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WoD - Tuesday 15th October, 2024

WoD - Tuesday 15th October, 2024

Coming your way is a very fast and disgusting workout. I did something very similar a long time ago and came close to coughing up a set of fiery lungs. Not nice!

You thought i’m sure, will love it! 😳😬😁

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
21 - 15 - 9
Power snatch (40/30kg)
Burpees over the bar



1: 3-8 ring pull-up

2: 3-8 ring dip

3: 30s hollow hold

3 sets:

6-12 Strict toes to bar

12/12 straight arm plank rotations

WoD - Thursday 19th September, 2024

WoD - Thursday 19th September, 2024

Today is an absolute sprint. Rarely programmed as so, do everything in your power to perform this workout unbroken. It will be only a mild shoulder BBQ, but more than likely fry your legs!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Rounds for time:
50 double unders
5 Push jerk (80/60kg)

12:00 to work to a heavy complex of:
Clean deadlift + clean + front squat +clean
Then 3 sets @ 90%

3 Sets
5 Back squats
3 High box jumps

WoD - Friday 2nd August, 2024

WoD - Friday 2nd August, 2024

We are here, the end to another week of Mikey B savagery. Hopefully you have survived, but as I am writing this on the Sunday night prior, I actually have no idea!

I tell you who I really hope survives, is Joe… I will report back on Sunday!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5
Front Squat
Straight sets

Between each
10 back extensions

WoD - Tuesday 30th July, 2024

WoD - Tuesday 30th July, 2024

Pray for me. Today is the day that I test my resolve and hack off a wall of render, one tiny little piece at a time until I would likely enjoy jamming the SDS drill into my right eye… should it not be completely full of dust!

I am not looking forward to the evolution.

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
12 Rounds for time of:
Row 250m
10 Handstand press ups
30 Double unders
These are you go, I go rounds

On the minute, every minute for 10 minutes:
1 - 6 bar muscle ups each minute

For 10 rounds, every 45 seconds

1 - 3 Strict pull ups
3 Sets
3 Weighted supinated chest to bar pull ups
10 Incline bench press
20 Reps: Max strict toes to ring into kipping toes to ring

WoD - Thursday 25th July, 2024

WoD - Thursday 25th July, 2024

Please you guys remember that the gym is closed this weekend for the CrossFit L1 seminar.
It’s okay though, the goal with this week's programming was to ensure that you were so fucked you didn't want more.

And if it’s not been achieved yet, wait until Friday!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 40 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
Run 600m
12 Kettlebell swings (32/24kg)
6 Ring muscle ups

20 Minutes to build to a max clean

2 Rep max close grip bench press
3 sets of 2 @85%
Rest 1:30 between sets

WoD - Thursday 11th July, 2024

WoD - Thursday 11th July, 2024

Here’s to hoping that you have some legs and shoulders left after yesterday! The likely answer to that is FUCK NO “I’ve never felt better thanks!”

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
10 - 10 - 10 - 10 - 10
Straight sets

Every minute, on the minute for 8 minutes:
1 Snatch balance
Rest 2:00

Every minute, on the minute for 8 minutes:
2 Behind the neck snatch grip strict press

6 rep max close grip bench press
3 Sets of 4 @85%
Rest 1:30 between sets

WoD - Wednesday 3rd July, 2024

WoD - Wednesday 3rd July, 2024

Hump day and hopefully a sunny one! All we want is two, maybe three days back to back where it’s not pissing it down! Janet needs to drink some serious amounts of gin in her back garden.

She’s going to need it after this!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
21 - 18 - 15
Calorie assault bike
Deadlifts (100/80kg)

Rest 5 minutes

12 - 9 - 6
Calorie assault bike
Deadlifts (100/80kg)

WoD - Monday 1st July, 2024

WoD - Monday 1st July, 2024

Pinch, punch, first of the month and the year is over the brow!

Come on in to start July with a bang, luckily a partner bang!

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
3 Rounds for time of:
Row 1000m
50 Burpees
50 Box jumps (24”)
Run 800m (together)

Split reps as needed.

U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Marc Small, 29, of Collegeville, Pennsylvania, assigned to 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne), based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, died on February 12, 2009, from wounds sustained when insurgents attacked his unit with a rocket-propelled grenade launcher and small arms fire in Faramuz, Afghanistan. He is survived by his father and stepmother, Murray and Karen, mother and stepfather, Mary and Peter MacFarland, and fiancee Amanda Charney.

WoD - Wednesday 26th June, 2024

WoD - Wednesday 26th June, 2024

Mid week and you actually might be feeling slightly emotional already, but… Mikey B cares not! He is just on a single-handed mission to destroy you all!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For max load:
Split jerk
5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5

WoD - Tuesday 25th June, 2024

WoD - Tuesday 25th June, 2024

Heavy hang power cleans and rope climbs, not able to hang on to anything for the rest of the day… weird!

At least today you will only have to hang on to one handle!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
Row 1000m
Rest 4 mins

Row 750m
Rest 3 mins

Row 500m
Rest 2 mins

Row 250m

20 minutes working on a challenging bar muscle up progression.

