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WoD - Friday 3rd October 2014

So after one WoD we have found the new ropes all over the gaff and one with a knot tied in it! Who ties a knot in wire?!?! Time to state the CrossFit Aberdeen hashtag again....#beadudenotadick So this WoD was programmed by the box himself, Dave Castro. Get after it hard!

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

A: Bullet proof shoulder

B: 3 Rounds each for time of:

7 Kipping Pull ups 9 Box Jumps (24/20") 7 TTB

C: Within pairs and for time:

50 - 40 - 30

Of HSPUs Cal Row

Split the reps as desired, whilst one partner is working the other has to hold a barbell at the top of the deadlift. Load for the bar is (125/90kg)

All 50 HSPUs must be completed prior to moving onto 50 Cal row and so on.

Please post time to comments.....

WoD - Thursday 2nd October 2014

Due to Ian Davies I have erected a new timer at the box. Have a goose tomorrow, it's location required some experimental and highly dangerous manoeuvres as obviously I am a bloke and when some says to me "I can get you a really safe A-frame ladder within a couple of days" I reply with... "yeah but with this huge, wobbly ladder, and my two 20kg bumper plates to hold it in place; I can put it up right now!" Thankfully Otto was on hand to prevent a curtain death fall from the viewing platform - that no one uses - by inserting his right index finger where the sun doesn't shine! Thanks friend!! ;-)

Marvel in it's brightness! Now you just have to wait a few more days to be blinded by monstrous LED lighting! Stand by!

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: 3 Rounds each for time of:

Run 800m 50 Double Unders Rest 3mins

B: 3 Rounds each for time of:

Run 400m 40 KB Swings (24/16kg) Rest 2min

C: 3 Rounds each for time of:

Run 200m 30 Wall Balls (20/14lbs) Rest 1min

Between part A and part B, part B and C, athletes will rest as they did during that section. For example, after the 3rd round of 800m run and 50 double unders take 3mins rest before beginning the first round of part B etc.

Please post times to comments....

WoD - Wednesday 1st October 2014

So this year needs to slow the f**k down!! The 1st of October already, soon enough we'll have muppets telling us it 50 sleeps until Xmas!! DON'T be that DBag! ;-) In case you guys didn't know, we now sport a LEGIT coffee bar! Hendy even knows the difference between a Latté, a flat white and an expresso macchiato! No mean feat! It's nearly as hard as 'Amanda'! Now feast your eyes on this beast......The Speal Deal Now thats how it's done!!

Second point, the CrossFit benchmark for an L-sit hold is 3mins!! 3 MINUTES!! Anyone think they can do that? Who's up for trying? 12 months??

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Make yourselves sweat A LOT with squat therapy! Ensure that it's hard and that positions are sought and maintained!*

B: Push Press

2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2

C: Split Jerk

1 - 1 - 1 - 1- 1

*so this is really important to get a better squat. Nothing else will work as well. Sure time can be spent mobilising your hips, knees, ankles, thoracic spine, hamstrings, quads and hip flexors but will that improve your movement more than just getting down there and spending time in the positions of restriction?! Unfortunately there is no easier way then hard work! Think of this analogy: if I said that I would give a million pounds to the person at the box that can do the splits in one years time, what would you do to ensure that you were that person?? Answers and loads to comments...

WoD - 30th September 2014

The box was pumping tonight, fricking legit! Now, some news for you all! We have an electrician booked to come in and install new lighting next Monday/Tuesday (he was due to be doing so today but technical difficulties prevented work), so you have a weeks warning to sort your shit longer can you hide in the dark and round your backs, drive through your toes; squat like a dog taking a dump or allow weak glutes to draw your knees in! The box will be lit up like an xmas tree!!! Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Spend 15mins working on the skill of handstand walking

B: 'Power Amanda'

For time:

9-7-5 Muscle Ups Power Snatch (60/40kg)

C: 3 Sets not for time of:

15 Hip Extensions 15s L-Sit hold rest 30s

please post your times to comments....

WoD - Monday 29th September 2014

Thank you to all of you who attempted to kill me with alcohol on Saturday night. It didn't work!! I thought a few times today that I was going to have to give into the bad feeling, but I have managed to say no. At least now that I have programmed the WoD I can die in piece! Roll on the Xmas doo!!!

