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WoD - Tuesday 15th October, 2024

WoD - Tuesday 15th October, 2024

Coming your way is a very fast and disgusting workout. I did something very similar a long time ago and came close to coughing up a set of fiery lungs. Not nice!

You thought i’m sure, will love it! 😳😬😁

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
21 - 15 - 9
Power snatch (40/30kg)
Burpees over the bar



1: 3-8 ring pull-up

2: 3-8 ring dip

3: 30s hollow hold

3 sets:

6-12 Strict toes to bar

12/12 straight arm plank rotations

WoD - Monday 13th May, 2024

WoD - Monday 13th May, 2024

Well that was a belter of a weekend. Sunkissed and very relaxing. Weekends off are for the win!

What’s not for the win is the vile workout that you guys have in store for tomorrow, a repeat and one which caused a fair amount of discomfort. It definitely does not feel like a relaxing dog walk, followed by a cocktail in a wood burning hot tub!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
4 Rounds each for time of:
30/25 Calorie assault bike*
10 Burpee box jump over (24/20”)
Rest 5 minutes between rounds
*Bike calories reduce by 5 each round


WoD - Tuesday 19th March, 2024

WoD - Tuesday 19th March, 2024

Well I seriously hope that it’s not raining for you guys today, you van blame Joe! Remember, he was on a stag do and feeling sorry for himself.
He actually said to me… “if I have to suffer then so do they!” 😉

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds for time:
1 Mile run
50 Burpees

For 8 rounds, every 1 minutes
Kipping/butterfly pull ups

3 Sets
10 -15s Sticking point hold15 inverted row

3 Sets
8 Chin ups
12 Bent over rows
15 - 20 GHD sit ups

WoD - Wednesday 28th February, 2024

WoD - Wednesday 28th February, 2024


I mean I have and I am the most injured I have every been at this stage of the season. Enrique has signed up and is ready to kick all of your arses! Get amongst it!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Rounds for time of:
15 Toes to bar
5 Burpee shuttle runs*
30 Air squats
5 Burpee shuttle runs

*out and back 25ft = 1. A burpee must be performed with each change direction.

WoD - Thursday 9th November, 2023

WoD - Thursday 9th November, 2023

Well I told you so… Janet will be screaming at this, and for two reasons:
1. It’s Thursday!
2. She just loves a burpee over the rower!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Every minute, on the minute, for 20 minutes:
Odd: 18/16 Calorie row
Even: 15 Burpees over the rower

For 5 rounds, every 2:30 mins
2 Squat snatch, 2 second pause at the knee

For 3 rounds, every minute
1 Squat snatch

3 Sets
6  Push press
6 Wide grip strict pull ups

WoD - Tuesday 21st March, 2023

WoD - Tuesday 21st March, 2023

With a cheeky nod to, the mothership, we have a brutal workout for you tomorrow. No part of my being is looking forward to doing this. You are not going to appreciate it.
No where to hide, not for 15 minutes… you and a pull up bar!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For 15 minutes climb the ladder of:
Minute 1: 1 Toes to bar and max burpees
Min 2: 2 Toes to bar and max burpees

5 Rounds
3 Strict ring muscle ups

Every minute on the minute, for 9 minutes
20s False grip hang
20s Chest to ring hold
20s Bottom dip hold

2 Rounds
20 Ring rows
10 Russian push-ups

WoD - Christmas Day 25th December, 2022

WoD - Christmas Day 25th December, 2022

Nadolig Llawen you wonderful bunch of fitness loving legends! I hope your hang overs have gone! If not, never fear, our Xmas tradition will kick them into touch for you…

11am at the box, no warm up, no coaching, and hopefully mince pies afterwards…

CrossFit Cardiff Xmas Day WoD
For time:
150 Burpees

If you are man/woman enough, video your burpees and tag @CrossFit.Cardiff on Instagram…

WoD - Monday 11th April, 2022

WoD - Monday 11th April, 2022

Happy Monday all! Finally some cold but bad assed weather over the weekend! Perfect for drying, sanding and staining a massive pile of wood!

A quick look to the weekend ahead, we have some bank holiday hours for you to be aware of. Giving you more time to enjoy the bad ass sunshine…we hope!

