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WoD - Monday 6th November, 2023

WoD - Monday 6th November, 2023

Welcome to a new week. Please remember that the gym is closed to host a CrossFit L1 this coming weekend, however… post seminar at 6pm, we are opening to perform the hero workout Chad.

Chad is an extremely challenging workout, it hurts a lot. It is supposed to. Consider what you do in prep throughout the day on Saturday and consider what you are planning to do afterwards and for Sunday. You will need to recover… and wash your knee sleeves!

Back to Monday…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For 5 Rounds, within 2:30:
10 Shuttle runs (25ft out and back = 1)
8 DB devil press (2x50/35lb)
Max pull ups
Rest 2:30 minutes between rounds

WoD - Monday 30th October, 2023

WoD - Monday 30th October, 2023

Following the CrossFit L1 seminar, held at the gym on November 11th, at 18:00 we will be leading the memorial workout “Chad 1000X”. Below is why…

Sara Wilkinson, GORUCK, and CrossFit present the hero workout “CHAD” - in honor of Navy SEAL Chad Wilkinson who took his life on October 29, 2018 due to the effects of numerous deployments, several TBIs, blast wave injuries and PTSD. Our goal is to honor Chad’s life and legacy and to raise awareness for suicide prevention.

CHAD 1000X has brought together thousands of registered participants, as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars raised since 2020, looking to be part of something greater than themselves. To not only bring awareness to the epidemic of suicide, particularly among veterans, but also to help be part of the solution through the support to the The Step Up Foundation and other veteran health initiatives.

This year, join us again in paying respect to Chad Wilkinson and all those who have been lost to suicide, while also committing to try to change the number. #CHAD1000X

Chad Wilkinson
For time:
1000 Step ups (20”)
Wear a 20/15kg rucksack.

Sara has been a close friend of mine for many years, I know this workout is hard but click below and take the time to listen to this podcast, it isn’t easy but will provide motivation…

Back to Monday and I hope you all had a kick arse Halloween throwdown weekend…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many round and reps as possible within 20mins of:
Run 400m
15 Overhead squats (45/30kg)

WoD - Monday 7th November, 2022

WoD - Monday 7th November, 2022

Evening you legends, here’s to hoping that you all had epic weekends, following a decent thrashing from Mikey B.

Speaking of thrashings from Mikey B, next Saturday we are going to be tackling Chad 1000X. A workout dedicated to an absolute legend of a man. His widow, Sara, a good friend of mine will explain best…

"My husband, Navy SEAL Chad Wilkinson, served honorably for 21 years. When Chad took his life he had everything to live for: myself and our children, extended family, his fellow brothers and our community.

This is a silent disease where symptoms, triggers and warnings are often recognized too late. Chad is not alone, this is a silent epidemic with the enemy sneaking quietly into our homes and it has to stop. We want to use Chad’s life and legacy to raise awareness for suicide prevention. Our hope is to remove mental health stigmas, and encourage people to reach out, one step at a time, no matter who you are.

Our goal is to honor Chad and all Veterans currently struggling this and every Veterans Day moving forward. I hope you’ll join me and our community in doing the Hero WOD named after my husband Chad, supporting Veteran Mental Health Initiatives."
Sara Wilkinson.

Click on this link below to find out how you can donate to the cause. Also if you have the time, listen to this amazing podcast to hear the full story…

CHAD 1000X


Saturday’s classes will be combined and will be an organised WoD for Chad. Should you want to perform the workout with weight, bring a sturdy rucksack. The workout can be scaled in multiple ways, so do not stress, just rock up and join such a positive movement.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds, each for time:
3 Power cleans
3 Front squats
3 Shoulder to overhead
20 Pull ups
Rest 5 minutes

WoD - Monday 8th November, 2021

WoD - Monday 8th November, 2021

Welcome to a new week and a cheeky announcement.

This Sunday, the 14th of November, we will be running through the workout Chad. A hero workout dedicated to husband of a very good friend, who after suffering with post traumatic stress disorder for many years, sadly took his own life.

Since, Sara has dedicated her life to raising awareness for others and their families.

She is a utter legend of a human being who some of you will have met. Each year we pay our respects to Chad by completing his workout.