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time: 30-20-10 Deadlifts (100/70kg) Burpees 10-20-30 Front squat (70/45kg) Burpee

Please post times to comments....

WoD - Friday 19th September 2014

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD A: Within 30mins complete:

1RM Snatch 1RM Clean and jerk

B: As many rounds and reps as possible in ten minutes of:

6 Squat cleans (55/35kg) 12 Pull ups 24 Double unders

Add together the best snatch (in kg), the best clean and jerk (in kg), and the total reps performed in the triplet for your final score.

Post score to comments.....

WoD - Thursday 18th September 2014

Hey so just so everyone knows we've had a mains water leak and currently no water is available. Therefore you morning dwellers need to do whatever you need to do at home before class, and the showers will be out if action, apologies but we are trying to fix it ASAP! Could all who read this pass it on to anyone who comes to the morning, I know that some don't read the blog or are on Facebook. Cheers all. Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Muscle Up technique

B: 'Ryan'

Five rounds for time of: 7 Muscle-ups 21 Burpees

Each burpee terminates with a jump one foot above max standing reach.

Post time to comments....

Maplewood, Missouri Firefighter, Ryan Hummert, 22, was killed by sniper fire July 21st 2008 when he stepped off his fire truck responding to a call. He is survived by his parents Andrew and Jackie Hummert.

WoD - Wednesday 17th September 2014

No messing tonight, straight to the point!! Although bring stuff to eat, maybe something to keep you warm and something comfy to sit on for film night. Experience has shown that these things are a necessity!

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Bulletproof shoulder. Click HERE for a demo if you're not sure.

B: 'Jack'

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:

10 Push Press (50/35kg) 10 KB Swings (24/16kg) 10 Box Jumps (24/20")

Army Staff Sgt. Jack M. Martin III, 26, of Bethany, Oklahoma, assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group, Fort Lewis, Wash., died September 29th, 2009, in Jolo Island, Philippines, from the detonation of an improvised explosive device. Martin is survived by his wife Ashley Martin, his parents Jack and Cheryl Martin, and siblings Abe, Mandi, Amber and Abi.

WoD - Tuesday 16th September 2014

We are all set guys, aside from one thing....who has a MASSIVE BBQ that they can lend us for the 27th? I may have another option but if anyone does them let me know. I may be able to have one made you see. Apart from that, we have a booking for 40 folk at Tiger Tiger in the evening. Now like I said tonight, if you are the first 40 that walk through the door awesome, but just think of the other 40 of us who are downstairs at the normal bar having to wait for ages to get served! ;-)

So, film night on Wednesday, lets get some suggestions going. I am going to kick it off with these below:

Cinderella Man Forrest Gump The life Of David Gale Heat

All amazing films and NOT Aladdin

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Spend 15mins working on a gymnastic movement of your choice. 15mins of hard work, not waffle, and make yourself better at something that you suck at!

B: Deadlift

4 - 4 - 4 - 4

Heavy work but ensure solid technique

C: Row 1000m for time

Go bonkers on this, best effort!!

WoD - Monday 16th September 2014

Apologies for the late post guys, I have just spent 3 and a half hours listening to the most annoying kid in existence! Whilst en route home to Cardiff on the train, my carriage was full to the brim of Man United supporters, drunken Man United supports! As every seat was taken i had to sit on a bin which, unfortunately was right next to an 11 year old CHAV with a ginger rats tail and a sideways baseball cap! The only relief that I got from him repeatedly asking his pissed grand father whether he had ever "smoked a Bob Marley" or not was when they alighted at Newport; I was not surprised! ;-) Fun times! So, a couple of things. I am planning to give another nutrition chat for those who missed the last or just wanted to hear it again. That is planned for this Tuesday after the 7pm class. No need to book or pay or tell me that you are attending, just don't order your dominos to the box until after it's finished!

Secondly let see names who is keen for our September film night to take place on Wednesday? This will again be following the 7pm class.

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Spend 15mins working on Squat Therapy

B: Within 2mins complete an AMRAP of:

15 Thrusters (40/30kg) 15 Pull Ups Rest 3mins and repeat for a total of 4 rounds

C: 3 sets of:

15 Hip Extensions 10s superman hold

please post times to comments....

