that they firmly suck!

But, lets not pay them lip service. Stay on top of your routine and you will be far better for it. Unless your surname is Gates or Bezos you are vulnerable. 

The whole point of the CrossFit community is for times like these...
Daily we support and cheer each other on to finish the last round of thrusters or the dying calories on that bastard bike. These moment’s develop something more long lasting and far more important. A camaraderie and relationship that extends far further.

We can’t write our annual goals up on our board and tirelessly devote time to them. And to that end I have a goal for you all:
Do one thing for someone else, everyday. Whether it’s known or unknown, public or hidden, do one thing that will positively benefit one of your Oppo’s.
In creating that habit, we won’t just come out of this time but come out stronger!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 rounds of:
In 45 seconds...
Max burpees
Rest 15 seconds
In 45 seconds...
Max double unders
Rest 15 seconds

Please get those pictures/videos of your workouts uploaded to insta and tag us…

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WoD - Boxing Day Bank Holiday

WoD - Boxing Day Bank Holiday

Evening all! Here’s to hoping that you guys are all at least not drunk, but possibly hung over. And if you are still drunk and not yet hung over…that it is kind to you when it arrives.

Please, please, please, could I make one more request for you all to bring down your used and messed up trainers. I know that you all have spanking new nanos and metcons, and maybe even no bulls or inov8s…soon to be dazzling your neighbouring CrossFitter with their shininess. You don’t need the others, but we need to protest the hell out of these latest restrictions by using them.

I will be at the gym if any of you are able to drop them off, on New Years Eve at 09:30. And, at other times prior to that TBC.

Please help.

Anyway, this little number should blow any cobwebs away!

Class time
Zoom: 10:00am

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
4 Rounds, each for time:
12 Front squats
6 “Bar” facing burpees
12 Push press
6 “Bar” over burpees
12 Thrusters
6 Burpees
Rest 4 minutes between rounds

1 Barbell 50/35kg
2 Dumbbells 50/35lbs
1 Rucksack 20/15kg

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WoD - Christmas Eve, 2020

WoD - Christmas Eve, 2020

Another adapted hero workout, one which you lot are not going to appreciate. Still, it will provide a decent calorie deficit (not that that actually makes any difference) allow for you to feel less guilty when stuffing your faces over the next few days!

Plus, if you have raging DOMs and can’t move, it makes sitting on your arse easier!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Modified Hotshots 19
Six rounds for time of:
30 Air squats
19 Power clean (60/40kg)*
7 Strict handstand push ups*
Run 400 meters

*Loading: pick whatever you like. Pick up something of a moderate load. Maybe the turkey!
*This is the only mod, strict HSPUs instead of strict pull ups

Get videos posted please, especially if you use your Xmas turkey as a weight!


WoD - Friday 30th October, 2020

WoD - Friday 30th October, 2020

Well that’s the first week of Lockdown 2.0 almost at a close. And, if you believe anything that you read in the paper Wales online, half way to opening back up again.

Luckily for you guys that you are in lockdown, as I have compiled some utterly savage (I’m not even going to try to fake it with sarcasm) at home workouts for next week. The pick of the crop from last time around to really hammer home the beauty of garden workouts.

Good luck and have an awesome weekend.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 Dumbbell thrusters (50/35lbs)
25 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 5 Dumbbell facing burpees

Tag and share get stuck into social media. You may or may not look like this after one or all of the workouts…

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WoD - Tuesday 27th October, 2020

WoD - Tuesday 27th October, 2020

Evening all, I am writing to you all tonight with the request of a small favour…

With the goal to get as much content out from gym goers (not just CrossFit boxes but every form of training) as possible, to swamp social media, an attempt to use the platform for good please please…could you each record a short (or long) video of just what the box and training means to you.

The idea, is to have as many videos from as many people, shared as often as possible, in order to force someone to listen.

I’m sorry, but McDonalds can still operate delivering and gyms have been forced to close. Surely, in the midst of a public health crisis, that statement should rightly cause hysteria!
You can’t do thrusters which will quickly propel you to a state of health, but you are apparently encouraged to sit on your arses and order big mac’s!
This is fundamentally wrong, and needs redirection.

