Viewing entries tagged
CrossFit Games Open

WoD - Thursday 2nd March, 2023

WoD - Thursday 2nd March, 2023

Tonight (Thursday) is the final open announcement, where the legend that is Bozman will likely tell you that you have to do something with a dumbbell and a skipping rope that will cause you a fair amount of discomfort but luckily not last that long!

I hope it is what you could only wish for!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Back rack walking lunge
6 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6
For max load

3 x 3 Seated box jump

3 Sets of:
1 Power snatch (just above parallel)
3 Sets of:
1 Squat snatch

WoD - Monday 20th February, 2023

WoD - Monday 20th February, 2023

Alright alright, alright… the first week of the open is done and dusted, with a shit load of cakes left behind to buy… do it! It’s for a good cause.

We had an awesome morning with a load of you pulling some stellar performances out of the bag, a very well done!

Now then, DO NOT drop the ball… all scores are to be submitted by tomorrow (MONDAY) night, 8PM (no exceptions) They will all be validated by Tuesday morning, done in a oner.

Onwards and upwards to 23.2. Now then mark my words, the next two workouts (of the open) will be way more painful than 23.1.

Below is a picture of Nicole, little did she know but precisely 168 hours after this was taken she’d be telling me to fuck right off! 😂😂

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
For time:
100 Air squats
80 Chest to bar
60 GHD sit ups
40 Ring dips
200 Double unders

WoD - Thursday 16th February, 2023

WoD - Thursday 16th February, 2023

So then, tonight the long awaited CrossFit games open workout will be released. I have no idea what time, but don’t be a weirdo… go to bed and it will still be there in the morning.

Conjure up your plan of attack and realise that it will go firmly out of the window after a couple of hot minutes. You know what Tyson said don’t you… “everyone has a plan until they are punched in the face!”

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds for time of:
10 Deadlift (120/80kg)
15 GHD sit ups
20 Box jumps (24/20)

NOTE: If the GHDs in this workout are going to destroy you for Saturday then scale them back.

3 x 3 Seated box jump
3 Sets of each:
1 Hip squat snatch
1 Hang snatch
1 Snatch

WoD - Wednesday 15th February, 2023

WoD - Wednesday 15th February, 2023

Mid week and only a day away from the first workout of the 2023 CrossFit Games open, 23.1. I can promise you one thing… it will be vile! 😁😁

Possibly much more enjoyable than what is coming your way tomorrow anyway…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Every 3 minutes for 5 rounds:
18/16 Calorie assault bike
Max rep push press (50/35kg)
Rest 3 mins between rounds

WoD - Tuesday 14th February, 2023

WoD - Tuesday 14th February, 2023

There is still time folk, you can register for the 2023 CrossFit Games Open, with teams to be picked later and the first workout being this coming Saturday, the time is now… DOOOOOOO IT!
You will be missing out on a shit ton of fun if not!

Seeing as it’s the very meaningful, not complete bullshit, Valentine’s Day… how better to show someone you love them by signing them up to the Open! THEY CAN’T NOT LOVE IT!!!

Click HERE to sign up and get ready for three awesome weekends!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For max load:
3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
Back Squat

20 minutes of ring muscle up practice

3 Sets of:
6 False grip pull ups
6 Ring dips

WoD - Tuesday 7th February, 2023

WoD - Tuesday 7th February, 2023

Have you signed up to the open yet? WHY NOT??? And, once you have, join the CrossFit Cardiff roster!

A very fast blog post, hopefully as fast as you did that workout yesterday! I am away and am busting to do it. I will slam them all into one brutal but fun open gym one day soon…

Get your laughing gear around this by the way… another taste of the open to come…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
8 Toes to bar
10 Dumbbell hang clean and jerks (50/35lbs)
14 Calorie row

Ring muscle up
A: 3 x 3 Low ring transitions
B: 15 Minutes of RMU practice
C: 3 Rounds of:
5 False grip pull-ups
5 Rng dips

WoD - Monday 6th February, 2023

WoD - Monday 6th February, 2023

Maaaaaan, 12 YEARS of this awesome community! And, another example of just how cool you lot are!

