Viewing entries tagged
Back Rack Walking Lunges

WoD - Monday 4th March, 2019

WoD - Monday 4th March, 2019

Insane that we programmed 16.2 the other week? Or did we know?! Even worse that I did pretty much the exact same movements in a workout on Thursday, win win! Plenty of practice at least!
Now remember, YOU have to submit YOUR scores (funny that) and YOU have to do it by 10pm on Monday night so that I can validate them in time for you to dominate the Open for your roads to the games!

Fingers crossed the majority of you have completed the workout as you will not be wanting to do it with the massive hang overs that you have hey!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Back rack walking lunge
12 - 12 - 12 - 12

Lift as heavily as technique will allow and get those loads to the whiteboard…


WoD - Friday 1st of February, 2019

WoD - Friday 1st of February, 2019

Pffffffft…see that, it was January! Which of course is no biggy, so long as things slow right down once it becomes warm again!

Below is an amazing comment from Coach Glassman, he is talking about an article that he wrote, available here which has received over a million downloads. And, was why a lot of people actually got into CrossFit in the first place.
What is Fitness will feature within Educate very soon.

”Where none existed we created a definition of fitness amenable to accurate and precise estimation. This is a prerequisite to measurement, and measurement is necessary to systematically, scientifically, improving fitness. This doesn’t make our definition right or wrong - definitions don’t come in flavors “right” or “wrong” - they’re either consistent or not, useful or not. Defining fitness as work capacity measured across broad time and modal domains is a moment in exercise science.

It also grounds the measurement of fitness to movement and not any one of countless surrogates. We didn’t need university approval for this; we didn’t need any of the academic and “scientific” organizations seemingly chartered to advance fitness (NSCA, ACSM, et al) to approve of our approach. We got the permissions we needed from logic, math, and the scientific method. It turns out that applying Newtonian mechanics to human performance bears fruit as it has in the study of all movement. Who’s surprised? I’m not.

As the principal architect of this approach, I will tell you that my motivation came in great part from the odd and long-nagging realization that exercise science was fruitless. I’ve publicly asked for decades now for someone to name a single contribution to any sports performance or training methodology arising from an advance in exercise science. (Crickets.)

This is the context with which I appreciate, understand, and explain CrossFit - even at Harvard Business School where the subject in my annual visit is our unparalleled business success. I stand in front of business students and explain that we took a stab at the first scientific definition of fitness relying heavily on Sir Isaac Newton and it worked!!

Even our low carb approach to eating had its origins in its dramatic impact measured in force, distance, and time. That is NOT insignificant, even if an aside.

None of this found an audience in academia - a few notable academics excepted. What did get the attention of the academy was our eventual dominance in the trainer certification space and our incestuous (frankly) relationship with first responders and men and women in uniform around the world.

The first significant response from academia was to fake a scientific study. The biggest name in exercise science suborned (were scientific misconduct perjury “suborn” would be the perfect choice of words) scientific misconduct as editor-in-chief of the largest peer-reviewed journal of exercise science and when exposed engaged in perjury and later spoliation of evidence to hide all of the above. “Caught red-handed” would be an understatement. The entire scientific edifice of the NSCA is an out and out fraud.

The corruption came from the top and appears throughout the NSCA. I could let the legal filings, judges’ and referees’ rulings speak for all of this, but I won’t.

We have emails detailing an unholy alliance of the NSCA, Pepsi, Ohio State University, ESPN, and a host of other nationally and internationally renowned companies and organizations coming together to stop what’s going on here on this website and in 15,000 gyms around the world flying the CF flag. What would that effort look like? Here’s just one effort costing millions: a score of bills drafted and floored in a dozen states over a dozen years making CF illegal. I called the NSCA and the ACSM “soda whores”. The NSCA sued me for it. They also dropped the suit after getting caught hiding emails that proved they were, well, soda whores. (On the advice of counsel I won’t mention that Lanny Davis has now come around trying to make this all go away.)