Liverpool did it, and so can we. But we need the support of you legends. There are 130 very vocal gym owners in Wales, who are fighting the good fight. And from what I have read, it’s all in favour of others. Not one has mentioned their own livelihoods, but rather that of their members and clients. A genuinely good group of folk who want to help.

Please, if you possibly could, record a short message stating why the gym is important to you and your livelihood and send it my way. The lads/ladies what’s app group (if you are reading this and aren’t on it then let me know), via my email or come over to my doorstep and air drop it to me.
I will edit a video on Friday for a release, therefore end of play Thursday is the cut off. Please excuse the ramble.

Thanks all,

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
100 Reverse lunges
Every minute, on the minute perform 10 sumo deadlift high pulls*
*start on 0

Dumbbell (50/35lbs)
Kettlebell (24/16kg)
Rucksack (20kg)

Please tag, post and comment on social media

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WoD - Monday 26th October, 2020

WoD - Monday 26th October, 2020

Instead of organising a bad assed Christmas doo, posting exciting info about it and planning how smashed I will be getting Ash, I am talking to you all about a closed and empty gym! F**K you 2020!

I’m not going to be able to get the Xmas doo sorted to be anything like it typically is (maybe a bonus as I’m pretty sure I’m still a little hung over from last year), but we will do something.
However, I have had a positive beginning. There is a group of 120 Welsh gym owners who are fighting the government to add gyms to an essential service. When you think that in your local supermarket you can currently by chocolate but not pants, this might be slightly more fruitful.
At least it’s a step in the right direction. Keep everything crossed as a letter goes to the Government tomorrow (Monday)

If you are interested please see below for the reasoning, please keep everything crossed…

“As of 18.00 Friday we enter a 17 day “fire break” period where all but non-essential businesses will close across the entire country.

As a collective, we strongly believe that gyms are an essential service, and scientific evidence shows that active participation in exercise through establishments such as gyms relieves the strain on the NHS through the promotion of physical and mental wellbeing.  In forcing the closure of gyms, the Welsh Government will be harming a large proportion of the Welsh population and we cannot stand by and allow that to happen.

Just as the Liverpudlian gym community fought (and won) against gym closures in its city, we are now going to do the same for our country. However, we want to take it a step further in getting gyms officially recognised as an essential service by the Government, as they have in other countries across Europe.

– According to ukactive, there were 22 million gym visits in England between July 25th and September 13th and they resulted in just 78 confirmed Covid cases
– The number of cases per 100,000 gym visits in this period was 0.34

It is widely accepted that suicide rates amongst gym-aged males increased during the first lockdown and subsequently. Although we are awaiting official Government data on this, some reports suggest a 40% increase, which if true is a national tragedy. Gyms are not only important for the physical wellbeing of their members but also their mental wellbeing which is just as important given the well-publicised (and significant) lack of funding in the NHS for mental health issues.   

Finally, on top of the multiple billions in savings the fitness industry provides the NHS, gyms provide employment to tens of thousands of people. 

The first lockdown put a great strain on gyms. When we were allowed to reopen, we each had to spend thousands on measures to make gyms “Covid safe”.  The low transmission rates reported from gyms mentioned above are testament to the incredible job that gym owners have done.

It is no exaggeration to say that this further “fire-break” will put the Welsh gym industry in the most perilous position it has ever been in, threatening the employment of thousands of staff and self-employed personal trainers.

We are an industry that relies on our customers becoming members, and member confidence is at an all-time low as they are reluctant to join a gym when it may be forced to close at any point. We need certainty for ourselves and for our members, and being classed as an essential service will go a long way towards that.

Snap surveys across Welsh gyms have shown that gym members also fully support our request to remain open as an essential service and have given us their full backing.

We have a Welsh Assembly Member, Neil McEvoy, who is willing to fight alongside us and as a collective we directly represent tens of thousands of members.”

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFIt WoD
For time:
100 Devil press
Every minute, on the minute perform 20 double unders*
*starting on 0

These devils press are single arm, athletes can alternate as they see fit.