It was a perfect day (forgetting the rugby that is) in preparation for the amazing show that is bound to be seen throughout the CrossFit Games Open. See below…

Here it is team, the brief for the Open, I’m almost certain there will be typo’s so chill out! No need for “grammar for 7 year olds” as a gift thanks…

We will be splitting the gym’s open registrants into teams, with one team captain and one associated charity. The goal is to, raise as much money as humanly possible for said charities inside of the 3 weeks of the open.
Each week will have a theme, with teams being allocated points for best turn outs, dedication to each week’s theme and obviously, the workout score.
Extra curricular activity, in any form, is actively encouraged so long as it is designed to bolster your teams donations total.

You can register for the open here…and with the first workout being released on Thursday the 16th, we will be picking teams on Sunday the 12th. Giving you plenty of time to sort out your whats app groups, charities and themes.

Saturday mornings will be dedicated to getting through the workouts, where there is hopefully less stress on you guys to get in and out, as well as affording the coaches plenty of time to prep; using the worlds allocation of masking tape for HSPU markings.

Now then, I know Tia is pregnant meaning that the top spot on the games podium is available but… watching you do fight gone bad yesterday led me to believe that we all might need another year of training. 😉
All said with peace, love and humility of course.

Therefore, try not to stress about it too much, and definitely do not let it ruin your training. They are just workouts, three of them. Hit them as hard as you possibly can, be proud of yourself and move on.

Alright alright, get ready for a bit of a thrashing!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
7 Rounds of:
7 Snatch (40/30kg)
7 Burpees
7 Chest to bar pull ups

WoD - Tuesday 24th January, 2023

WoD - Tuesday 24th January, 2023

Well then, now none of you can walk or stand up straight, you are ready for what you will likely be feeling like for each week of the open.

Info about said body crushing event will be coming out soon. As well as my massively enjoyable process of getting the gym registered as competing affiliate (the sarcasm is real but only because it is potentially more complicated than buying a house) and completing the 2023 judges course! Happy days!

The open is always a shit ton of fun though… it really is!

Anyway, back to the week!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
200m run
20 Shoulder to overhead (40/30kg)
400m run
15 Shoulder to overhead (50/35kg)
800m run
10 Shoulder to overhead (60/40kg)

A: Ring muscle up progressions

B: 3 Sets of:
15 Support ring swings
15 Bottom support ring swings
5 - 10 Kipping ring dips
5 - 10 Strict ring pull ups

WoD - Monday 23rd January, 2023

WoD - Monday 23rd January, 2023

With the 2023 open around the corner, why not practice the style of workout used by programming them into our week.

Don’t worry though, we aren’t revising last, the workouts that you perform every week at CrossFit Cardiff are programmed in a very similar way… one piece (typically), smash you in the face with high levels of intensity… vile, vomiting inducing workouts. You are welcome!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
10 Dumbbell snatch (22.5/15kg)
15 Burpee box jump overs (24/20”)
20 Dumbbell snatch
15 Burpee box jump overs (24/20”)
30 Dumbbell snatch
15 Burpee box jump overs (24/20”)
40 Dumbbell snatch
15 Burpee box jump overs (24/20”)
50 Dumbbell snatch
15 Burpee box jump overs (24/20”)

You see what I mean. Pictured below is me prior to judging this workout in Paris at the live announcement, hearing the workout for the first time from the horses mouth and remembering that I had programmed basically the same thing the day before! 😬

WoD - Tuesday 8th October, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 8th October, 2019

The teams are in and the stage is set! The CrossFit Games Open 20”20” is nearly upon us.

This post is almost entirely about just one of you…Fadi!

Registering for the open is only part of it my friend, get your arse logged back into your account and join our team…unless of course you really are the capped vigilante and want to go at this thing alone! Then, no stress, just let me into your cave once for a mooch!

For the rest of you non technophobic legends, the teams are up and ready to view on the Facebook group. Start plotting of ways with which you will be able to conjure up as many squids as humanly possible for your chosen charities. Let’s help them out.
Out do each other for the greater good!

20.1 Theme

Pyjama work out. Everyone who attends 20.1 is to turn up in their PJ’s. Please gents, ensure that they have a suitable flap! £2 entry fee as a charitable donation.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 20 minutes of: 
5 Handstand Push Ups
10 Pistols
15 Pull Ups

Please get your rounds plus reps up to the whiteboard and get out to enjoy the DOMs…
Just for reference at the 2019 CrossFit Games, the winning scores for Mary were:
Noah Olsen: 677 (22 plus 2 pull ups) 😳
Karissa Pearce: 695 (23 plus 5 handstand push ups) 😳