Dr. Morriem’s report was my introduction to scientific misconduct as a field of study. It also introduced me to the “replication crisis” and became the start of a deep and personal academic obsession with coming to understand what is wrong in science and medicine. Our exposure to the scientific fraud at the NSCA has been an education, better yet, a template, for the failures of organized fitness and medicine globally and the lack of meaningful response to the tsunami of chronic disease visible to all of us. We’ve been to hell and back and didn’t come back empty handed.

We owe it to our affiliates, CrossFitters, and the world to share what we've learned and been through.”

Some read, from the “Boss.” I love his passion and his fight, and if you met him, so would you!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Back Rack Walking Lunge
10 - 10 - 10

B: Deadlift*
5 - 5 - 5

*keep weight to where you can just graze the floor between each rep.


WoD - Tuesday 27th November, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 27th November, 2018

Anyone else have arms like a Tyrannosaurus Rex? Anyone else have to drive home with their knees? Nope? Just me then?!

Luckily tomorrow we don’t have to use arms at all, really?! You maybe forced to balance the bar on the back of your neck as your arms don’t reach far enough back to grab hold…thanks Suller! ;-)
If you can still move your arms, wave goodbye to your legs…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Back rack walking lunges 
8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8

Please wander over to the whiteboard, like Bambi, and write your loads up please…

no hands banck squat.jpg

WoD - Tuesday 30th October, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 30th October, 2018

Now that the dust has settled from the weekend, and the DOMs are beginning to kick in from Tabata (punch yourself in the respective private parts for 4 rounds), I guess your shoulders, biceps, lats, pecs and lower backs are fried…good job that we are leaving them well alone tomorrow then hey…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For max loading
8 Back Rack Walking Lunge
4 Back Squats
8 Back Rack Walking Lunge
4 Back Squats

This is one continuous set.

Please post loads to the whiteboard and seriously consider never sitting again…

leg day.jpg

WoD - Tuesday 16th October, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 16th October, 2018

So, proof…partner workouts are not “easier” than individual ones. Sometimes they are but…today was not one of those days! And, unfortunately, I have a special feeling that this workout is going to be setting the bar for the week to come.

Anyhow, soon enough, more info regarding the greatest party on the planet…the CrossFit Cardiff Xmas Do 2018 will be released. All you have to do, is make sure you do NOT miss it! Those that do, will be crying into their warm, flat and disgusting beer on their unimaginably boring office parties, wondering just what is going on down the road at Tiny Rebel…

December 21st…do not F**K it up!

On an entirely different note, get yourselves signed into youtube and subscribe to Mark Omrod, a former Royal Marine, hero and massive inspiration. He is currently applying final preparation for the Invictus Games, this weekend in Sydney. Trained through CrossFit, he is an utter legend…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For the highest load that technique* will allow:
12 - 12 - 12 - 12
Back Rack Walking Lunges

*the coaching staff has been briefed hard to ensure that these reps are performed correctly. Allowing us to program repeating sessions and developing some kick ass strength via increasing volume and unflinchingly good movement…

Please write your bum wobblingly ginormous loads to the whiteboard…

Mark Omrod.jpg

WoD - Tuesday 26th June, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 26th June, 2018

I am only vaguely sorry for that, and because even though I'm sure it hurt pretty will have done you oodles of good! You might not be able to see that now, but one day soon, you will. 

From now on in however, the week will be easy! Surely nothing can be as bad as that...right? 

Back under the bar tomorrow, from lots of reps to a few. Few but heavy. Get that ass pumped and ready for the weekend! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Back Rack Walking lunge*
8 - 8 - 8 - 8

*The goal with these sets is to build from around 60 to 70% of 1RM back squat throughout. 

Please write your numbers up on the whiteboard...


WoD - Friday 22nd June, 2018

WoD - Friday 22nd June, 2018

Hands up who else has stigmata style wounds on their arms from the ring straps, causing your significant others to wonder just what type of "fitness" class you have been going to should they not CrossFit and your boss to ask you the awkward question...'is everything "alright" at home? 
Just me, ok, never mind! Carry on with your day and enjoy the weekend. 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

10 - 10 - 10 - 10 - 10 reps of
Back Rack Walking Lunges

All sets should be performed at the same weight

Please scribe one load to the whiteboard prior to heading out and having a kick ass weekend! 