WoD - Wednesday 10th september 2014

Now if I was to tell you that the child pictured below, was not in fact a member of the famous and jaw droppingly gorgeous boy band: Handson; but the now strapping, muscle up machine that has been making your normal stride look as if you have just left prison after a long sentence you wouldn't believe me! That's all due to the power of CrossFit! #BradFit Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: 20mins establish a 3rm push jerk

B: Complete 3 rounds of the following suicide sprints distance

5m (out and back) 10m (out and back) 15m (out and back) 20m (out and back) 25m (out and back)

resting 1mins between rounds

Please post loads and times to comments...

WoD - Tuesday 9th of September 2014

Let's take a minute to remember this who lost their lives on Tuesday September the 11th, 2001. It was one of those horrible moments in time where everyone can remember where they were. It is hard to believe that it was so long ago, 13 years! Crazy! May everyone who lost their lives on that tragic day; the days, weeks and months following rest in peace

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:

30 Deadlifts (60/40kg) 10 Burpees 30 Box Jumps (24/20") 10 Burpees 30 Wall Balls (20/14lbs) 10 Burpees 30 Pull Ups 10 Burpees 30 KB swings (24/20kg) 10 Burpees

Please post times to comments....

WoD - Friday 5th September 2014

So there is talk of a night out coming up....27th of September for an end of summer BBQ (possibly) followed by carnage in some establishment down town. Save the date guys, especially if this will be your first CrossFit night out! You'd better expect to be mangled for the next few days after that too! ;-) Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Row each of the below distances for time:

1000m 750m 500m 250m

Rest as needed between efforts.

B: For time:

75 TTB

each time you break perform 20 pistols (alternate legs)*

*those who can't do pistols will do 30 air squats.

Please post times to comments...

WoD - Thursday 4th September 2014

Simple yet extremely effective; and you're going to love it.... Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Barbell complex

3 - 3 - 3

High Hang Clean Hang Clean Clean

Athletes will cycle through 3 reps of the entire complex, HHC, HC, C; rinse and repeat for 2 more reps. Any style of clean is permitted.

B: For time:

50 Wall Balls (20/14lbs) 25 Deadlifts (125/90kg) 50 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)

throughout the couplet, athletes will perform 5 burpees at the top of each minute.

Please post loads and reps to comments....

WoD - 3rd September 2014

Right then, lets start the real celebrations!! Jess....take the spotlight please! Let me be the first (publicly anyway), to wish you a very happy birthday! You are a total legend and a such a massive part of the box; one of the original hardcore crew!! I think its so cool that you decided to celebrate my birthday (which was a week ago), just hours before your own began! I have a balloon with your name on it! ;-)

I hope you have an awesome day, whatever it is you have planned and you enjoy whats coming...

Happy Birthday Jess. We are all so glad that you are going away for a super cool trip, but will miss you massively!

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD


In pairs:

2 Rounds for time of: Run 400m 200 Double Unders 100 KB swings (32/24) 50 Pull Ups

Aside from the run, which is to be completed together, one partner can work at one time. Divide the reps as you see fit.

Please post times to comments...

WoD - Tuesday 2nd September 2014

Now due to what happened last week - you may think - whilst reading further down this post, that it is I now attempting to kill members; one by one! NOT the case. CrossFit is constantly evolving! If you look at the progression of the CrossFit Games and the programming on the mainsite, you will notice that over the last few years they have made WoDs harder and harder! Examples are: going from the once simple overhead squat to weighted overhead pistols; double unders to triple unders; loads have increased massively at CrossFit Games events, the "sprint" clean ladder was an inspiring display of what athletes weighing less than Nav, whilst dripping wet and wearing a MAHUSSIVE belt buckle can do. Throwing heavy arsed barbells around as if they owed them money! Anyway, this is my reasoning for the second movement of the EMOM and I am sticking to it! Plus I did it yesterday and it must of been funny to watch! PS: This EMOM was programmed by a games athlete so that is good enough!

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: 12min EMOM

Odd Mins - 2 Snatch (70 - 75% of 1RM) Even - 4 - 6 Strict HSPUs (holding a wall ball between legs - 20/14lbs)

B: 5 Rounds for time of:

5 STOH (70/50kg) 30 Air Squats

C: You go, I go

3 Rounds of: 15 Hip Extensions 15 GHD sit ups

If the GHDs are busy (wait your turn) or you are yet unable to do these movements on the GHD, perform banded good mornings and ab matt sit ups.

