Hey so just so everyone knows we've had a mains water leak and currently no water is available. Therefore you morning dwellers need to do whatever you need to do at home before class, and the showers will be out if action, apologies but we are trying to fix it ASAP! Could all who read this pass it on to anyone who comes to the morning, I know that some don't read the blog or are on Facebook. Cheers all. Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Muscle Up technique

B: 'Ryan'

Five rounds for time of: 7 Muscle-ups 21 Burpees

Each burpee terminates with a jump one foot above max standing reach.

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Maplewood, Missouri Firefighter, Ryan Hummert, 22, was killed by sniper fire July 21st 2008 when he stepped off his fire truck responding to a call. He is survived by his parents Andrew and Jackie Hummert.