WoD - Monday 29th January, 2018

WoD - Monday 29th January, 2018

Whether you thought so or not...they were all going soft on you (maybe not Ash on Monday), but the rest of the team, programmed "nice" workouts.
Kiss your relaxing weekend goodbye! No more leisurely espresso drinking while soaking up the beautiful Welsh, morning sun; no more lightly toasted English muffins topped with mouth watering, perfectly poached eggs, covered in succulent hollandaise sauce; NO MORE time to loaf on the sofa in front of a boring, black and white, "slot filler" film, placed simply to allow you to drift you off for a Sunday afternoon super, nana's time for some fitness! This week're mine! ;-) 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Back Rack Walking Lunges
8 - 8 - 8 - 8*
Each set should be performed for the maximal weight, that technique will allow. 

*As soon as possible following each set of lunges, athletes will Row 16/14 Calories for time.

Please post one load, plus one time per rounds. 

Pain train.png

WoD - Wednesday 22nd November, 2017

So, after four weeks of near death experiences throughout the Partner League, we have come to the final hurrah...this Saturday we will be hosting a Partner style, good old fashion throw down. Two workouts, followed by meat, beer and fun times! 

One workout is known, and one is not (genuinely, we are going to surprise even ourselves).
CrossFit prides itself on preparing their athletes for the known and the knowable, but also the unknown and unknowable. Attempting to prepare everyone for whatever life demands...

On Friday a video will be released, featuring the creators of the Partner League, pulling WoD 6 from the hopper. Lets pray for no ring handstand push ups. 

Read below for the known:

Partner League WoD 5

"CrossFit Cardiff Total"

Establish the heaviest total possible of:

Squat Clean
Hang Squat Snatch
Shoulder to Overhead

Each team will be given a 6min window, per lift, for each athlete to make 3 attempts only. 


10:00 - Begin warming up for WoD 5
10:30 - WoD 5 begins
11:10 - 11:20 - Break
11:20 - 11:30 - Warm up for WoD 6  
11:30 - WoD 6 Begins

*all timings may well change...."everyone has a plan, until punched in the face"

Anyway, break for that excitement and come back to tomorrow...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Back Rack Walking Lunge
8 - 8 - 8 - 8
Following each set, and as quickly as possible, athletes will row for time: 20/15 calories

Please write loads and times to the whiteboard...


WoD - Monday 11th September 2017

An old friend of mine is in need of some help. Matt "Ginge" Lavery was someone who I served with for many years, we became seriously good friends and got up to a fair about of mischief. 

Ginge left the Royal Marines and since, has seemed to be on a personal endeavour to raise as money as humanly possible for every charity in existence. 

He is running/treking/swimming/climbing, with anyone else who will take part, 501 miles in 50 days. This is all in aid of raising money for a Manchester based children's hospital. Please, please could you help him out. 

The last mile, hopefully, will be climbing a rope at a local CrossFit gym; planning permitting. 

If you can spare anything, then please do using the below link. 

Just Giving Page

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

4 Sets of:

4 Back Rack Walking Lunges
4 Back Squats
4 Back Rack Walking Lunges

Lift as heavy as possible, across all 4 sets, that technique will allow. Please post loads to the white board...


WoD - Tuesday 29th August, 2017

I want to thank you all for showing such massive generosity in clubbing together to buy me a seriously bad assed birthday present. I was truly lost for words and cannot wait to get pinned underneath it, thank you once again. 

A hairy night too, huge amounts of Brewdog does nothing for your ability to function the next day. Be warned. 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Back Rack Walking Lunges
12 - 10 - 8 - 10 - 12

Go as heavy as technique will allow, please post loads to the whiteboard...