WoD - Monday 1st September 2014

Pinch, punch, first of the month f**kers!! If you have survived last week...congratulations!! You are now bad ass enough to pass Royal Marine Commando training! In fact I have been consulting with the sadist officer commanding CTW (Commando Training Wing), and he himself has said that anyone who could complete the kettlebell partner WoD; then you can in fact bypass a Commando unit and go straight to the Special Boat Service!

Now that normality has been restored then you can relax...hell week has officially finished!

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Spend 15mins working on Squat Therapy

B: Deadlift

5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5

These loads should be as heavy as possible, but without a break down in technique. I want you to lift heavy, but do so with perfect form. NO DROPPING THE BAR FROM THE TOP OF THE FIFTH REP Set the bar to the floor and maintain that strong midline stability.

Midline stability is the ability to resist flexion or undue hyperextension of the spine. We do so by recruiting the muscles of the core (abdominals, Spinal Erectors and hip flexors - all musculature which has an action on the spine) A big note to this is the typical loss of thoracic extension. I really want you guys to keep those shoulder blades back and down ensuring that you do not round out your upper back.

C: Front Rack walking lunge

10 - 10 - 10

WoD - Saturday 23rd August 2014

So a 06:05 flight from Cardiff pretty much sucks! It's been a little while and I have forgotten just how many folk rock up to the airport at 04:00 and get hard on the lash as soon as they clear customs; just because they are going on holiday! I would literally die I think. Start as you mean to go on, smashed for the whole of a week. Its always fun at Schiphol to confuse the hell out of the starbucks dudes when they ask me if they can have my name for the order, amazing! Still a record of 6 punters in front of me removed all of the evil fat from their beverage and replaced it with harmless devils crystals! #muppets

Once arrived at the hotel I became serious excited as the initial disappointment of being smack bang in the middle of a business park was taken over by the news that there was a legit outdoor swimming pool; in which you HAD to wear a swimming cap if you wanted to have a dip!! WHAT?? I may well just have to suck it up tomorrow.

The fact that this is the second ever CrossFit Level 1 seminar that has been taught in Portugal (last weekend was the first) was blatantly obvious when the waiter took our dinner orders...."So you want two main courses?" "Yep, why have one when you can have two? Why have less when you can have more?" "Double the meat on each and remove the bread but replace it with vegetables??"

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

In teams of 3 perform a 15min AMRAP of:

8 Double DB Push Press (45/35lbs) 12 Box Jumps (20")

Athlete 1 performs as many rounds and reps of the above, whilst athlete 2 carries athlete 3 for 100m (50m there and back); on their return, athlete 3 will carry athlete 1 while athlete 2 cycles through the reps. Continue in this fashion for the duration of the workout.

Please post rounds and reps to comments....

WoD - Friday 22nd August 2014

The end of the week and you cherry picking MoFo's should have rested up enough to attend today! Unless of course you have been walking around like a T-Rex, then thats just fine and welcome to the world of 'Nicole' DOMs!! Sucks right!? Just thank yourself lucky that you're not having to slide down the stairs on your Mr Anderson!!

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Warm Up and mobilise/ Coach B warm up

A: Power clean tekkers

B: For Time Row 1000m 75 Power Cleans (35/25kg) Row 750m 50 Burpees Row 500m 25 TTB

please post times to comments....

WoD - Wednesday 20th August 2014

FILM NIGHT!!! Right then folk, 7pm WoD, little waffle on nutrition and then kick back and watch a flick! Now, you lot, and when I say you lot I of course mean the mental female contingent have been fretting about what to eat on a food night?!?! WHAT???? Hang on.....WHAT????

Bring food, call someone to deliver food, send Brad out to buy food, go outside and hunt down some food (there's an annoying cat somewhere in the estate), you can even just eat protein cookies all night! The last option will have the added benefit of ensuring that you do not have to waste time going to the toilet on Thursday.

EAT ANYTHING YOU WANT, just clear your shit up afterwards!!

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Spend 20 mins working on kipping pull up technique.

B: 'Nicole'

20min AMRAP: Run 400m Max Rep Pull Ups (Jump on the bar and perform pull ups, as soon as you drop off you're running)

Please post rounds and reps to comments....