Pray for me. Today is the day that I test my resolve and hack off a wall of render, one tiny little piece at a time until I would likely enjoy jamming the SDS drill into my right eye… should it not be completely full of dust!
I am not looking forward to the evolution.
CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
12 Rounds for time of:
Row 250m
10 Handstand press ups
30 Double unders
These are you go, I go rounds
On the minute, every minute for 10 minutes:
1 - 6 bar muscle ups each minute
For 10 rounds, every 45 seconds
1 - 3 Strict pull ups
3 Sets
3 Weighted supinated chest to bar pull ups
10 Incline bench press
20 Reps: Max strict toes to ring into kipping toes to ring