Please remember the class timings for zoom:
WoD: Weekdays: 07:30 - 08:30, 12:00 - 13:00 and 17:30 - 18:30
WoD: Saturday: 10:00 - 11:00
Yoga: 11:30 - 12:30

Get there and get your sweat on…

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WoD - Friday 9th October, 2020

WoD - Friday 9th October, 2020

Short but sweet. Ready for a weekend of fun…

Before that though…get yourselves ready for some evilness on that bike…

And lastly, in case you hadn't heard me say it…FUCK COVID-19!!

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
10 rounds for time of:
5 Handstand push ups
50 Double unders
5 Power cleans (80/55kg)
These are you go, I go rounds

Rest, and then…

Tabata assault bike
You go, I go, for calories

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WoD - Monday 14th September, 2020

WoD - Monday 14th September, 2020

Welcome to a new week, with additional classes as well as a specialty class.

Through discussion with the coaching team we are beginning a 3 month during specialty focus, via bi-weekly classes. On Tuesday and Thursday, the 7pm class will now be a dedicated class. Beginning with a strength focus, the intention is to provide more exposure to a certain element of fitness without causing a decline elsewhere. Meaning that, the focus will change.
From gymnastics to endurance, you will be beasted with it all! Fun times!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 25 minutes of:
7 Box jumps (30/24”)
10 Deadlifts@70/50kg
13 Air squats
Run 400m

Please record rounds and reps to the whiteboard…


WoD - Wednesday 15th July, 2020

WoD - Wednesday 15th July, 2020

Saturday is fast approaching and with the class filling up, be sure to book if you don’t want to miss out!

Click on the word class, the next time it comes up within this sentence and you can get your place reserved. The CLASS will begin at 10:30 sharp, do not be late! Entering the gym itself will not be permitted, and so please do not plan on using changing rooms etc.

Workout details will be announced on Friday so that you will know just what items of equipment to bring. Remember, the gym is empty as it has all been dished out to you guys and so if you decide not to bring it, then the workout will be mile run repeats! 😳😉

Looking forward to seeing you all team. I reckon it might be a tad emotional!

HUMP day! And what a stinker of a workout we have for you! You’d better hope that lockdown finishes soon, as this WoD gave me lots of ideas!

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

A: Within 8 minutes:
Weighted 800 Run (20/10kg rucksack
Max burpees
B: Within 6 minutes:
Weighted 600 Run (20/10kg rucksack)
Max burpee over rucksack
C: Within 4 minutes:
Weighted 400 Run (20/10kg rucksack)
Max burpee box jumps (24/20”)
Rest 4 minutes between rounds

1 Rucksack (20/15kg)
Or anything that you sucks to carry

Warm up
Run 800m
15 Walk outs with 1 press up
Run 600m
15 Burpees
Run 200m (weighted)
15 Box jumps (20”)

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here


WoD - Thursday 9th July, 2020

WoD - Thursday 9th July, 2020

21 years ago today I passed Commando Training. 21!! Thats nuts! I thought I was bulletproof, fit as hell and 10ft tall…until I got to my Commando Unit in Scotland and no one talked to me for 6 weeks. Surrounded by some extremely “weathered” men, as a 16 year old, hundreds of miles from home was a shock!
Not as big of a shock as my initiation though!

A cheeky bit of gymnastics for you today. Go hard on those sit ups and test your shoulder strength and endurance.

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

Complete for time, reps of:
10 - 10 - 10 - 10 - 10
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Handstand push ups
Abmat sit ups


Warm up
Run 800m
3 Rounds of:
5 Walk outs with a 10s plank hold
10 Second handstand hold

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here

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WoD - Monday 6th July, 2020

WoD - Monday 6th July, 2020

Hit the ground running tomorrow, after a bunch of shitty weather on the weekend. We are looking forward to some sunshine and associated back garden pain! Happy Days!

Tomorrow’s workout is perfect for it.

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

5 rounds for time:
5 Kettlebell snatch (Right arm)
1 Turkish get up (Right arm)
5 Kettlebell push press (Right arm)
5 Kettlebell snatch (Left arm)
1 Turkish get up (Left arm)
5 Kettlebell push press (Left arm)
Kettlebell weight (24/16kg)

Kettlebell (24/16kg)
Dumbbell (50/35lbs)
Rucksack (20/15kg)

Warm up
3 Rounds not for time of:
50 Single unders
25 Good mornings
10 Burpees
5 Wall walks

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here
