Remember what I said yesterday about time flying due to all the fun… 😬
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Assault bike calories
Wall balls (20/14lb)
Workout of the day
Viewing entries tagged
Wall Balls
Remember what I said yesterday about time flying due to all the fun… 😬
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Assault bike calories
Wall balls (20/14lb)
Mid-week and you are all in for a special treat on hump day, you are going to love it…your quads maybe not so much!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
150 Wall balls (20/14lbs) *
*every break complete 200m run
It’s Friday and tomorrow I am travelling over an hour away to be voluntarily bitten by a shit scary dog… and you lot will still be in more pain than me! UNLUCKY!!! 😂😉
Happy Friday anyway!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds for time of:
20 Calorie row
45 Wall balls (20/14lbs)*
*Each break 15 burpees
Who can go unbroken?
Everything is back to normal you lovely folk, hours are as they once were and the 2022 goals board has been wiped clean, get the 2023 suckers up there!
Mine will be NOT to accept any shots at the Xmas do. I have close to a full year to practice my “thanks but f**k right off line!”
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
4 rounds of, within 3 minutes complete:
20/17 Calorie row
8 Burpees over the rower
Max wall balls (20/14lbs)
Each time you break perform 4 burpees
Rest 3 minutes between rounds
Your score is your lowest set of wall balls
A: Ring muscle up progressions
B: 3 Sets of:
3 Ring muscle up negatives
40s Ring support
Rid yourself of your cheeky weekday hang over you bonkers lovebirds, and with a right stinker of a workout. It’s Mikey B doing it to you. Jealous isn’t he you see… too old to be getting smashed for a weekend Valentines day and thought he’d punish you lot for doing so. Prick!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Rounds, each for time:
20 Wall balls (20/14lbs)
10/8 Calorie assault bike
5 Deadlift (120/100kg)
Rest 2 minutes between rounds
Strict handstand push-ups
3 Sets
5 Strict handstand push-ups
Rest 2 minutes between sets
3 Sets
3 Negative deficit HSPU
5 - 10 Hanging L-sit raises
2 Lengths overhead kettlebell carry - work up to the heaviest load possible
3 Sets
5 Handstand tuck ups
10 Dumbbell strict press
10 Deficit plate push ups
You’ve made it, well some of you have… the last week of dry January! Can you hold on until the end, or are you going to break? Not because you are weak, but because the beer, it just tastes so good… DO IT!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
100 Double unders
Then, 3 rounds of:
30 Wall balls (20/14lbs)
20 GHD sit ups
Then, 100 Double unders
Times up please legends, good luck to your abs for the rest of the week!
Happy Sunday, I hope you lot have had an awesome and relaxing, VERY SUNNY Sunday! Remember, it’s not over just yet…for those of you who have lives or jobs that allow…it’s a BANK HOLIDAY!!!
That said, come down to the gym in the morning to sweat those hang overs out with a bit of a stinker before you head off to enjoy the rare time off!
Bank Holiday Monday
10:00 - 11:00: WoD Class
11:00 - 12:00: WoD Class
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds for time:
500m row
30 Wall balls (20/14lbs)
Rest 2 minutes between rounds
Go hard and fast, unbroken or not at all (😉) and enjoy your afternoons…
Lucky, for some, number 13. At least it’s not a Friday hey.
You lot will be far too busy to worry about what the date is, hopefully you will be so all over the place that you shouldn’t actually know what day it is anyway. Tomorrow is an unbroken (I know you can do it) and fast sprint! Allow your lungs to bleed, you will be fine…in a few hours.
Prove the haters wrong, you can get savagely fit in just 6 minutes…
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
20 Dumbbell Snatch (50/35lbs)
40 Wall balls (20/14lbs)
20 Dumbbell Snatch (50/35lbs)
40 Wall balls (20/14lbs)
20 Dumbbell Snatch (50/35lbs)
Overhead squat
3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
Load: 100% of squat snatch
Plus. De-load to 50% and:
Snatch balance
3 - 3 - 3
Two more opportunities to polish the year of fitness off, as well as start working on that additional “holiday weight” and…off set the carnage that the new year is bound to ensue. If you come tomorrow and Tuesday, it officially cancels out any amounts of celebration…it is science and almost entirely factual!
REMEMBER the timings:
10:00 - 11:00: WoD Class
11:00 - 12:30: Open Gym
CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
For total time and reps, complete as many rounds and reps as possible, within 10 minutes of:
10 Wall balls (20/14lbs)
10 Kettlebell swings (24/16kg)
You Go, I Go rounds
- REST 2 mins -
100 Bike calories (split however)
Enjoy and get those rounds and times up, so that you can enjoy the new year…
The room hire is sorted, the beer is brewing and the awards acceptance speeches are being prepared. Do NOT miss out because you “forgot to go to the cash machine”. Lucky for some, Friday 13th is the cut off date! Do it, do it now, today, get after it! Come on!