Good Friday - 10:00 - 13:00 (WoD at 11:00)
Saturday - No change
Easter Sunday - CLOSED
Easter Monday - 10:00 - 13:00 (WoD at 11:00)

Right then, time to get stuck into a decent level thrashing!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Every 5 minutes for 5 rounds:
20/18 Calorie row
10 Burpee over the rower

Remember, the rowers are higher than the barbells!! 😉

WoD - Friday 18th February, 2022

WoD - Friday 18th February, 2022

Happy Friday legends! You are reading this and so have therefore survived Mikey B’s attack! You may well be little balls of DOMs, but you have given him a stiff middle finger…he will not destroy you!

Enjoy your weekends team!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 15 minutes of:
12/10 Calorie row
10 Hang power snatch (50/30kg)
8 Bar facing burpee’s

Head out and have a banger you studs!

WoD - Tuesday 8th February, 2022

WoD - Tuesday 8th February, 2022

From fast and heavy to long and light. The goal is to absolutely sell your souls on the burpees, recover elsewhere. GOOD luck and enjoy Tuesday!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 20 minutes of:
Run 400m
20 Burpees
2 Rope climbs

Strict handstand push-ups
3 Sets
5 Strict handstand push-ups
Rest 2 minutes between sets

3 Sets
3 Negative deficit HSPU
5 - 10 Hanging L-Sit raises
2 Lengths overhead kettlebell carry - work up to the heaviest load possible

3 Sets
5 Handstand tuck ups
10 Dumbbell strict press
10 Deficit plate push ups 

WoD - Thursday 13th January, 2022

WoD - Thursday 13th January, 2022

I wonder if it will be another 11 years before I completely forget to post the blog. Meaning that the gym will be 22 years old, fewer of you will be reading this and I will be F’ing old and far more likely to forget it!

I supposed I had no and therefore have no reason to think I wouldn’t be writing this same rubbish 11 years on, in 2033 (i’ll probably still be having to wear a mask to buy a pint of milk too), but that seems mental hey.
Just imagine the type of assault bike that will have been invented by then and think yourself lucky!

I have afforded you all no where to hide during tomorrow’s workout, well apart from deep inside the pain cave anyway!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
20 Bar facing burpees
40 Power snatch (35/25kg)
20 Bar facing burpees


Chest to bar pull-ups
Week 1

Kipping drills
EMOM3 : 2 Kip swings, 3 kips - focus is on height and pop
EMOM3: 2/3 Chest to bar pull-ups with pause 

3 Sets
3 Negative pull ups - from chest
10 Supine dumbbell lat pull overs
10 Dumbbell bent over rows

3 Sets
Max strict banded chest to bar pull-ups
20 Hollow rocks
20 Lat pulldowns

WoD - Wednesday 19th May, 2021

WoD - Wednesday 19th May, 2021

I have been genuinely nervous about tomorrow’s workout for a while now. With a full understanding of just how much pain it cause, if all concern for personal safety is removed, there is literally no chance that anyone will be ready or wonderful for anything else for a long time following!

The only thing left to do is to make sure you PAY ATTENTION TO THE WHITEBOARD it might cause some head scratching before the workout creates all the vomiting!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 rounds for time of:
1 Minute max burpees
Following the minute, complete however many remaining reps required to total 30 in:
Thrusters (40/30kg)

Rest as needed between all movements and rounds, record total time.


WoD - Monday 14th December, 2020

WoD - Monday 14th December, 2020

We can’t do anything about it, I drunk enough IPA last night to put a small bull to sleep, and when I woke up the issue was still there.

Let’s hit this marine style, plenty of smoke and straight up the middle, head on.

Get up and get after it. Just on zoom!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Rounds for time:
20 Burpees
30 Air squats

Please post times to facebook/SM…


WoD - Wednesday 23rd September, 2020

WoD - Wednesday 23rd September, 2020

Now had I not been doing CrossFit for 13 years, and had I not owned a CrossFit affiliate for 10 I would feel slightly sorry for you for doing this. But I have and so therefore I am not!

It will be fun and worth it once it’s over, what is it they say…you have to be cruel to…program a shitfest like this…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds for time:
21/18 Calorie bike
15 Thrusters (40/30kg)
9 Burpees

Please vomit outside before you get those blistering times up to the whiteboard…


WoD - Friday 21st August, 2020

WoD - Friday 21st August, 2020

Finally instalment prior to the weekend.