For those wishing to attend, we will begin the workout at 09:00. The gym will be open by 08:30 to allow tile to set up and warm up.
We finish when we finish.

For time:
1000 Step ups (20”)
Wear a 20/15kg rucksack

Any scaling options are absolutely acceptable and encouraged to allow for the maximum involvement.

Back to the week and some perfect practice for you…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
4 Rounds for time of:
12 Box jumps (30/24”)
9 Deficit handstand press ups (6”)
6 Deadlifts (130/100kg)
300m Run

Please get times up on the whiteboard…

WoD - Friday 8th May, 2020

WoD - Friday 8th May, 2020

Tomorrow is a bank holiday, 75 year of VE day, which I’m sure was planned a lot differently to the way it is going to be celebrated.
Can you just imagine what that must have felt like, after years of war. It would be nothing like if this isolation period lasted for 6 years, unless we had someone constantly shooting at us. Perspective hey!

Anyway, in order to pay a little bit of respect, not just to this amazing day but to a personal friend. And, in order to raise money and awareness for The Adaptive Bandits I will be performing the Hero Workout Chad, on zoom with a bunch of cool folk!
Beginning at 10:00, please, please get amongst it.

For time:
1000 Box Step-ups (20”)
Wear a weighted rucksack (20/15kg)

Zoom link and code:
Meeting ID: 849 2540 1696


It’s time, the release of the CrossFit Cardiff Iso Open WoD 2

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

Iso Open WoD 2
Every 3 minutes for as long as possible:
From 0:00 - 3:00
2 rounds of:
30 Double unders
10 Kettlebell swing (24/16kg)

From 3:00 - 6:00
2 rounds of:
40 Double unders
12 Kettlebell swing (24/16kg)

From 6:00 - 9:00
2 rounds of:
50 Double unders
14 Kettlebell swing (24/16kg)

From 9:00 - 12:00
2 rounds of:
60 Double unders
16 Kettlebell swing (24/16kg)

Etc., following the same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds

For this, and every other Iso Open WoD, please records scores to this google sheet (link). Be sure to calculate the total complete reps. For example, if you are successful in the the first 3 minute window, and get 40 double unders and 11 swings of the first round in the second then your score is 131. Simple!

VE day Cel.jpg

WoD - Wednesday 30th October, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 30th October, 2019

A quiet night to sit, reflect and toast to a hero! May he Rest In Peace.

Chad Wilkinson


CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For 5 rounds, in teams of 3, accumulate as many reps as possible at each station of:

1 minute per station:
1: Toes to bar
2: Calorie row
3: Sandbag over shoulder (50/30kg)

Rest 2 mins

Teams rotate through and accumulate reps as they go. 1 person per station. At the end of the wod there will be 3 separate scores for each movement.

Inventive team names and total rep counts to the white board please my lovelies…

WoD - Saturday 29th December, 2018

WoD - Saturday 29th December, 2018

With today’s workout we will demonstrate the solidarity of the world wide CrossFit community to a very good friend, who, recently has suffered an immeasurable lost.

Sara Wilkinson, who some of you have met when she visited the box, lost her husband Chad earlier this year. Chad had spent many years as a US Navy SEAL and was exposed to multiple deployments throughout his career. Sadly, on the 29th of October, Chad took his own life.

Many servicemen and women suffer with the ongoing trauma’s of war. Our intention is to raise awareness and where possible, donations (here) in order to directly help the Wilkinson family.

CrossFit Takeover, located in Virginia Beach Florida, have modified a workout that Chad himself used to do and that Dave Castro has recently posted about.

When Sara spoke at her husband’s funeral, she recounted a recent story when she walked into the garage to find Wilkinson doing step-ups wearing a backpack. He was training to climb Aconcagua, the tallest mountain in South America, by doing 1000 step-ups at a time.

Please turn up on mass, to respect and honour a true hero. Their accents may change, but the people remain the same.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

As a pair, complete as many reps as possible within 60 minutes of:
Box Step Ups (20”)*
A barbell is to be held in the back rack
Switch once your partner has completed a 400m run

May he Rest In Peace

Please post total completed reps to the whiteboard and any pictures and videos to Instagram stories tagging @crossfit_takeover as well as @thedavecastro

Chad Org.jpg