Oh, and click that magic button yes on the FB event! I have to tell them how many blankets they will need to wrap around how many pigs!
It’s lunch time, the perfect time to GO TO THE CASH MACHINE!!
Anyway, two parter tomorrow
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A) Within 20 minutes, work through:
• 3 sets of 10 (max) hip extensions
• 3 sets of 10 (max) back extensions
• Tabata Hollow Rocks
B) For time:
50 Calorie assaut bike
50 Wall balls (20/14lbs)
A couple of points for you tonight team, one of which you will be acutely aware of I’m sure…Newport Road is closed in order to make a giant blockbuster film with Mr Wahlberg himself. If you see him, thank him for diverting a capital cities traffic for three days and drag him to the gym so that we can say thank you via the medium of Assault Bike.
Secondly: there will be no technique class this Wednesday. The 19:00 class will be brought forward to 18:30 in order to allow for longer in getting you guys to the quiz on time! The gym will close at 19:30. Faqurie, I know you will be able to make it bro!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps within 20 minutes of :
20 Wall balls (20/14lbs)
40 Double Unders
2 Rope Climbs
Keep those wall balls wall balls, not face balls, and unbroken! Get those round scores up on the board…
Happy Monday Team…BUDDY WEEK!!!
All week, you’re buddies will be wandering around the gym looking like a rabbit in the head lights! Scared, nervous and seriously confused due to the fact that people are actually talking to them while they are in a gym! 😕 Not only, but the sweaty, half naked hugs will freak them right out. DO IT ALL!
Support and care about them all like nothing else in the world matters, we are fiercely loyal and wonderfully welcoming.
On another note. Get your arses to class! Especially tomorrow evening as not only do we have a wonderful workout planned for you, but there will be will be a film crew present in the evening (between 17:00 - 18:00 approx) to film have of the 16:30 and 17:30 classes. Now here’s that previously wonderful workout
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For 3 Rounds and within 3mins:
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
30 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
Max Rep Burpees
Rest 6 minutes between rounds.
Now I know he’s reading it. We have only just begun but persistence is the trick. We need to set up an IG page…#findgroves and hound him until he cracks!
Never take no for an answer, all the bollocks about house renovation is merely an excuse! He’s afraid. Knowing that he has left it way too long to climb onto an assault bike, but now with the knowledge that we have more, more painful death machines he’d rather the plague than coming back to a warm welcome home.
Come on Groves, just come back in, how bad could it possibly be?!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For Time:
1 Mile Bike
50 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
1 Mile Row
50 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
1 Mile Run
50 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
Please write your times to the whiteboard and text Groves immediately, tell him what he is missing…
The first day in nearly a week and I can now, just about, walk properly! Which is more than can be said for my mental puppy. He is so consumed by playing with other dogs that he is able to completely ignore any form of pain or pleasure.
Regardless of whether his eyes are barely held open through exhaustion, or if I literally insert his favourite treat up his right (hunting dogs’) nostril, should he spot another playful pooch (not limited to but including any Spaniel, Vizla, Terrier, Bulldog, Lab, Retriever, German Shepherd, Greyhound, Pug or Poodle, a Beagle, a Boxer, a Great Dane and even a Chinese Crested Dog), Oppo does not care, he does not display any prejudice, following a quick star down, the game is on…whether both pups want it or not!
He is, as I have come to know him as…”A little F**ker!! 😉
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 rounds for time:
400m run
30 Box Jumps (24/20”)
30 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
Get those red whiteboard markers out please you squatting machines. Newly improved times to the board…
Isn’t it pissing down with rain in Cardiff? WTF Wales, it’s June, sort your shit out!
Just a little bit of housekeeping the gym will be closed next week for a CrossFit Training L1 Seminar. More wonderful folk are going through the L1 experience, so vital for the development of CrossFit. Below is the greatest piece written on the weekend, by the creator himself. It is well worth a read, and exactly why I devote a large part of my life attempting to teach it as well as he did…
“As the principal architect of the CrossFit L1 Training Certificate I’m sure I have a bias when asked to weigh in on its merits. That bias includes launching this course with the stated aims of producing the most effective and important physical training program on earth and likely asserts itself again when I tell you that we’ve knocked it out of the park with those aims.”
“The curriculum is the essence of what is needed to safely and effectively maximize the potential adaptation of the certificate holder’s prospective clients. The goal from the beginning was to translate the physiological model that is CF theory into a weekend long introduction to that material.”