3 Sets
3 Weighted pull ups
8/8 Single arm bench press
30s Hollow hold/GHD hollow hold

WoD - Monday 24th June, 2024

WoD - Monday 24th June, 2024

Rumour control has it that we are actually going to get some sunshine soon (maybe we already have but I’ve either been away somewhere we’ve not or been inside a CrossFit gym), and so will be able to enjoy wonderful long evenings in back gardens or parks and while out on 400m runs (etc). But importantly NOT complain about it as we will be freezing out butt cheeks off again before you know it.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Rounds, each for time of:
20/17 Calorie echo bike
6 Hang power cleans (80/60kg)
2 Rope climbs
Rest 3 minutes between rounds

WoD - Thursday 11th July, 2024

WoD - Thursday 11th July, 2024

Here’s to hoping that you have some legs and shoulders left after yesterday! The likely answer to that is FUCK NO “I’ve never felt better thanks!”

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
10 - 10 - 10 - 10 - 10
Straight sets

Every minute, on the minute for 8 minutes:
1 Snatch balance
Rest 2:00

Every minute, on the minute for 8 minutes:
2 Behind the neck snatch grip strict press

6 rep max close grip bench press
3 Sets of 4 @85%
Rest 1:30 between sets

WoD - Tuesday 4th June, 2024

WoD - Tuesday 4th June, 2024

The ball is rolling and you just simply have to hang on, for dear life! How hard could it be! Well hard when your grip is destroyed!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
24 - 18 - 12
Toes to bar
12 - 9 - 6
Hang cleans (70/50kg)

3 Minutes max chest to bar

4 Sets
2 Weighted pull ups
5 - 10 ring dips

3 Sets
30s L-sit
30s rest
30s V-ups
30s rest
30s seated leg lifts
Rest 2:00

WoD - Monday 3rd June, 2024

WoD - Monday 3rd June, 2024

Sunshine, beach saunas, sea, amazing food and better service. Dogs, friends, frozen Irish coffee cocktails and dickhead taxi drivers. Workouts worse than Murph, singing baristas and speak easy’s… what a weekend!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 16 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
Run 400m
15 Overhead squats (40/30kg)

WoD - Thursday 29th May, 2024

WoD - Thursday 29th May, 2024

June is closing in, bonkers. Then it might genuinely be the summer and almost half way through the year. FML!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For increasing load:
3 - 3 - 3 Strict press
2 - 2 - 2 Push press
1 - 1 - 1 Push jerk

Within 10 minutes, build to a heavy:
3 High hang clean

3 Sets of 2 @85%
4 Sets of 3
Pause back squats *
5s pause at bottom

WoD - Thursday 16th May, 2024

WoD - Thursday 16th May, 2024

We are nearly there, the end of the week is here. And, you have some serious “fun” to see you out, it’s an absolute beaut!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 20 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
5 Thrusters
7 Hang power cleans
10 Sumo deadlift high pull
Barbell 40/30kg

3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
High box jumps

3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
Push press

5 - 5 - 5
Back squats

5 - 5 - 5
Bench press

WoD - Thursday 14th March, 2024

WoD - Thursday 14th March, 2024

Tonight is the night. 24.3 is out and I honestly can’t see how there won’t be a squat and a pull up involved. How is up to a very evil man, and it will likely be something very clever that you couldn’t possibly think of and hurt more than you could possibly think of.

I shall pray for us all!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 12 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
6 Hang squat snatch (70/50kg)
200m Run

For 6 rounds, every 2 minutes:
1 Power clean + power jerk
Touch and go

Strict press
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1

WoD - Monday 22nd January, 2024

WoD - Monday 22nd January, 2024

Welcome to a new week, one where if you were at Saturday’s workout you should count yourself lucky to be a part of.
Don’t be posting IG stories about how shocking Monday’s are… you will have nearly died on Saturday! Thank your lucky stars!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 21 minutes of:
15/12 calorie Assault bike
1 Rope climb
1 Power clean (100/70kg)*
Rest 30s after each round
*increase by 1 clean each round.

WoD - Tuesday 8th August, 2023

WoD - Tuesday 8th August, 2023

Anyone else suffer with airport anxiety? You for some reason best known to yourself decide to leave at the very last second and spend the entire drive bitching about the amount of “melts” on the roads, driving like their are taking Ms Daisy to her first class seat in 7 hours time.

The reason why is because when you actually arrive at the airport, you genuinely have gangs of time and can write blog posts about your experience to entertain you lot for a second.

Sunday night airport travel means far fewer pissheads.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
4 rounds. Each for time:
18/15 Calorie row
15 Deadlifts
10 Hang power cleans
5 Shoulder to overhead
Barbell load 60/40kg
rest 3 minutes between rounds

Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes:
1 - 3 Rope climbs/legless rope climbs

3 Sets
5/5 mixed grip pull ups
3 Ball ups
10 Weighted partial range of motion GHD sit up*

WoD - Friday 9th September, 2022

WoD - Friday 9th September, 2022


The last chance this week to kick your own arses, literally! Those butt cheeks will be singing after this. Get those barbells loaded up HIGH and HEAVY and lunge the crap out of them!

Ps. If you guys don’t all descend on Ground Bakery in Penarth and eat the Croque Madame you are absolutely mental!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Back rack walking lunges
6 - 6 - 6 - 6

Increase weight as quality reps allow