Accessory Program

3 x 7 eccentric pull ups (1 second up/5 down - use band if required)

Superset between Set 1 and 2:
10 Russian lunges, per leg, toe of straight leg stays down
30 Wall Toe taps per leg - heels stay down
10 Wall squats - as fast as you can maintain slowly

Superset between Set 2 and 3:
10 Russian lunges, per leg, toe of straight leg pointing up
30 Wall hip drives - heels stay down
10 Wall squats - as fast as you can maintain slowly

Superset after Set 3:
10 thoracic twists per side - bottom of a squat
30s of weighted static ankle stretch (barbell for both or KB for each side)
10 Wall squats - as fast as you can maintain slowly

2 Rounds not for time, but for form of:
10 Kip swings, 10 kips
15 Deficit reverse lunges, per leg, stand aggressively using front leg.
10 GHD Hip extensions. 
10 Kip swings, 10 kips


WoD - Monday 14th August, 2017

Congratulations to all the bad asses who competed in the Inferno this weekend, Suller, Al, Siânnnn, Sam Kath and Em. You guys did the box proud, what a pleasure to have you sporting our shirt! 

Another congrats to Crusts, who has been working hard all weekend to achieve his CF-L2 trainer status! He travelled far and wide to spend a weekend learning and developing, and is now ready and eager to apply it with you guys as the guinea pigs! Goooood luck! 

 CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Back Rack Walking Lunges

10 - 10 - 10 - 10 - 10

please post loads and drawings of your new glutes to comments...


WoD - Thursday 20th July 2017

Well that escolated, really fast!! 😳 Let's hope that none of you have to hold anything above your head tomorrow! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD 

Back Rack Walking Lunges

12 - 12 - 12 - 12

Progress to lift as heavy as possible; that good technique will allow.

Please post loads to the whiteboard...


Amber the gym dog??? 

WoD - Thursday 29th September 2016

Today we either got you rock solid HANSTRINGS, oooooor broke them like Mikey B's! Sorry Mikey! If anyone can help the poor bugger move house tomorrow I'm sure he'd appreciate it. 

Tomorrow it's the turn of your glutes...

 CrossFit Cardiff WoD

10 - 10 - 10 - 10  

Back Rack Walking Lunges

pick a load that you can sustain movement for all ten steps. The maintenance of technique comes before weigh. Leave egos at the door and make them look pretty!!  

We have installed a camera in the male showers to see who has been cutting the rope off all the definitely wasn't Miley B.  

We have installed a camera in the male showers to see who has been cutting the rope off all the definitely wasn't Miley B.  

Wednesday 20th April 2016

We are well on the way to May, and you know what that means...this year is flying by AND, more importantly, SUMMER IS COMING! 
What that means is that you need to get your asses ready for the beach! Luckily for you, we've got your back at CrossFit Cardiff...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

4 sets of 20 Hip Extensions

B: 5 - 10 - 5

Back Squat
Back Rack Walking Lunge
Back Squat

You have 4 sets to find the heaviest load possible for the above complex. The bar stays on the back until the complex is finished. 

Please post loads to comments...

PS: Revenge is sweet. 

Christmas Eve

A few folk earned some serious points in the bank those "heroes!" Drink that beer. It will be just deserved! Especially if you head to the box to do today's utter shitfest, as well as get 150 burpees knocked out on Xmas day! 

If not, I hope you all have a blinding Xmas. Enjoy the break and take full advantage! I can't wait to see you all after the silly season kitting out to the hilt in your brand new CrossFit gear! 

Xmas Eve WoD

In Pairs and for time:
Run 800m
100 Hang Power Snatch (40/30kg)
100 GHD Sit Ups
Run 400m
50 Back Rack Walking Lunges (60/40kg)
50 HSPUs
Run 400m
25 Push Jerks (80/60kg)
25 Bar Muscle Ups
Run 800m

All reps cal be divided been partners as you see fit, both must run together. 

Following the class, everyone is welcome to come and take over our local caffeine distributing venue. 

Xmas Day Burpees will be performed at 10am - 150. No coaching, warming up or fluffing (unless Ian comes down), just 3...2...1...GO. 

Please post times to comments and have a cracking Xmas