“The L1 kernel is the most important thing a human being could learn in one weekend. It’s also the only place you can go to learn the truth about salient lifestyle choices that optimize quality of life.”
“This sixteen hour exposure to our world of constantly varied, high intensity, functional movement, fueled by meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar has transformed the health of participants around the world. Application of the L1 kernel has flensed nearly a hundred million pounds of fat and added a similar amount of denser bone and muscle to CrossFit training clients globally. An unprecedented 115,000 people have taken a course that will allow them to avoid obesity, diabetes, coronary artery disease, autoimmune disorder, osteoporosis, end stage kidney disease, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and early check-in at the convalescent hospital while teaching them how to motivate, demonstrate, and achieve the same in others.”
“The L1 kernel produced a cohort of teenage girls at the Games this year completing workouts that no man on earth could have completed in the same time 12 years ago. The L1 kernel is the technology manifest in that advancement in human capacity. We are in sole possession of a technology of human performance. The L1 kernel is that technology. This certificate course has fueled the global explosion of 13,000 CF gyms and motivated 273,000 CF’ers to throw their hats into the ring in this years Games. In the darkening storm that has 100,000,000 Americans slated for type 2 diabetes, CF and it’s adherents, because of the L1 kernel and certificate offering, constitute the only bright spot on the horizon.”
“Our competitors offering provides no trainer training, just a test. It’s not even a test of training knowledge and human movement/performance, but a test of anatomy and physiology. The NSCA and ACSM tests are measure of one’s willingness to accept their sponsors view of healthy living. It’s an unconscionable deficiency that motivated our seminar’s creation. (The first L1 conducted was done so at the insistence of training agents from the US DOJ. That relationship continues to this day. The US Military is our biggest customer by far.) Our competitors are financially committed to their high-carb, low fat, machine based fare by a combination of woefully lacking science acumen coupled with complete dependence on Coca-Cola and Pepsi for money. Our competitors, the NSCA and the ACSM, and their big soda backers have created the exact mess that CF Inc., 13,000 CF Affiliates, and 115,000 CF trainers are successfully reversing. 100,000,000 Americans will get diabetes because of the ACSM’s lording over exercise science since 1954. Their commitment to hiding their sponsors’ devastating impact on the nation’s health is job number one at the ACSM. The ACSM/Gatorade essential role in the rash of exercise associated hyponatremia deaths is appalling and needs congressional investigation. All that’s wrong at the ACSM is probably worse at the NSCA. When you think NSCA – think Pepsi. When you think ACSM – think Coca-Cola. It’ll help you understand their utter betrayal of charter and how it is that these collaborations have proven to be so deadly and will continue to remain deadly. There’s no greater threat to American’s health than the ACSM’s backing Coca-Cola’s massive intrusion into the training space.”
“Licensure is a hail mary effort to achieve exactly what can no longer be achieved in the marketplace – keep the truth about diet and exercise hidden. The L1 kernel and certificate course are that truth.”
We will fight the good fight, via yet another quote from Coach…”do the right things, for the right people, for the right reasons.”
For those of you who are buddy for some weekend activity however, we have two amazing things for you:
Saturday: TIME TBC - whenever it finishes: Touch Rugby (meet at Roath Park Wreck)
Sunday: 6:00 - 7:00pm: Yoga
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 14 min of:
20 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
10 Power Clean (50/35kg)
5 Bar Hop Burpees
Please post your first scores of the week to the whiteboard before heading out to enjoy the rain…
The Friday feel is here, and although the roads were littered with white vans full of builders, driving to Cardiff from the valleys with snow covering their rooftops…the BBC says that we are set for a 3 month heat wave.
Yep, summer is officially coming. Get those t-shirt sun tans to the next level from the middle of this month onwards.
From then on, no bullshit EMOMs will be allowed in open gym, rather just some serious spike ball battles outside in the rays! Just don’t blame me and it’s utter bullshit as usual!
Now you are going to f**king LOVE this workout…NOT!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Wall ball (20/14lbs)
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
Power snatch
Power Snatch Loading
(50 - 52.5 - 55 - 57.5 - 60kg)
(70 - 75 - 80 - 85 - 90kg)
Do you see those little pieces of plastic and rubber? They are called doggie chew toys. I’m gonna let you in on a little secret about those toys. They’re not gonna play with themselves! Okay? Without you, they’re just worthless hunk of plastic. Like a loaded gun without a trained Marine to pull the trigger. And in the case of the doggie chew toy, it’s up to you, my highly skilled beauty, my puppy punisher. My girl who will not take no for an answer! My fucking warrior who’ll never put down the toy, until Oppo either holds up his paws or goes to fucking sleep!
