Rid yourself of your cheeky weekday hang over you bonkers lovebirds, and with a right stinker of a workout. It’s Mikey B doing it to you. Jealous isn’t he you see… too old to be getting smashed for a weekend Valentines day and thought he’d punish you lot for doing so. Prick!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Rounds, each for time:
20 Wall balls (20/14lbs)
10/8 Calorie assault bike
5 Deadlift (120/100kg)
Rest 2 minutes between rounds

Strict handstand push-ups

3 Sets
5 Strict handstand push-ups
Rest 2 minutes between sets

3 Sets
3 Negative deficit HSPU
5 - 10 Hanging L-sit raises
2 Lengths overhead kettlebell carry - work up to the heaviest load possible

3 Sets
5 Handstand tuck ups
10 Dumbbell strict press
10 Deficit plate push ups