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WoD - Thursday 23rd November, 2023

WoD - Thursday 23rd November, 2023

Well well, I am sure you will all agree… Eva is a total bitch!

I love the story of the names. They aren’t all girlfriends but the thought process was that if a workout can leave you flat on your back, wondering what the hell has just happened to you, it deserved a females name! 😉
Like hurricanes and storms that destroy everything in their paths, a workout can do just that to us.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For 5 rounds, every 3 minutes:
15/12 Calorie assault bike
10 Hang power cleans (60/40kg)

For 8 rounds, every 1:30
2 Squat snatch, 2 second pause at the knee

For 5 rounds, every 1:30
1 hang Squat snatch

3 sets
6  push press
6 wide grip strict pull-ups

WoD - Wednesday 31st May, 2023

WoD - Wednesday 31st May, 2023

The last day of May… JESUS! On to the J’s, and then we are one month shy of the “embers! Xmas trees will be up before you know it!

I’d better get my arse in gear trying to find somewhere that will put up with you all for a Christmas party!


CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Back rack walking lunge
18 - 18 - 18 - 18

WoD - Monday 12th September, 2022

WoD - Monday 12th September, 2022

A MASSIVE congrats to all of you legends who travelled and competed at the National Fitness Games over the weekend. Nicole and Hannah are not dead from some sort of horrific worm accident, they are simply away on a very relaxing holiday… recovering from a horrific worm accident!

Into the week, starting with the coolest lift on the planet…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Every 30s for 5 minutes:
2 Squat snatch

B: 1 RM Squat snatch

The goal with part A is to drill technique, so that you are set up for success for part B. DO NOT smoke yourself prior to B by biting off more load than you can chew.