If you lot are interested, Eric Roza (the new owner of CrossFit) put out a pretty cool “Community Town Hall” (essentially a brief of what has happened recently and what is new to come), some communications from the horses mouth. Information for the direction that the company is going in. If you have been involved for any length of time, you will understand that this is a big deal, the first time I’ve ever seen it happen.

Enjoy, here is the link…link

Drink a beer while you’re watching…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 10 minutes, complete as many reps as possible of:
15 Burpees
50 Double unders
Rest 5 mins
Within 10 minutes, complete as many reps as possible of:
10/7 Calorie assault bike
10 Dumbbell snatch (50/35lbs)

Please get both AMRAP scores up to the whiteboard and head out for a boozy Friday night…


WoD - Friday 31st July, 2020

WoD - Friday 31st July, 2020

Happy Friday legends, welcome to the weekend where you are going to have to be on your A-game, staying well away from a pinch and a punch, first of the…

Another Saturday class is jam packed and excited to throw right down in car park fitness. Maybe there’s a new brand there!

Awesome week of training, enjoy a week earned cold beer or ten!

The workout I have for you tomorrow is one that is administer on the CrossFit L1 (apart from the over the bar part, RX+), and it is thoroughly enjoyable…to watch!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds for time:
15 Thrusters (40/30kg)
12 Bar over burpees

Please get those blistering times up on the whiteboard please…


WoD - Tuesday 21st July, 2020

WoD - Tuesday 21st July, 2020

This is the second time that I have written this post. My poor laptop (was nearly launched across the room) just can’t cope anymore. During lockdown it has had an utter battering, working way harder than I ever have! Every day asked to edit some video or other, and perform ridiculous tasks rather than just download lots of “educational” videos (i promise they are)!
Now the first time around, this was way funnier, but…you will just have to trust me.

Anyway, it’s so f**king cool that we are able to train outside again now! And even better as 3 MASSIVE (I hope, they are still in the boxes) gazeboes have rocked up. Meaning that you guys will be able to throwdown in the pissing rain, safe in the knowledge that your assault bike seat will be dry when you get back for round 2!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 rounds of:
Every 4 minutes
15/10 Calorie assault bike*
15 Burpees


At home scaling
*substitute the calorie bike for a 100m sprint

At home warm up
Run 400m
5 Walk outs
5 Press ups
5 Burpees
Run 200m
15 Burpees
Sprint 100m

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here


WoD - Friday 22nd November, 2019

WoD - Friday 22nd November, 2019

So then, how are your abs? Swelling gone down yet? Don’t worry, it will and when it does you will all be washing your knickers on your rock hard slabs! Saving the environment and riding yourself of embarrassing skid marks!
Thats what you call a win win!

Seeing as I have officially crossed over to the dark side, I am going to wrap this up. Have kick arsed weekends!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
21 - 15 - 9
Deadlifts (100/70kg)
Bar facing burpees

Vile yes! Don’t worry, it’s done. Times please!


WoD - Thursday 3rd October, 2019

WoD - Thursday 3rd October, 2019

Anyone else looking like a complete idiot when walking around? Suddenly, your pins just give up on you, maybe due to an unsuspecting curb, ditch, uneven ground or just because they just said NOPE!!
just me, never mind.

You all have faces which are extremely pleasing to the eye, and as well as what I have just mentioned above,, this is the other reason why in today’s workout I strong encourage the use of the hands!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds, each for time:
25/20 Calorie Assault Bike
20 Box Over Jumps (24/20” Hands are allowed)
15 Burpees
Rest 4mins between rounds

Record times for each round and get them up on the whiteboard…


WoD - Thursday 26th September, 2019

WoD - Thursday 26th September, 2019

Well that left a mark hey?! Everyone just loves an ASS bike sprint! I told you we had a special treat for hump day, now the rest of the week will be breezy as a result!

Now I’m sure it was merely the lasting effect of said workout, likely specifically the ass bike, but it appear to render some folk entirely incapable of normal thought or function. Particularly, Mairead, she was all over life once time had been called. Running around as if nothing had happened, returning equipment with ease and cycling off into the sunrise singing happily.

Everyone loves an ass bike, but not as much as a sandbag

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

For 2 rounds:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 4 minutes of:
Run 400m 
Max Sandbag over shoulder

Rest 4 mins

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 4 minutes of: 
Run 400m
Max burpees over sandbag

Rest 4 mins prior to repeating

One person is to be working at any one time.