Let me tell you something. There is no nobility in shitting in your own crate. I’ve shat the bed, and I have slept through the night. And I choose sleep every fucking time. Cause, At least as a well rested man, when I have to face my problems, I show up in a clean pair of trousers, smelling like a million bucks and am not covered in shit!
Now, if anyone here thinks I’m superficial or materialistic. Go and shit the bed and start your day stinking, everyone crossing the road to avoid you, because that’s what’s you’ll get!
But, before you depart this room full of freshly smelling winners, I want you to take a good look at the person next to you, go on. Because sometime in the not-so-distant future, you’ll be pullin’ up to a red light in your stinky, soiled pants - having had no fucking sleep, and that person is gonna pull up right alongside you in a brand new Porsche, with their beautiful wife by his side, whose got big voluptuous tits. And who doesn’t smell like arse! Who will you be sat next to? Some disgusting puppy, gravy bone on the go and smug smile on his shit covered face, crammed in next to you with a carload full of wet wipes from the fucking Pound shop! That’s who you’re gonna be sitting next to.
So, you listen to me and you listen well. Are you sick of sleepless nights, wiping up shit at 3am? Good. Pick up the doggie toy and start playing. Are your neighbours ready to evict you? Good. Pick up the doggie toy and start playing. Does your girlfriend think you’re a fucking loser? Good. Pick up the doggie toy and start playing! I want you to deal with your problems, by getting some sleep! All you have to do today … is pick up the doggie toy and play the games that I have taught you. And you will sleep! More than the sleepiest, most rested couch potato in the whole of the United fucking Kingdom. I want you to go out there, and I want you to RAM that doggie in Oppo’s face, till he fucking sleeps! That’s what I want you to do.
You be ferocious! You be relentless! You be a doggie chew toy fucking terrorist! Now, tire that Motherfucker out! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps within 9 minutes of:
3 Squat Snatch (60/40kg)
9 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
Stolen but scaled, from Chris Spealler. Thank you and you thank him, as you are writing your scores to the whiteboard…
I’ve been told by a top secret sauce that it is a certain members birthday tomorrow. This young stud of a man has officially crossed over into the masters category, even though his high cheek bones and perky glutes would never think you to believe so!
Instead, he will continue to stealthily creep up on your loads and times, clenching his teeth like a Royal Marine in a spelling test, and if he can’t beat you, will just attempt to convince you that the top score actually says something else.
I also heard that he doesn’t like people to make a fuss…well he should’ve thought of that before he joined a CrossFit gym!
Penblwydd Hapus Sexy Stu, you Gerald Butler looking MoFo. I hope every drink you consume today is large, alcoholic and bought by an amazing person!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
‘Fight Gone Bad’
Three rounds of:
Wall balls (20/14lbs)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (35/25kg)
Box Jump (20”)
Push Press (35/25kg)
Calorie Row
Complete as many reps as possible within 1 minute, for each movement
A classic benchmark, if you survive the “fight” then get your scores to the board and make sure you remember them!
I am writing this pre-evening classes and I have to say, I am especially excited about tonight. No one, has vomited today yet, not at least in the gym (potentially while en route home)! But there are three classes later, full of young bucks, busting to get after this hard!
I have a few picks for favourite...Ash, Nick, Conners or Me (prior to the 5pm) or basically anyone else! Just remember, do not vomit into the will not be good for you!
Anyway, back to tomorrow.
GET YOUR PREDICTIONS FOR 18.1 UP ON THE BOARD. In your team colours, with your initials, the closest guess earns 10 points for their team.
Not signed up yet? Don't worry, there is still chance. Click HERE to sort yourself out!!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Rounds for time of:
20 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
10 Deadlift (100/70kg)
Please scribe rounds to the whiteboard, you kick assed ninjas!! Chuck a * up there next to your names if your asses are on fire...
I may get in trouble for posting this picture, but i'm in it so screw them!
So I obviously reviewed the programming that that nutter Ash sent me last week, but made a mistake. It was actually me who added the two minutes of double unders, or suggested too. And I messed it up. My bad!
However, as you may have noticed, I adjusted it midway through the 6:30am class. You can tell your calves to address their thank you notes to CrossFit Cardiff, FOA: Davs.
CONROY, GOOD luck you hairy beast! Remember, all that you need to do during an interview is talk about CrossFit. And if that fails...just SING!!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
AMRAP in 20 mins:
5 Power cleans (80/55kg)
10 TTB
20 Wall balls (20/14lbs)
200m Run
Once you have stopped feeling massively sorry for yourself, get up and write your round score to the whiteboard...
At least you will look bad ass when the swelling goes down! Shorts in the winter!